JANUARY 4, 2010

This meeting has been duly advertised and meets all requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act.

Present: John DeJager Absent : Fred MacDonald

George Harper

Lou Cherepy

Marc Cunico

Ron Green

Ed Ibsen

Mike Milligan

Rajesh Sinha

Joe Pinzone

Keith Utter

Also present was Jessica Caldwell, Planner, of Harold Pellow & Associates.


Election of Chairperson:

A nomination was made by Mr. Cunico and seconded by Mr. Harper to appoint Keith Utter as Chairman for the Planning Board for the year 2010. Roll Call: Mr. DeJager, yes; Mr. Harper, yes; Mr. Cherepy, yes; Mr. Cunico, yes; Mr. Green, yes; Mr. Ibsen, yes; Mr. Milligan, yes; Mr. Sinha, yes; Mr. Pinzone, yes; and Mr. Utter, abstain. The Motion was carried.

Keith Utter is the Planning Board Chairman for the year 2010.

Election of Vice Chairperson:

A nomination was made by Mr. Green and seconded by Mr. Cunico to appoint Mike Milligan as Vice Chairman for the Planning Board for the year 2010. Roll Call: Mr. DeJager, yes; Mr. Harper, yes; Mr. Cherepy, yes; Mr. Cunico, yes; Mr. Green, yes; Mr. Ibsen, yes; Mr. Milligan, yes; Mr. Sinha, yes; Mr. Pinzone, yes; and Mr. Utter, yes. The Motion was carried.

Mike Milligan is the Planning Board Vice Chairman for the year 2010.

Designation of Time, Date and Place of Meetings:

A Motion was made by Mr. Cunico and seconded by Mr. DeJager to approve the following dates for the Planning Board Regular Meetings for 2010:

The board will meet at 7:00 p.m. on the first Monday of every month at the Sandyston Township Municipal Building 133 Route 645, Branchville, New Jersey:

January 4, 2010

February 1, 2010

March 1, 2010

April 5, 2010

May 3, 2010

June 7, 2010

July 12, 2010 (Second Monday due to Holiday)

August 2, 2010

September 13, 2010 (Second Monday due to Holiday)

October 4, 2010

November 1, 2010

December 6, 2010

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January 4, 2010

Planning Board


Designation of Time, Date and Place of Meetings:

The reorganization meeting for 2011 will be held on January 3, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. The regular meeting of the Sandyston Township Planning Board held on January 3, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. will follow the reorganization meeting.

All were in favor. The Motion was carried.

Designation of Primary and Secondary Newspapers:

A Motion was made by Mr. Ibsen and seconded by Mr. Cunico to designate the New Jersey Herald as the Primary Newspaper and the New Jersey Sunday Herald as the Secondary Newspaper for Sandyston Township Planning Board. All were in favor. The Motion was carried.

Election of Board Attorney:

A Motion was made by Mr. Harper and seconded by Mr. DeJager to appoint Glenn Gavan of the firm McGivney & Kluger as the Sandyston Township Planning Board Attorney for the year 2010. Roll Call: Mr. DeJager, yes; Mr. Harper, yes; Mr. Cherepy, yes; Mr. Cunico, yes; Mr. Green, yes; Mr. Ibsen, yes; Mr. Milligan, yes; Mr. Sinha, yes; Mr. Pinzone, yes; and Mr. Utter, yes. The Motion was carried.

Mr. Gavan of the firm McGivney & Kluger is the Planning Board Attorney for the year 2010.

Election of Board Engineer:

A Motion was made by Mr. Cunico and seconded by Mr. Milligan to appoint Dave Simmons of the firm Harold Pellow & Associates, Inc. as the Sandyston Township Planning Board Engineer for the year 2010. Roll Call: Mr. DeJager, yes; Mr. Harper, yes; Mr. Cherepy, yes; Mr. Cunico, yes; Mr. Green, yes; Mr. Ibsen, yes; Mr. Milligan, yes; Mr. Sinha, yes; Mr. Pinzone, yes; and Mr. Utter, yes. The Motion was carried.

Mr. Simmons of the firm Harold Pellow & Associates, Inc. is the Planning Board Engineer for the year 2010.

Election of Board Secretary:

A Motion was made by Mr. Cunico and seconded by Mr. Harper to appoint Sharon M. Yarosz as the Sandyston Township Planning Board Secretary for the year 2010. Roll Call: Mr. DeJager, yes; Mr. Harper, yes; Mr. Cherepy, yes; Mr. Cunico, yes; Mr. Green, yes; Mr. Ibsen, yes; Mr. Milligan, yes; Mr. Sinha, yes; Mr. Pinzone, yes; and Mr. Utter, yes. The Motion was carried.

Sharon M. Yarosz is the Planning Board Secretary for the year 2010.



The December 7, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes were reviewed. A Motion was made by Mr. Pinzone and seconded by Mr. DeJager to approve the December 7, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes. All were in favor. The Motion was carried.

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January 4, 2010

Planning Board


A Motion was made by Mr. Cunico and seconded by Mr. Harper to approve the following vouchers for payment:

Harold E. Pellow & Assoc. Inv. 50526 11/26/09

(Shi a/ka Utter – Site Plan) $ 482.52

Harold E. Pellow & Assoc. Inv. 50525 11/26/09

(COAH) $ 224.72

McGivney & Kluger, P.C. Inv. 905837 10/31/09

(Brex - Subdivision) $ 84.00

McGivney & Kluger, P.C. Inv. 905838 10/31/09

(Greene - Subdivision) $ 588.00

McGivney & Kluger, P.C. Inv. 905836 10/31/09

(Hanlon - Subdivision) $ 28.00

McGivney & Kluger, P.C. Inv. 905835 10/31/09

(General Administration – Sept/Oct) $ 126.00

NJPO Single Membership Yearly Dues $ 315.00

Roll Call: Mr. DeJager, yes; Mr. Harper, yes; Mr. Cherepy, yes; Mr. Cunico, yes; Mr. Green, yes; Mr. Ibsen, yes; Mr. Milligan, yes; Mr. Sinha, yes; Mr. Pinzone, yes; and Mr. Utter, yes. The Motion was carried.


The following correspondence was reviewed and no formal action was taken:

1.  The October, 2009 COAH Newsletter; and

2.  Letter dated December 10, 2009 from Jersey Central Power & Light regarding a General Permit Application.


Master Plan – Plan Endorsement – Review of Opportunities & Constraints Analysis:

Appearing before the board was Jessica Caldwell of Harold Pellow & Associates to discuss the Opportunities and Constraints Analysis received from the Office of Smart Growth. She indicated that this report is basically a review of the Municipal Self Assessment Report prepared by the Township and submitted to the Office of Smart Growth.

The following is a summary of the Analysis:

Build out of Township - Residential 1512, Commercial N/A

Mapping - Build out of Township, State Plan Policy Map, Preliminary Plan Map

Review by DEP – Water & Wastewater Analysis (Management Planning) includes 3

Sewer Treatment Plants (School, Boy Scouts and Stokes State Forest);

There is also a chart regarding septic systems and the maximum

Densities. Environmental Constraints Analysis which include the

Category 1 waterbodies and Flood hazard areas. Review of the

contaminated areas. Preserved Lands & Historic

Resources. Permit Extension Act.

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January 4, 2010

Planning Board


Master Plan – Plan Endorsement – Review of Opportunities & Constraints Analysis cont.:

Summary of Major Issues – These are issues that the Township will need in order to be endorsed by the State which the township needs to address. The Issues to be reviewed are: 1) Transfer of Development Rights; 2) Open Space; 3) Historic Preservation Commission (it was suggested Sandyston establish a historic preservation commission); 4) Center Boundary – Trying to re-negotiate the approved center designation with some minor changes based on some endangered species habitat; 5) Grant & Loan Programs.

NJDOT – which discusses access management along Route 206. They indicated that they would like townships to use their Access Management Code.

She indicated that the reason the state issues this report is essentially their review of all the information they have and the information we have submitted to them and they want us to utilize it for the next step in the process (step 5) which is visioning. The visioning consists of 2 public work shops and 2 public hearings. The visioning is essentially where people see the township going. The township will then prepare a vision statement with proof of the public meetings and public hearings and then submit it to the Office of Smart Growth. At that time, the state will prepare an Action Plan with items the township needs to do in order to obtain Plan Endorsement. The next step is entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with the State Planning Commission that you want to pursue Plan Endorsement and at that point the Centers get re-instated. At that time you pursue the items on the action plan. Once the items are done on the action plan, then the township will be endorsed by the state.

Mr. Cunico questioned Mrs. Caldwell as to a budget amount to continue with this process. She indicated that she will put it into writing for the next meeting for the board to review for the next steps and the costs.

Small Wind Energy Ordinance:

A lengthy discussion was held with regard to this issue. It was requested that we obtain sample ordinances from other townships to review at the next meeting. Mrs. Caldwell indicated to the board that they should be pro-active rather than re-active and have an ordinance in place.

Code Enforcement Report – July, 2009 thru December, 2009:

The Code Enforcement Report dated July, 2009 through December, 2009 was reviewed by the board. No formal action was taken.

2008 Annual Report:

It was noted by the board secretary that this has not yet been completed and she will put it on the agenda for the February 1, 2010 meeting.

New Application and Checklist for Planning Board Ordinance:

It was noted by the board secretary that this has not yet been completed and she will put it on the agenda for the February 1, 2010 meeting.


This meeting was opened to the public. There was no public participation. This meeting was closed to the public.

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January 4, 2010

Planning Board


As there was no further business before the Board, a Motion was made by Mr. Harper and seconded by Mr. Cunico to adjourn the meeting. All were in favor. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Sharon M. Yarosz Secretary