Building of StreetRods
Prior to building you need to become a member of the ASRF. Once you have become a member you should then contact the Secretary of the QSRTAC to obtain a Proposal to Build Application Form and Guidelines Book. The Proposal to Build Application must be filled in and attach a diagram of the proposed Chassis, showing the dimensions of materials, cross members and plating to used. These are then to be forwarded to the QSRTAC Secretary to be approved and stamped by the Chief Inspector. These will then be forwarded back to you and you are ready to build your dream Street Rod.
Inspection Milestones
There are three Milestones in construction where Inspection of the Street Rod is carried out. There is to be two Inspectors present with at least one Inspector of the two being a QSRTAC Approved Person for Code LH9 and LH10. Following are the required minimum levels of completion for each Inspection milestone.
The builder can surface finish any areas that have passed inspection. It is wise however to leave final coating until the second Inspection has been completed. You may need to remove or replace a component, which may necessitate refinishing of the component; even the most experienced builders have left out a minor item and needed to remove major components to fit the item.
1.Rolling Chassis
This inspection is carried out when the project is at the Rolling Chassis stage. The basic frame will be fitted with all brackets and mounts and plumbing. The Engine Gearbox and Diff will be positioned and all steering and suspension components will be fitted. The presented rolling chassis is not to be surface finished (e.g. powder coating), all welded joins are to be fully welded so that inspection of individual welds may take place. Any engineering Certification is to be presented at this stage. A scheduled fee is charged for this service.
2. Rolling Chassis with Body Attached
All unmodified previously inspected and passed items can be finished with final coating if desired. This inspection will usually take place prior to final teardown. Minimum requirement is that all body and removable parts such as doors, fenders, bonnet, grille, and running boards are attached; and all mechanical components are fitted. The interior layout of seating positions, pedals, steering column and attaching shafts, dashboard layout, seatbelts and also fuel tank position, radiator and exhaust layoutand the position of lights and accessories. There is a scheduled fee for this inspection.
- Final Inspection With Body Attached
The vehicle is to be presented in the ready to drive state. All attachments and accessories are to be fitted and operational.This inspection will include noise level tests if needed and a brake performance test. As the inspector(s) will drive the vehicle or travel with you, appropriate third party insurance cover is required. There is a Scheduled fee is charged for Plate Fitment and for the final inspection.
Should the QSRTAC inspector be require to travel in excess of 25 KM radius, a nominal additional fee is required, some inspectors travel many hundreds of Kilometres for inspections, and a sum in addition to this fee should be negotiated prior to the inspection on a pro-rata basis for excessive distances.
N.B. The inspecting QSRTAC Approved person has the power to request engineering proof of any modification, which in the opinion of the Inspector may require further investigation. This will be carried out at the owner’s expense. The Inspector may query reports from unknown persons or organizations and request that tests be repeated to ensure compliance with these Standards and for safety of other road users. Where the requirement for Engineer reports are stated in these Standards, the Engineer is required to be a member of the Institute of Engineers Australia, or a Registered Professional Engineer as defined by the Professional Engineers Act 1988 or as otherwise described by Queensland Transport.
Following this procedure and after registration of the vehicle, it is treated as all other vehicles.
1. Paint, chrome or equivalent to cover all visible parts of the vehicle engine and underside.
2. No untidy electrical wiring.
3. No untidy or loose hydraulic or other lines.
4. No excessive oil leaks.
5. Work which displays quality and neatness.
Item (e) – Engine compartment detailing
Item (g) – Upholstery of an acceptable standard.
N.B. Any new Queensland constructed Street Rod that is presented for inspection for registration and plating, that has not previously had the previous stages of inspection, can only be inspected at the discretion of the Chief Inspector and the full committee of the QSRTAC. This can include a panel of up to six QSRTAC Inspectors to carry such an inspection.It is mandatory that you have a signedand approved Proposal to Build form prior to the inspection. The owner is to pay the full scheduled fee applicable for all three inspectionstages.
After the Inspections
After all the inspections have been completed and the Modification plate attached, the Street Rod becomes a standard vehicle and is to remain in the same configuration as last inspected. This includes track width alteration, retaining engine size and aspiration type, this means that a blower cannot be fitted or the engine upsized without the consultation of a QSRTAC Approved Person and further recommendations of the committee. Covers and guards fitted must remain in place.
The onus is always on the owner/constructor to ensure thattheir vehicle remainsin as close a condition as possible when
last inspected by the QSRTAC.
INDEMNITYFORM: This document must be read and signed by the owner and the Approved Person Inspecting the vehicle. It must also be signed by an independent witnessed.
POWEROFRECALL: This document must be read and signed by the Owner and the Approved Person Inspecting the vehicle. It is a document taken from the “Adherence to the Code of Practice for the Queensland Street Rod Technical Advisory Committee Inc.” Clauses 6.1 and 6.2 with respect to, “The restriction to the altering of the vehicle configuration outside the realms of the guidelines oris found to be behaving in a manner that endangers the general public in his vehicle”.
N.B. Should the situation arise where the owner of a street has severely altered its configuration outside the realms of the Guidelines: the following action is to be taken.
- First the conciliatory approach is to be adopted and the owner requested to present his Street Rod for re-inspection.
- Should the owner indicate that they do not intend to comply with this request, the Committee under a majority vote, may withdraw the approval of the vehicle and have the registration cancelled pending a re-inspection.
In addition, the majority vote of the Committee may prevent the registration or re-registration of a Street Rod if the condition has deteriorated to such an extent that the safety of the general public is at risk and no attempt has been made to repair the Street Rod or the offending component following a request by the QSRTAC or a member of the QSRTAC.
Where a member modifies a registered car, he must notify the QSRTAC in writing. It may be necessary to fill out a new Proposal to Build/Modify form and have a new modification plate fitted. Please check with your local QSRTAC Inspector for verification.
Members are asked to approach their local Inspector with general enquiries rather than go straight to the QSRTAC Chief Inspector. It would be appreciated if members did not call the Department of Transport direct as the QSRTAC is better equipped to handle enquiries on these vehicles.
Transfer of ownership – in Queensland
- When purchasing a Queensland registered ASRF class vehicle you must obtain, from the person disposing of the vehicle, a current (within 60 days) QSRTAC Final Inspection Report and Inspection Certificate in YOUR NAME.
- This report must accompany the original QSRTAC Inspection Certificate or Green Form to verify that no modifications have been carried out on the vehicle since originally passed. If they have, the new inspection should verify their conformance to the QSRTAC Guidelines, including a new Proposal to Build Form to be filled inshowing the modifications carried out. If modifications have taken place an additional Modification Plate shall be fitted to the vehicle covering the original and new modifications.
- Where there are no Modifications to the vehicle the existing plate will suffice.
- If a Modification Plate is not fitted to the vehicle, a Plate must be issued and fitted to the vehicle covering all modifications.
Once passed, the new owner should fill out a Transfer of Ownership form, available from the Department of Transport, and submit it, along with the new Inspection Certificate, to the Department of Transport for transfer of ownership.
Transfer of ownership AND REGISTRATION OF AN interstate vehicle
You must contact the QSRTAC for the procedure to transfer your vehicle for registration in Queensland. This will include:
- Obtaining a Building Guidelines Book
- Obtaining a Proposal to Build Form, which is to be filled out and forwarded with all covering documentation, to the Secretary of the QSRTAC. (the address is in the Guidelines book). Once stamped and approved and returned to you, contact your local Approved Person for a Complete Inspection of the vehicle to be carried out.
Once having met all requirements and the vehicle is passed youwill be issued with:-
- A Completed Inspection Report
- An Inspection Certificate
- A Modification Plate covering all modifications. This plate is to be fitted to the vehicle.
- Pay Third Party Insurance premium for 12 month period (Class Five). The Inspection Certificate accompanied with a New Registration Form should be presented at the Department of Transport for processing.
Because a modified vehicle has been accepted for registration interstate or overseas, it does not mean that it will be automatically accepted in Queensland. It must comply with all Queensland QSRTAC and Queensland ASRF standards and Queensland Dept of Transport regulations. Every possible assistance will be exercised by the QSRTAC to assist Rodders in gaining legal Queensland Street Rod registration of these vehicles.
Where an imported vehicle is left hand drive, that vehicle will be accepted under the concessional registration system without a steering conversion being required.
In you own interest, do not purchase an interstate vehicle without first checking that it complies or can be made to comply, with Queensland standards.
Transfer of Registration Code
(LH9 to LH10 or vice versa)
When transferring a register vehicle to a different Code (LH9 or LH10) and there have been modifications carried out to comply with the new code a Proposal to Build Form must be filled out and forwarded to the QSRTAC to be approved by the Chief Inspector accompanied by a small fee. If no modifications have been carried out a fee is still applicable as a filing fee.
The Approved Person must inspect the entire vehicle to ensure that it still complies structurally and is in a roadworthy condition.
Once having met all requirements and the vehicle is passed, you will be issued;
- A completed Inspection Report and
- An Inspection Certificate and
- A Modification Plate covering all modifications. The Inspection Report must then be filled outshowing from and towhich Codes apply. You will see a space for this on the Inspection Report.
- A Modification Plate must be issued and fitted to the vehicle covering all modifications and registration code.
If you change the engine in your vehicle after registration, you must contact your local QSRTAC Approved Person.
The Approved Person will check the vehicle to ensure that the new engine mounts etc. satisfy the standards required and get you to fill in a form so that our records can be altered accordingly.
The paperwork will then be forwarded to our secretary to change the engine details on our database. You must then notify the Department of Transport within 30 days.
If you sell your unfinished Street Rod Project you must contactyour local QSRTAC Approved Person.
The Approved Person will get you to fill in a Proposal to Build Transfer form, which will be forwarded to the QSRTAC secretary to transfer the ownership details.
Any modification carried out by owners, after the vehicle has been registered (i.e. engine, tyres, wheels, guards, exhaust etc.) you must advise the QSRTAC immediately. The vehicle must be re-inspected by the QSRTAC to see if it still complies with the Code for which it was registered.
Depending on the modification, we may require to inspect the vehicle. If an inspection is requested, a written report will suffice to allow us to adjust your records accordingly if the modification is only minor and does not alter the configuration to affect the Code to which it is plated.
If the Modifications are of the type, that alters its configuration to a stage that it no longer complies for the Code it has been plated with, or does not comply with the QSRTAC Guidelines, you will be informed of what action is to be taken. It is possible that a new Modification Plate will have to be fitted to take into account the modifications taken place for the Code it has been registered, or it may have to be plated for a different Code (i.e. LH9 or LH10 only).
When a Queensland Registered Street Rod is involved in an accident, it will be impounded by Police and will be inspected by the Vehicle Accident Investigation Squad/Queensland Transport/ QSRTAC.
If the vehicle is found that it does not comply to the Guidelines and the Code it was registered, your Vehicle Insurance and/or Third Party Insurance can and will VOID all responsibility for any claims arising for damages, medicalexpenses, property damage or compensation. This may result in rendering the owner and/or driver, open to possible Civil Lawsuits and/orLitigation to be taken against his person and/or property.
If the vehicle is repairable, a further inspection is required on completion thereof, to ensure that it complies with the QSRTAC Street Rod Guidelines, and is in a ‘Roadworthy’ condition before it is to be driven again.
If the vehicle is ‘Written-Off’, the Modification Plate Number/s on the vehicle, will be noted and full details will then be entered onto the Written-Off Register to ensure that any damaged components cannot and will not be recycled.
Inspection Manager:- Steve Coade Ph. 0412 831 956
Proposals to build:- Ph. (07) 38015737
Fax: 07 3801 5736
PO Box 4665
LoganholmeDC 4129