Experiment 30

Experiment 30: Computer Simulation


The tasks in this topic include the operating instructions.

Set the value of resistor R so that the current measured by theammeter is:


To view the component’s value, click the component with the right mouse button.

Close or move the data window.

Determine the resistance for a current of 1 A.

To confirm that you know how to solve this kind of problem, change the component’s value,

double-click R, and enter another answer.

Activate the simulation by clicking the Run

button located at the top of circuit window.

Check the ammeter reading by clicking the

ammeter icon with the right mouse button.


Set the value of the voltage source E

so that ammeter reading is:

(a) 2 A (b) 10 A (c) 50 mA

Determine E for a current of 2 A.

Check your solution by activating the

simulation with the Run button.

Double-click the row with component E

in the table. Type your value for

E in the properties window.

The current as measured by the ammeter

will be updated immediately in the table.


Set resistorR3 so that the ammeter will read 1 A.


Set the values of resistors R1 and R2 so that the ammeter

will read 1 Awhen

a)The resistors are identical.

b)The resistors are different.

c)R1 is three times R2.

In this task you can change the values of RI and R2 only.


Set the value of the (ideal) voltage source E so that the current read by

the ammeter in each circuit is the same.

Resistors R1= R2=R3 in all three circuits, but their values are unknown

Circuit 1
Comp / Data
Ammeter / -
E / 10.00 V
Circuit 2
Comp / Data
Ammeter / -
E / 10.00 V
Circuit 3
Comp / Data
Ammeter / -
E / 10.00 V


Experiment 30


Experiment 30


Experiment 30


(a) Connect all of the resistors so that the current

measured by the ammeter will be the maximum.

(b) In (a) all of the resistors are identical.

How will the solution change if

1) R1=R2 and R3 = two times R2?

2) R1 > R2 and R3?



Experiment 30

a) Connect the ammeter to measure the current through bulb B.

b) Connect the voltmeter to measure the potential difference across bulb B.


Experiment 30

The components are fixed, but you can add or delete shorts if necessary. Compare your meter readings to the values listed in the table. They should be identical.


Connect the three ideal batteries in series

so that the current through the resistor is

a. 4 A

b. 2 A

c. Zero

Comp / Data / Current (A)
E1 / 10.00 V / 0.00
E2 / 10.00 V / 0.00
E3 / 20.00 V / 0.00
R / 10.00 Ohm / 0.00
Current in R
Comp / Current (A)
R / 0.00 V


The four nonideal emfs are identical (unknown emf and r)

a) Connect all emfs to form a battery and

construct a circuit in which the current

through R is a maximum.

b) Set the value of resistor R in the circuit

you have constructed so that the power

dissipated in R is the largest possible.

Change R and test your design.

Current and Power in the Resistor
Comp / Data / Current (A) / Power (W)
R / 10.00 Ohm / 0.00 / 0.00


Add resistor R to the circuit and set its value so that the voltmeter reads zero.

Comp / Data
E / 7.00 V
R / 1.00 Ohm
R1 / 6.00 Ohm
R2 / 3.00 Ohm
R3 / 4.00 Ohm
R4 / 4.00 Ohm
Voltmeter Reading
Comp / Data
Voltmeter / -

All components except R are fixed, but you can create and delete shorts.


Build a circuit in which the three resistors are connected in parallel.

Set R3 and the internal resistance of the source E so that the

current through R3 is 1 A and the current through R2 is 3 A.

Data and Current
Comp / Data / Current (A)
E / 3.00 V, 1.00 Ohm / 0.00
R1 / 2.00 Ohm / 0.00
R2 / 3.00 Ohm / 0.00
R3 / 0.00 Ohm / 0.00