i / Finding faults in a circuit.
ii / Hazards of electricity for humans.
iii / How fuses and ring mains work.
Scientific enquiry
iv / Use secondary sources of information and prepare presentations. (Framework YTO Sc1 8d)
v / Consider early scientific ideas, including how experimental evidence and creative thinking have been combined to provide scientific explanations.
(Framework YTO Sc1 7a)
Suggested alternative starter activities (5–10 minutes)
Recap last lesson / Share learning objectives / Problem solving (1) / Problem solving (2) / Capture interest
Recap the water pipe analogy as a model for series and parallel circuits. / · Find out about hazards of electricity for humans.
· Find out about fuses.
· Be able to present information from research. (Sc1) / Pupils identify the electrical hazards in a picture on the pupil sheet. / Pupils find electrical hazards in an interactive tour.
Catalyst Interactive Presentations 1 / Demo that electricity can flow through the body.
Suggested alternative main activities
Activity / Learning / Description / Approx / Target group
objectives see above / timing / C / H / E / S
Textbook J5 / i, ii and iii / Teacher-led explanation and questioning OR pupils work individually, in pairs or in small groups through the in-text questions and then onto the end-of-spread questions if time allows. / 25 min / R/G / G / R / S
Activity J5a Paper / i and iii / Christmas tree lights Designing new circuits comparing Xmas tree lights and ring main model. / 25 min /
Activity J5b Practical / i and iii / The weakest link Pupils investigate how a fuse protects a circuit. / 20 min / /
Activity J5c ICT / ii, iv and v / Discoveries in electricity Pupils work in small groups using secondary sources to prepare PowerPoint presentations or leaflets on Galvani’s and Volta’s work. / 25 min /
Activity J5d Catalyst Interactive Presentations 1 / i / Support activity on how a torch works – demonstrating and diagnosing faults in it. / 10 min /
Suggested alternative plenary activities (5–10 minutes)
Review learning / Sharing responses / Group feedback / Word game / Looking ahead
Pupils summarise key points about hazards and electricity. / Whole-class discussion of presentations from Activity J5c. / Groups of pupils compare and discuss their solutions from Activity J5a. / Check progress by playing ‘bingo’ with key words from the unit. / Pupils revise and consolidate knowledge from the unit.
Learning outcomes
Most pupils will… / Some pupils, making less progress will… / Some pupils, making more progress will…
· consider the hazards of electricity for humans
· identify key points and sequence ideas from secondary sources and prepare presentations. / · identify hazards of electricity for humans and state safety rules for use of electricity
· with help, e.g. a writing frame, sequence ideas from secondary sources which they can contribute to group presentations. / · apply the idea that nerves are electrical conductors to explain electrical hazards.
Key words
fault, ring main, fuse / Out-of-lesson learning
Homework J5
Textbook J5 end-of-spread questions
Talk to adults about circuits in the home
© Harcourt Education Ltd 2003 Catalyst 1
This worksheet may have been altered from the original on the CD-ROM.