Unit Title: Discovering Wellness Through Movement

Unit General Overview: Fifteen – 55 minute classes to incorporating "Movement Wellness" into PE 1 for Freshman.

Lesson Title: The Overhead Squat
Lesson Objectives: By the end of the lesson, most students will be able to:
demonstrate proper technique in performing the Overhead Squat with a PVC pipe, an empty and a weighted barbell during class activities.
articulate a minimum of three technique prompts of how to properly perform the Overhead Squat.
demonstrate the ability to critique at least one peer’s Overhead Squat during class activities.
Lesson primary focus: Learning the proper technique of the Overhead Squat
Lessons main terminology/definitions:
Overhead Squat
Heavy Heals
Active shoulders
Flat back/ Lumbar Curve
Dumping the Weight
The Crossfit 9 Essential Movements:
1-Air Squat => 4-Front Squat => 7-OverHead Squat
2-Shoulder Press => 5-Push Press => 8-Push Jerk
3-Deadlift => 6-Sumo Deadlift High Pull => 9-Medicine Ball Clean
Lesson Resources:
white board / markers
internet / video link(s) to Overhead Squat
PVC pipe bars
Bumper plates & weight collars
Lesson Activity:
0-5 min: introduction of classes focus
Over the next 15 Wellness Sessions, you will be introduced to the Crossfit 9 Essential Movements which include the: 1-Air Squat, 2-Shoulder Press, 3-Deadlift, 4-Overhead Squat, 5-Push Press, 6-Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 7-OverHead Squat, 8-Push Jerk and 9-Medicine Ball Clean
As a class – we will progress through the movements following this format:
Air Squat => Front Squat => OverHead Squat
Shoulder Press => Push Press => Push Jerk
Deadlift => Sumo Deadlift High Pull => Medicine Ball Clean
Overview of today’s primary movement focus – the Overhead Squat.
On the board will be a list of the identified primary muscle groups utilized in the Overhead Squat including:
Quadriceps, Gluteus Maximus and Minimum, Hamstrings, Core – Students will put their hands on these muscles groups as they are read aloud off the board.
5-10 min: group non-weighted Overhead Squat technique overview / video demonstration / partner squat and technique analysis work
Click on the link for Overhead Squats off the following site:
15-30 min: Dynamic group warm-up
25-35 min: Overhead Squat group discussion
35-45 min: Overhead Squat WOD review and activity
45-55 min: Cool down/ stretch
Using the skill and technique, and peer evaluation rubric each student will be evaluated by the teacher (see attached handout for teachers rubric)
Using the skill and technique rubric each student will be evaluating at minimum one other peers form and technique in completing the front squat.
Learning Enrichment Activities:
Reflection / Future Modifications:
After completing the Lesson, how might you modify it for the next time? Make those changes above as well.