Request for NewSOUTHWEST CACH Item



Quaternary ammonium compound , brand names:

Quat 128byWaxie’s Enterprises Inc and Sparquat 256® bySpartan Chemical Company

Product Information:

Disinfectant, cleaner, sanitizer, mildewstat, virucide and fungicide. One-step, neutral-pH, hospital-grade, broad-spectrum disinfectant cleaner and deodorizer for all hard nonporous surfaces.

Both products are available from GSA (


Used as a sanitizer in reducing the spread of aquatic invasive species during fire management and suppression activities. Aquatic invasive species are organisms that occur in aquatic, riverine, or wetland environments and can be spread by fire equipment including boats, vehicles, water buckets, water tanks, hoses, and other equipment. Many of these aquatic invasive organisms can damage or destroy fire suppression equipment by clogging valves, pumps, motors, etc. The Non-indigenous Aquatic Nuisance Species Control and Prevention Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-646) highlights the concern for adverse impacts to native aquatic species from no-nindigenous species. Executive Order 13112 (February 3, 1999) directs all Federal agencies to ensure that their actions do not promote the introduction or spread of invasive species.

Sanitation with quaternary ammonium compounds is the recommended treatment for most aquatic invasive species found in the Southwest. These products are labeled for use as fungicides/virucides.

Recommended for use:

Quat 128 and Sparquat 256® are recommended in the Operational Guidelines for Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention and Equipment Cleaning” prepared for fire managers in the southwestern U.S. and in guidance developed by the Forest Service’s Intermountain Region.

Intake hoses, pumps, and tanks can become contaminated with infected water or by sucking the organisms up from the bottom of a stream or pond. Disinfect tanks after each incident, and disinfect tanks before use if previous sanitation of the equipment has not occurred or is unknown. Set up a portable disinfection tank (e.g. “pumpkin,” fold-a-tank, 55 gallon barrel, 5 gallon bucket, etc. depending on the cleaning capacity needed) using a 5% cleaning solution of quaternary ammonium compound.

Volume of tap water / Volume of Quat128® / Volume of Sparquat 256®
100 ml water / 4.63 ml / 3.00 ml
1 gallon water / 6.35 liquid oz. / 4.12 liquid oz.
1 gallon water / 12.7 tbsp / 8.2 tbsp
1 gallon water / 0.79 cups / 0.51 cups
100 gallons water / 4.96 gallons / 3.22 gallons
1000 gallons water / 49.6 gallons / 32.2 gallons

This is a common cleaning agent used in homes, swimming pools, and hospitals, and is safe when used at the recommended concentration. Using liquid bleach (such as Clorox) is not recommended because it evaporates quickly and damages gaskets and canvas gear. Do not mix bleach with quaternary ammonium compound. Quaternary ammonium solutions are safe for gear and remain effective for about one week if not overly diluted or muddied.

Recommended unit of issue: 5gallon pail

Recommended standard pack: 5gallon pail

Estimated Cost:

Both products are available from GSA (

Quat 128®byWaxie’s Enterprises Inc.; GSA (NSN No. 170302) $49 (5 gal pail); EPA registration #1839-166-14994. Additional info can be found at

Sparquat 256® bySpartan Chemical Company; GSA (NSN No. 1025-05) = $68 (5 gal pail) ; EPA registration #5741-9. Additional info can be found at


Quat 128 and Sparquat 256 can be stored for up to two years in an unopened container without losing their effectiveness. Both should be stored in a cool dry place, out of direct sunlight. The manufacturer recommends storage temperatures between 32º to 110º F.

David Bott

SW Operations Group Chair

BLM NM Fire Operations Specialist

Office 505 438-7580 Cell 505 660-4869


1474 Rodeo Road (87505)

Santa Fe, NM87502-0115

Request for NewSOUTHWEST CACH Item


QC-1001 Quaternary Test Paper , 0-1000ppm Hi-Range Quat Test Papers

Product Information:

The Hydrion QC-1001 Quaternary Test Paper will measure the strength of Quaternary Sanitizers. The test paper measures concentrations between 0-1000ppm with color matches at 0-200-400-600-800-1000ppm. Micro Essential Laboratory, Inc.,P.O. Box 1008244224 Avenue H Brooklyn, NY11210


QC-1001 Quaternary Test Paper is used to determine if the of quaternary ammoniumdisinfection solution used for reducing the spread of aquatic invasive species during fire operations is below the recommended 5% strength. Quaternary ammonium solutions are safe for gear and remain effective for about one week if not overly diluted or muddied.

Recommended for use:

Users of Quaternary sanitizer solutions are required to have a test procedure to measure the strength of their sanitizer solutions. Hydrion QC-1001 Quaternary Test Paper provides users with a simple test to immediately verify the strength of their sanitizer solutions. The test paper will also detect exhaustion of solutions that should be replaced and will avoid the use of excessive amounts of sanitizing agents.

Hydrion QC-1001 Quaternary Test Paper is recommended for testing Quat 128 and Sparquat 256 in the Operational Guidelines for Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention and Equipment Cleaning” prepared for fire managers in the southwestern U.S

Recommended unit of issue: 1 kit

Kits are sold in cartons of ten. Each kit contains two rolls of 1/4in. x 15ft. roll of test paper and a matching color chart which will provide the user with approximately 100 tests per roll.

Recommended standard pack: 1 kit

Estimated Cost:

This product is not available from GSA (GSA only has papers for low concentrations)

QC-1001 Quaternary Test Paper , (cat#QC-1001) carton of ten kits $42.50 , $4.25 (per kit)

0-1000ppm Hi-Range

Micro Essential Laboratory, Inc.,Tel: 718-338-3618

P.O. Box 1008244224Fax: 718-692-4491

Avenue H Email:

Brooklyn, NY11210

David Bott

SW Operations Group Chair

BLM NM Fire Operations Specialist

Office 505 438-7580 Cell 505 660-4869


1474 Rodeo Road (87505)

Santa Fe, NM87502-0115

Intial Stocking Cost

Quat 128 and Sparquat 256®

Recommended unit of issue: 5gallon pail

Recommended standard pack: 5gallon pail

Recommended each SW Cachstock: 100 pails, = 200 total for SW area

Estimated Cost:

Both products are available from GSA (

Quat 128®byWaxie’s Enterprises Inc.; GSA (NSN No. 170302) =$49 (5 gal pail)

EPA registration #1839-166-14994. Additional info can be found at

Sparquat 256® bySpartan Chemical Company; GSA (NSN No. 1025-05) = $68 (5 gal pail)

; EPA registration #5741-9. Additional info can be found at

Est. The average SW Type 1or 2 fire would use 10 -20 pails = 1,000 to 2,000 gallons of disinfection solution.

Est. 10 SW Type 1or 2 fires per year that involve aquatic ecosystems.

10 fires x 20 pails each = 200 Quat 128® 200 x $48 = $9,800

Sparquat 256 200 x $68 = $13,600


Quat 128 and Sparquat 256 can be stored for up to two years in an unopened container without losing their effectiveness. Both should be stored in a cool dry place, out of direct sunlight. The manufacturer recommends storage temperatures between 32º to 110º F.

QC-1001 Quaternary Test Paper , 0-1000ppm Hi-Range Quat Test Papers

Recommended unit of issue: 1 kit

Recommended standard pack: 1 kit

Recommended each SW Cachstock: 20 kits, = 40 kits total for SW area

Estimated Cost:

This product is not available from GSA (GSA only has papers for low concentrations)

Kits are sold in cartons of ten. Each kit contains two rolls of 1/4in. x 15ft. roll of test paper and a matching color chart which will provide the user with approximately 100 tests per roll.

QC-1001 Quaternary Test Paper , (cat#QC-1001) carton of ten $42.50

0-1000ppm Hi-Range40 kits = 4Cartons x $42.50 = $170.00

Micro Essential Laboratory, Inc.,Tel: 718-338-3618

P.O. Box 1008244224Fax: 718-692-4491

Avenue H Email:

Brooklyn, NY11210