History and Philosophy of Geography

History and Philosophy of Geography

GE 300


WEEK 3 – September 26, 2005

Ancient Period, Great Oceanic Discoveries, Exploration, Period of General Development, Period of Differentiation, and Transition from Differentiation to Contemporary

I.Primitive Period (? – 900 B.C.)

1.Civilizations: Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Indian, Cretan-Minoan, Hittite, Phoenician, Carthaginian, Hebrew, Syrian, Greek

II.Classical Greek Period (900 – 150 B.C.)

1.Homeric Epoch (900- 650 B.C.)

2.Ionic, Cosmologic, or Milesian Epoch (650-550 B.C.)

3.Pythagoras to Socrates (550-400 B.C.)

4.Academic Epoch (400-150 B.C.)

5.Greco-Roman or Hellenistic Period (150 B.C. – A.D. 300/450)

III.Transition – A.D. 300-350 - Decline and Fall of Western Roman Empire

1.Middle Ages – Medieval Times

2.Christian Dark Ages

3.Muslim Period (Arab A.D. 630-950; Golden Age 750-1450)

IV.Renaissance A.D. 1150-1550

V.Great Oceanic Discovery and Explorations A.D. 1450-1650

VI. Period of General Development A.D. 1650 – 1800

VII. Period of Differentiation A.D. 1800 – 1880

VII. Transition from Differentiation to Contemporary A.D. 1870 – early 1900’s

Reading Assignments:

All Possible Worlds (p. 107-128)

The Education of a Geographer (Carl O. Sauer)

A Life of Learning (D.W. Meinig)

Research Assignment: Completea biographic research project on the individual assigned to you using multiple sources of information. Highlight their contributions to geography. Report your results in a 600 word document. Be sure to list your bibliographic sources at the end of your document. Your written and oral reports are due at our next meeting.

APRIL / BLELEW, / Friedrich Ratzel 1844 – 1904
STEPHANIE / BREWER, / Alfred Wegener
RYAN / BROWN, / Possibilism
JAMES / CAMPBELL, / John Halford Mackinder
BRAXTON / GUINN, / Johanne von Thunen 1783 – 1850
HEATH / HARPER, / Isaiah Bowman 1878 – 1950
CATHERINE / HARRIS, / Jedidiah Morse 1761 – 1826
JESSICA / HAWK, / Paul Vidal de la Blache 1845 – 1918
JOSEPH / HOLT, / Donald D. Brand
MATTHEW / HORTON, / Bernhard Varen (Varenius) 1622 – 1650
BRITNEY / HUFFSTUTLER, / Benjamin Franklin
JOHN / HUGHES, / Alfred Wegener 1880 – 1930
CHRISTINA / IRONS, / Anthropogeography
JAMIE / JOHNSEY, / John K. Wright
JAMES / KEENUM, / Matthew Fontaine Maury 1806 – 1873
DANIEL / KENNAMORE, / Environmental Determinism
JAMES / MAY, / Alexander von Humboldt 1769 – 1859
JOHN / MCGINNIS, / Arnold Guyot 1807 – 1884
KEVIN / MCLEMORE, / William Morris Davis 1850 – 1934
CHRISTOPHER / MCMULLEN, / John Wesley Powell 1834 - 1902
OLIVIA / MILLER, / Thomas Malthus
JIMMY / MORROW, / Sir Francis Bacon 1561 – 1626
MATTHEW / MURDOCK, / George Perkins Marsh 1801 – 1882
DEREK / RAY, / Mark Jefferson 1863 - 1949
JAMES / ROGERS, / Immanuel Kant 1724 – 1804
CORY / SAPP, / Derwent Whittlesey
WILLIAM / SEALY, / Mark Jefferson 1863 - 1949
WESLEY / SHARP, / Charles Darwin
BENJAMIN / SMITH, / Walter Christaller
RITA / STRONG, / Ellen Churchill Semple 1863 – 1932
ROBERT / TANNER, / Jacques Cassini 1748 – 1845
MATTHEW / TAYLOR, / Karl Ritter 1779 – 1859
JAY / TEWS, / Richard Hartshorne
CODY / THORPE, / Ernst Haeckl
ZEBULON / WALLACE, / Carl Sauer 1889 – 1974
CHRISTOPHER / WHITE, / Harlan Barrows 1877 – 1960
STACEY / WHITTEN, / Ellsworth Huntington 1876 – 1947