Youth in Crisis Resource Directory
Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry – Fall, 2015
This resource directory is provided as a service to educators, catechetical and ministry leaders in order that they might have ready access to help for young people and families in crisis. This contact information was current as of its publication date, however, however changes are to be expected. We advise those who work closely with young people to find and highlight the most relevant organizations on the list, then place a call to them to make contact, verify the accuracy of the information, and to establish some basic familiarity with their services. Please forward notice of any changes or errors to . (Important: These resources are broadly available to the public and have not been screened relative to Catholic belief, values or practices Those that are specifically Catholic have been highlighted in yellow.)
Cincinnati & Vicinity (including Butler, Warren, Brown, Clermont and HamiltonCounties)
513-281-CAREAnyone dealing with depression, suicide, other problems, from anywhere in the region, is
welcome to call. Counselors are available 24/7.
513-221-HELP24-hour hotline with special attention to family violence
513-241-KIDS24-hour line for reporting suspected child abuse in Hamilton County (Dept. of Children’s Services)
800-325-268524-hour line for reporting suspected child abuse in Butler County (Dept. of Children’s Services)
513-887-4055For Hamilton/ Fairfield area
513-732-717324-hour line for reporting suspected child abuse in Clermont County (Dept. of Children’s Services)
513-695-1600After hours, weekends and holidays for reporting suspected child abuse in Warren County (Dept. of Children’s Services). M-F 8:00-5:00 call 513-695-1546 or 513-695-1538
513-381-561024-hour rape and domestic violence hotline (Rape Crisis and Abuse Center of Hamilton County)
513-636-412424-hour psychiatric assistance for children at the Children’s Hospital of Cincinnati
513-584-834824-hour psychiatric assistance for adults at the University Hospital Psychiatric Emergency Service
513-721-790024-hour crisis hotline, serving Hamilton, Clermont, and BrownCounties in Ohio and
1-800-233-HELP Boone, Campbell and KentonCounties in Kentucky. A United Way Helpline;
in an Emergency, just dial 2-1-1
513-727-321524-hour crisis hotline, serving Butler County
513-381-5610 24-hour Crisis Counseling Center and rape crisis program, primarily serving Butler County (including
877-889-5610Fairfield, Hamilton, Middletown, Millville, Monroe, Oxford, Princeton, Shandon, Trenton
and West Chester)
866-635-9716Catholic Social Services counseling; ask for Michelle, Intake Coordinator. Call during normalbusiness
hours or leave a message.
800-332-2437Ohio Hotline for HIV/STD
Dayton & Vicinity
937-229-7777Suicide Prevention
937-224-4646Crisis Center for Greater Dayton
800-227-8922The Center for Disease Control’s STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) and HIV/AIDS National Infoline
937-299-5465Catholic Social Services of Miami Valley - Teen/Parent Link Hotline (pregnancy and family counseling)
937-325-8715Catholic Charities
937-223-3446Womanline (pregnancy counseling and support)
937-222-2211Alcoholics Anonymous
Northern Area
Serving all northern area counties:
800-521-6419Catholic Social Services
Serving Miami, Darke and ShelbyCounties:
800-351-7347Crisis Line, MiamiCounty Mental HealthCenter
937-335-7166MiamiCounty Mental HealthCenter
Clark County
937-327-1748During business hours for reporting suspected child abuse, after hours call 937-324-8687
Children’s Services Board
Greene County
937-372-HELP24-hour line for reporting suspected child abuse, Children’s Services Board (Xenia)
937-879-HELP24-hour line for reporting suspected child abuse, Children’s Services Board (Fairborn)
937-599-7290Logan County Children’s Services (Bellefontaine)
419-586-113324-hour FamilyCrisis Center (Celina)
800-523-397824 hour crisis line - Foundations Behavioral Health Services
Miami County
937-335-4103Call during business hours for reporting suspected child abuse, Children’s Services Board
Montgomery County
937-224-KIDS24-hour line for reporting suspected child abuse, Children’s Services Board
937-498-4981Business hours line for reporting suspected child abuse, Dept. of Family Services
937-498-4593Problem Pregnancy Counseling, Catholic Social Services (Sidney)
800-521-6419Toll-Free line to Catholic Social Services (Sidney)
800-422-4453Childhelp® USA National Child Abuse Hotline (also 800-4-A-CHILD)
Youth in Crisis Resource Directory – December 1, 2015Page 1