Meath Adult Disability Service

Referral Form

Personal Details:

Clients Name: ______Male Female

Address:______Date of Birth: ______

______Phone No: ______

______Mobile No: ______

______E-Mail: ______

Nationality: ______First Language: ______

Medical Card: Yes NoNumber: ______

Long Term Illness Card:Yes No Number: ______

Registered on National Disability Database:

Yes No Don’t Know Database Number:______

Primary Carer (if applicable): ______

Relationship to Client: ______Phone No:______

Details of Disability:Diagnosis and brief background







Received By Project Manager: ______Date: ______

Allocatedto Team Member:______Date: ______

Notsuitableforservice:______Date: ______

Returnedto: ______Date: ______

Referredonto:______Date: ______

Moreinformationisrequired:______Date: ______

The Client is currently living…….

Alone / with Spouse/Partner / with Children / Number of Children _____
with Relatives / with Friends/Flat mates / in Residential Service

Other: (Please Specify) ______

Is the Client currently accessing any of the following Services?

General Practitioner (GP) Yes No: / Name: ______
Address: ______
Occupational Therapy: Yes No: / Therapist: ______
Address: ______
Physiotherapy: Yes No: / Therapist: ______
Address: ______
Public Health Nurse
/ Liaison Nurse: Yes No: / Name: ______
Address: ______
Social Work: Yes No: / Name: ______
SpeechLanguage Therapy:Yes No: / Therapist:______
Home Support: Yes No: / Supplied by: ______
Respite: Yes No: / Where: ______
Day Service / School: Yes No: / Where: ______

Please name any other Services/Agencies the Client may have used in the past:







Reason for Referral: What services are needed and why they are needed?

Note: Please note that Social Work Services are available through Meath Primary Care Services and a Referral Form for this service is available at HSE Meath PCCC, Child & Family Centre, Navan, Co. Meath, Tel: 046-9078861.










Details of Person making Referral: If this is not a self-referral

Name of Person Referring: ______Contact No: ______


Address: ______

Please state your Involvement/Relationship with the Client: ______


Is the Client aware of the Referral?Yes No

If No, state reasons why: ______


Signature: ______Date of Referral: ______

Meath Disability Service staff work in a multidisciplinary/interagency fashion.

So that we all work together to help you we may need to share information

about you. We will only ever use or pass on information if others involved in

your care have a genuine need for it. This will usually be when we refer to

another service (for example; a specialist) or to keep others involved in your

care informed about your progress. We are careful to share only the clinical

information that is necessary to provide you with the best care, such as your

diagnosis, relevant past medical history, treatment details and progress made

against your care plan etc. Any one who receives information from us is also

under a legal duty to keep it confidential

Signature of Applicant:______Date: ______

Signature of behalf of: ______Date: ______


Please attach all other relevant information e.g. Assessments, Reports, Letters.

Incomplete forms will be returned.

Return completed form to:The Coordinator,

Meath Adult Disability Service


Beechmount Community Team Office,



Co. Meath.