Jaar 1: SP in group
Name Patient role: De Vries. [‘Doctor, I don’t feel very well.’]
Information fort he teacher
Learning goals:
- To be introduced to the phenomena of ‘simulated patients’
- To learn how to start a consultation
- To be introduced to and learn how to clarify a patient’s question
- To learn to ask the simulated patient to provide feedback
Instructions for trainers:
The content of the role relates to ‘common sense knowledge ‘of the students. The content of this role should therefore be no problem.
In block 1.1 students are working on different themes than discussed in this SPC.
Information for the SP
Patient record:
( ‘-’ = no specific instruction, fill in by yourself)
· name: Mr./Mrs. De Vries
· age: own age
· gender: m/f
· social background: -
· appearance: dressed warmly, scarf, no/little make-up, handkerchief
· character: -
· mood: depends on the role you choose
· level of education: -
· hobbies -
Situation: All patients have come to see their general practitioner (GP)
This role will be played in a group of 10 students in presence of their teacher. Prepare to play the role up to 5 times (only the first part of the consultation). Prepare 5 situations with the same starting question (‘don’t feel well’) but other complaints (always with a fever but sometimes together with coughing, the other time with muscle pain.
Also the reason for visit, the expectations and the presentation of the symptoms vary between the characters.
Tip for the SP: write down the 5 roles with these 4 components before the contact, so you can switch character more easily.
Discuss with the teacher in advance:
- how many times will you play the role
- with one student or more (after each other)
- at which moment you will provide feedback (after each consultation or at the end)
- whether you go outside in between the role play and the feedback phase
First sentence SP:
‘Doctor, I don’t feel very well.’
Reason for the encounter (fill in by yourself):
Each patient experiences the symptom in their own way (reason for contact). Some may be worried because of a similar, unpleasant situation in the past related to themselves or to a relative (e.g. severe pneumonia), others may not be worried in the first place, but have some questions. So, they want more information, such as can I travel by plane, go swimming or play sports or what can I do about it myself? How long will this take? Is this contagious?
Expectations: (fill in by yourself):
These are partly depending the clarification of the question. Patients can be expecting treatment (antibiotics maybe), advice, reassurance, physical examination.
a. specific part:
You feel miserable, would rather be in your bed. You feel sluggish, sometimes warm than cold again. When asked, your temperature is 38.6 degrees Celcius (if you have measured it). You suffer (some) of the following symptoms: coughing, either giving up white mucus or not, muscle pain in your limbs, headache, a runny nose, fatigue.
It is a purely physical problem, there are no underlying psychological problems.
All patients also show individual symptoms and characteristics, that fit your own situation:
- The context (age, sex, profession, family, living situation)
- The number of days that they have had the complaints
- What have you done by yourself to get better?
b. more general part:
( ‘-’ = no specific instruction, fill in by yourself)
· allergy: none
· medical history: none
· use of medication: none
· family history : no specific diseases
· diet: -
· smoking: -
· street drugs/alcohol: -
· job: -
· social situation: -
Physical examination:
There will be no physical examination. Simulate illness, use your handkerchief.
Reaction SP to plan: not applicable
Questions at the end: not applicable
Notes SP:
Information for the SPC-Studenten-Assistent (SAS): not applicable
Information for the student: not applicable
13-07-2017 1