South Side Housing Action Plan

Housing Strategy / Action Plan
Develop 250 affordable rental units for very low income households / o  Community Housing Network will work with Community Development for All People to develop a new 60-unit permanent supportive housing development for formerly homeless individuals to replace their 25-units of supportive housing at 1941-59 Parsons
o  Community Development for All People will work with other housing partners to create additional affordable housing development
Sustain and expand revitalization, including duplexes and doubles / o  300+ units over 5 years, including
§  HNHF – 13 rehabs and 8 home repairs in 2016
§  SSR – 40 rehabs, including 2 unit properties where feasible over 5 years
§  Habitat for Humanity - MidOhio – 30 new builds and 25 home repairs over 5 years
§  NRP Group – 58 unit Career Gateway Homes opening 2017
§  Homeport – Barrett School 106 rentals, 22 new single family homes under development
o  COCIC and City Land Bank -Continued acquisition, demolition and redevelopment of vacant housing
o  PACE program – City of Columbus Pro-Active Code Enforcement in Reeb Hosack neighborhood
Link housing and resources to people through a Housing Hub / o  CD4AP and Nationwide Children’s Hospital will staff the Housing Hub with a presence at the Reeb Center
o  Coordination with
§  Legal Aid Society of Columbus
§  Neighborhood Pride Center
§  Stable Families Program,
§  Homeport
§  Habitat for Humanity - MidOhio
§  Other partners
o  Legal workshops through Legal Aid Society of Columbus
o  Financial Literacy classes through CD4AP
o  Homebuyer Education classes through Homeport
o  Tenant and homeowner counseling
Help homeowners maintain and improve their homes/ Reduce housing cost burden for owners / o  Habitat for Humanity - MidOhio will assist up to 5 homeowners per year through its Home Repair program
o  HNHF will complete an estimated 8 home repairs
o  Housing Hub will provide outreach for Warm Choice, Homestead Exemption and other resources
o  South Side Neighborhood Pride Center will refer homeowners to resources for Home Repair
Improve existing rental properties
/ o  Property owners and managers representing 300 units are participating in the Responsible Landlord Network
o  Community Housing Network, Homeport, NRP Group, South Side Renaissance and other property owners have signed the Responsible Landlord Pledge
o  COCIC and Affordable Housing Trust are financing acquisition and rehabilitation of rental properties
Provide income support or rent subsidy for 250 very low income households
/ o  Lutheran Social Services will provide short term rent assistance and case management for 36 families through the Stable Families program
o  Reeb Center partners and Nationwide Children’s Hospital will create pathways to well-paying jobs
o  Affordable Housing Alliance will encourage local officials to expand resources for rental assistance
Provide homeownership opportunity for residents / o  Habitat for Humanity - MidOhio will assist 30 homeowners over five years
o  HNHF will build or rehabilitate 13 homes in 2016
o  Homeport and Casto Company will build 22 new single family homes at Barrett School site
o  Homeport will offer Homebuyer Education classes at the Reeb Center