Minutes of the meeting held on 4thMarch2014

PresentMurray Simpson (President),Annie Hall (VP Comms), Grant Smith ( Welfare Executive Officer), Harry England ( Activities Executive Officer),John Gusman ( VP Education)

ApologiesTiffany Shayne (Lansdowne Executive Officer), Sophie Chaytor-Grubb ( VP Lansdowne),DinukaHerath (Lansdowne Deputy Executive Officer) Hannah Gilchrist ( Education Executive Officer)

In Attendance-Georgie Laming ( Democracy and Campaigns Coordinator and minute taker)Alan James, Jane De Vekey, Billy Wright, Matt Wall, Doug Tham

Minutes:- / Action by:- / Action by date:-
Apologies were noted as above.
  1. Approval of Minutes from last meeting
  1. Matters Arising from Previous Minutes:-
Murray to speak to Stuart L about baby changing facilities at BU
Idea update:Has John asked DDEs to circulate policy re back to back timetabling?
Idea update: Murray to get sign put up in the loft for students that bring tea bags/flask so they can get hot water
Idea update: Student suggested SUBU ran Speed dating , this is to be discussed at next activities council
Minutes to be approved next week when Exec is quorate
Welfare motions for conference
Annie- NUS call on student unions to submit motion on their behalf.
Motion 1: Mental Health-away from awareness, towards action. ( Motion was shown to Exec)
Motion 2: Deposit protection- localism act, non refundable admin fees
Murray asked what definition of mental health? Does this fit with WP definition of uni? / Annie to ask Hannah Patterson if disability will be included in widening participation funding.
Approved two NUS motions
Ideas for Student Shout/AGM:
Ideas going to AGM:
Coca Cola banned on campus
Lad Mags
New ideas put forward:
Subway in Uni- Healthier than Papa Johns
John- Had a lot of feedback on healthy options on campus.
Navitus Bay:
Exec discussed what the negative impact would be. Two local MPs are against the project. Some students are against this.
Idea parked for further information
Formal event:
Previously got rid of an event similar
Schools already host their own
Annie-Could this be a token box question?
First year students would like it
Ban BUFF nude calendar:
Anonymous idea, someone would need to back the idea
Billy- I am taking part. It’s not glamour models, it’s real students and real bodies. Some students will feel liberated by it. Not necessarily a bad thing for elected officers to be in it.
Grant- Some students still might not feel comfortable to take part.
Murray- Do we have an obligation as a union?
Harry- Different to lad mags
Annie- If I was to outline value and beliefs from Welfare council is to reject society norm to judge people on bodies and a culture that makes money from nudity or bodies. Sexual overtone about sex selling.
John- It’s happened before; students are worried about the societal risk. / Jane to pull healthy eating comments from SOS and forward on to Chartwells
Recommendation for Coralie and Stefan to meet with two MPs on this issue.
SUBU to put out token box question to work out demand
Idea to go to AGM/Student Shout
Snowriders trip video- Billy was concerned that some students and the local community would disapprove of the video and in particular the way some women are portrayed in it.