Outcome: PR 8.2

Model and solve problems using linear equations of the form:

  • ax = b
  • x/a = b, a ≠ 0
  • ax + b = c
  • x/a + b = c, a ≠ 0
  • a(x + b) = c

concretely, pictorially, and symbolically, where a, b, and c are integers.


  1. Identify and describe situations, which are relevant to self, family, or community, that can be modeled by a linear equation (e.g., the cost of purchasing x fish from a fisherman).
  2. Model and solve linear equations using concrete materials (e.g., counters and integer tiles) and describe the process orally and symbolically.
  3. Discuss the importance of the preservation of equality when solving equations.
  4. Explain the meaning of and verify the solution of a given linear equation using a variety of methods, including concrete materials, diagrams, and substitution.
  5. Generalize and apply symbolic strategies for solving linear equations.
  6. Identify, explain, and correct errors in a given solution of a linear equation.
  7. Demonstrate the application of the distributive property in the solving of linear equations (e.g., 2(x + 3); 2x + 6 = 5)
  8. Explain why some linear relations (e.g., x/a = b, a ≠ 0 and x/a + b = c, a ≠ 0) have a given restriction and provide an example of a situation in which such a restriction would be necessary.
  9. Identify and solve problems that can be represented using linear equations and explain the meaning of the solution in the context of the problem.
  10. Explain the algebra behind a particular algebra puzzle such as this puzzle written for 2008:
  11. Pick the number of times a week that you would like to go out to eat (more than once but less than 10).
  12. Multiply this number by 2 (just to be bold).
  13. Add 5.
  14. Multiply it by 50.
  15. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1758. If you have not, add 1757.
  16. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.
  17. You should have a three digit number. The first digit of this was your original number. The next two numbers are your age.

Level / Scale / Descriptor / Indicators / Student-Friendly Language
Pre-Requisite Knowledge /
  • Students who are not able to be independently successful with level 1 questions will be given an E.
/ Solving 1- and 2-step equations.
1 / B - Beginning
There is a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes.
Prior knowledge is understood. /
  • Knowledge and Comprehension
  • Students who are successful with level 1 questions or those who are successful with level 1 or 2 questions with assistance will be given a B.
  • Identify and describe situations, which are relevant to self, family, or community, that can be modeled by a linear equation (e.g., the cost of purchasing x fish from a fisherman).
  • Discuss the importance of the preservation of equality when solving equations.
/ I can find examples of situations that can be modeled by linear equations (ex/ the cost of downloading x songs from iTunes)
I can explain why it is important to preserve equality in equations (if you add two to one side of an equation, you must add two to the other side).
2 / A – Approaching
No major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details or processes, but assistance may be required with the complex processes. /
  • Applying and Analysing
  • Students who are able to be successful with level 1 and level 2 questions, or those who are successful with higher-level questions with assistance, will be given an A.
  • Model and solve linear equations using concrete materials (e.g., counters and integer tiles) and describe the process orally and symbolically.
  • Explain the meaning of and verify the solution of a given linear equation using a variety of methods, including concrete materials, diagrams, and substitution.
  • Generalize and apply symbolic strategies for solving linear equations.
  • Identify, explain, and correct errors in a given solution of a linear equation.
/ I can use algebra-tiles (or other manipulatives) to model and solve linear equations.
I understand what it means to solve an equation and I can check to see if a solution is correct using algebra-tiles, diagrams, or by substitution (putting the solution in for the variable to see if it works).
I can generalize strategies that I use with algebra-tiles (or virtual manipulatives) as algebra rules.
I can find and correct errors in solutions of linear equations.
3 / M – Meeting
No major errors or omissions regarding any of the information and/or processes that were explicitly taught.
This is the target level for proficiency. /
  • Evaluating and Creating
  • Students who are independently successful with level 3 or level 4 questions are given an M.
  • Demonstrate the application of the distributive property in the solving of linear equations (e.g., 2(x + 3); 2x + 6 = 5)
  • Identify and solve problems that can be represented using linear equations and explain the meaning of the solution in the context of the problem.
Explain the algebra behind a particular algebra puzzle such as this puzzle written for 2008:
  • Pick the number of times a week that you would like to go out to eat (more than once but less than 10).
  • Multiply this number by 2 (just to be bold).
  • Add 5.
  • Multiply it by 50.
  • If you have already had your birthday this year add 1758. If you have not, add 1757.
  • Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.
  • You should have a three digit number. The first digit of this was your original number. The next two numbers are your age.
/ I can solve linear equations using the distributive property ( like 3(x+2) = 9).
I can use linear equations to solve word problems. I can explain what the solution to the linear equation means in the context of the problem.
I can use algebra to explain some number puzzles.
4 / In addition to level 3 performance, in-depth inferences and applications go beyond what was explicitly taught. /
  • Students successful at level 4 will receive supplementary comments specific to their achievement in addition to the M.
/ I can write word problems to represent complex linear equations.
I can solve linear equations that involve fractions and decimals.
Meeting / I can write word problems to represent complex linear equations.
I can solve linear equations that involve fractions and decimals.
Approaching / I can solve linear equations using the distributive property (like 3(x+2) = 9).
I can use linear equations to solve word problems. I can explain what the solution to the linear equation means in the context of the problem.
I can use algebra to explain some number puzzles.
Beginning / I can use algebra-tiles (or other manipulatives) to model and solve linear equations.
I understand what it means to solve an equation and I can check to see if a solution is correct using algebra-tiles, diagrams, or by substitution (putting the solution in for the variable to see if it works).
I can generalize strategies that I use with algebra-tiles (or virtual manipulatives) as algebra rules.
I can find and correct errors in solutions of linear equations.
I can find examples of situations that can be modeled by linear equations (ex/ the cost of downloading x songs from iTunes)
I can explain why it is important to preserve equality in equations (if you add two to one side of an equation, you must add two to the other side).

Student-Friendly Rubric

Outcome: PR 8.2

Model and solve problems using linear equations of the form:

  • ax = b
  • x/a = b, a ≠ 0
  • ax + b = c
  • x/a + b = c, a ≠ 0
  • a(x + b) = c

concretely, pictorially, and symbolically, where a, b, and c are integers.