The Scott County Fiscal Court held a regular scheduled meeting on Friday, December 12, 2013. Judge Lusby called the meeting to order. Present were Magistrates Mr. Hughes, Mr. Lyons, Mr. Tackett, Mr. Parker, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Prather, Mr. Livingston, and Assistant County Attorney, Rand Marshall.

A motion was made by Mr. Tackett with second by Mr. Prather to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Mr. Parker abstained because he did not attend the meeting. Court voted unanimous.

A motion was made by Mr. Hoffman with second by Mr. Parker to approve the following transfers. Court voted unanimous.
To: 01-5010-445 Co. Clerk Office Supplies (Reimb.) $107.53

From: 01-9200-999 Reserve for Transfer $107.53

To: 01-5015-592 Sheriff Vehicle Maintenance (Reimb.) $746.36

From: 01-9200-999 Reserve for Transfer $746.36

To: 01-5120-592 Fire Vehicle Maintenance $5,000.00

From: 01-5120-441 Fire Machinery & Equipment $5,000.00

To: 01-5140-592 EMS Vehicle Maint. (Ins. Reimb.) $6,365.00

From: 01-9200-999 Reserve for Transfer $6,365.00

To: 01-5205-549 Animal Control (Grant) $1,650.00

From: 01-9200-999 Reserve for Transfer $1,650.00

To: 02-6105-592 Road Vehicle Maintenance $5,000.00

From: 02-6104-441 Road Machinery & Equipment $5,000.00

A motion was made by Mr. Prather with second by Mr. Hughes to approve the bills as presented and the following hand checks. Mr. Parker recused himself from the Parks & Recreation bill(s). Court voted unanimous.
Software Management/Gen $5,562.78, CMW/Gen $1,405.10, UnderWraps/Gen $30.00, HiTech Enterprises/Gen $1,599.16, Ky State Treasurer/Gen $65.00

Clerk fees were presented in the amount of $69,232.08.

Sheriff fees were presented in the amount of $29,781.48.
Property taxes were presented in the amount of $1,478,992.59.

State Representative, Tom McKee spoke about representing District 78, Harrison County, Pendleton County, and a portion of Scott County. He stated that he was aware of two high-priority projects that were important to Scott County Fiscal Court, BCTC and bypass extension. Mr. Prather explained that the BCTC mechanical addition was critical to Scott County and surrounding counties.

Senior ATF Agent, Doug Robinson recognized Scott County Detectives and Scott County –based Commonwealth Attorney staff for their successful efforts in the Gray murder trial.

Mr. Hughes asked Commonwealth Attorney, Gordie Shaw if their office space was sufficient? Mr. Shaw stated he was thankful to the court for providing their current office; it is in a great location, but there is an issue with privacy. Mr. Hughes requested the court provide their office staff with a larger rental space.

EMS Director, Dave Sloane requested to hire Bridget Ziegler full-time at $10.81 per hour. A motion was made by Mr. Lyons with second by Mr. Tackett to approve the new hire. Court voted unanimous.

Mr. Sloane requested to junk a Uniden mobile radio with serial number 73000013. A motion was made by Mr. Hughes with second by Mr. Parker to declare the radio junk. Court voted unanimous.

Jailer, Larry Covington stated the camera bids would be ready for the next court meeting. Also, Mr. Covington stated they would be purchasing new employee uniforms.

Judge Lusby reviewed the E-Tech contracts for Georgetown/Scott County Museum electrical and HVAC projects. Mr. Tackett noticed the mileage compensation was $0.60 for electrical and $0.56.5 for HVAC. A motion was made by Mr. Tackett with second by Mr. Hughes to approve the contracts with the compensation adjustment. Court voted unanimous.

Planning & Zoning Engineer, Brent Combs discussed the Harbor Village Phase II road request. A motion was made by Mr. Hughes with second by Mr. Parker to accept the three sections of Harbor Village Drive and Lakeshore Circle. Court voted unanimous.

Mr. Marshall read Resolution 13-13; Kentucky Transportation Cabinet requested Scott County Fiscal Court take responsibility for the future maintenance and ownership of the public right of way associated with frontage roads, a section of US25 bypassed roadbed, Coleman Lane realignment, and a turnaround on Coleman Lane in conjunction with the new construction of US25. A motion was made by Mr. Tackett with second by Mr. Prather approving the resolution and authorizing Judge Lusby to sign the agreement. Court voted unanimous.

Judge Lusby announced the EMA tower bid advertisement is set for Saturday.

Planning & Zoning Interim Director, Joe Kane reviewed the updated floodplain ordinance. Mr. Marshall gave first reading of Ordinance 13-09; AN ORDINANCE REPEALING EXISTING PROVISIONS OF THE SCOTT COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES RELATING TO FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT AND REPLACING THEM WITH A NEW FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION ORDINANCE. Mr. Hughes and Mr. Prather suggested Planning & Zoning notify all affected residents. A motion was made by Mr. Lyons with second by Mr. Hoffman to approve the ordinance. Court voted unanimous.

A motion was made by Mr. Lyons with second by Mr. Hughes to reappoint Kim Stamper and John Bell to the Scott County Extension Board. Court voted unanimous.

For and inconsideration of one dollar, AT&T requested an easement of 12’x35’ land located adjacent to an existing site and the blacktop parking lot of Fire Station 5. A motion was made by Mr. Tackett with second by Mr. Parker authorizing Judge Lusby to sign the agreement. Court voted unanimous.

The next court meeting is scheduled for the night after Christmas. A motion was made by Mr. Hoffman with second by Mr. Prather to change that meeting to 9:00AM December 27th. Court voted unanimous.

County Attorney, Glenn Williams requested to hire Kelly Kearney full-time at a beginning salary of $32,000. She will be replacing Tamara Moore. A motion was made by Mr. Hughes with second by Mr. Hoffman to approve the new hire. Court voted unanimous.

Mr. Hoffman suggested the court discuss projects for the upcoming year.

Being no further business court was adjourned.