Writing One S Own History

Writing One S Own History

Excerpts from Preface of The Future of Mankind Essentially speaking:

The process of dependence on the externals has to be reversed so as not to rely solely on the body senses. This is the step man has to take and very few have ever taken – a step beyond the physical senses. Joy is in the humility of a modest life not driven by un-fullfillment.

If you really saw that the only energy we know is that of friction, the truth of it would silence you. Silence is the pure energy we are speaking of, the energy that inspires one into a different state of goodness. That is the pristine energy – the purest.

The nuclear bomb could destroy millions of lives. Have you ever thought that the root of it is that we live by the energy of friction? That this is what stimulates us rather than thoughts of peace.

So, truth is necessary; love is necessary; something that is not of the earth is necessary. THOU SHALT NOT KILL becomes truly meaningful. LOVE YE ONE ANOTHER becomes a declaration of freedom from earth energies. Where the blessing of God shelters everything, how can there be war?

The minute you are free of earth energies, you are giving to the world something it has been waiting for. There is a relationship then. The earth provides the food and shelter, and you provide it with the truth, the light – different vibrations. You can never be insecure then for you have the earth that is your friend.

Then the seeking ends and the knowledge of love comes. There is love where there was fear. Your presence upon the planet has a powerful impact for it affects the very thought system of man all over the world.

Do you not see what an opportunity we have? Instead of bringing fear and hate and tension into the world – which but bring upheavals – we can bless it. You as a human being, as one who has that eternal holiness in you, have a responsibility. And the Will of God will help. You owe it to yourself for having heard this to bring a change in your life. All the potentials are within you to do so.

And then the planet itself and everything upon it receives it too. You are a unique being and angels would hover around you.

Life is holy and so are we. We are children of love and truth. We are part of eternity. Let us not limit ourselves to earth energies.

Let us but go towards our eternity,

And all the forces of the universe

Will be there to help us.

Let us be still an instant, and forget all things we ever learned, all thoughts we had, and every preconception that we hold of what things mean and what their purpose is. Let us remember not our own ideas of what the world is for. We do not know. Let every image held of everyone be loosened from our minds and swept away.

More important than external discoveries, is the inner discovery of the relationship with oneself and with all that is. It is an internal relationship that bridges the gap of separation between man and nature, between man and man, between man and God. And the New Age is meant to bring a person to that inner unity. It is what we learn from the New Age that is the issue.

Before we go any further it would be good to see how words have lost their meaning. It is difficult to get through to people because everybody “knows.” Today the very knowing – actually educated ignorance – has become man’s problem. We do not hear what is being shared because we have already defined in our minds what is being communicated – our interpretation.

Listening is an act in which the mind comes to stillness for a moment. Something creative takes place that was unknown before – a new energy, a new clarity. The still small voice within has been heard and when that takes place, it is bigger than the self, though it takes place within the self. That moment makes one humble, makes one loving, makes one appreciate truth. When you discover that, you add a quality to your life and to the lives of others.

Who listens that way? Our excess of learning prevents the listening, prevents the new. It has become detrimental. For external things we need the senses and we need to learn. But somewhere there must come a time when senses are stilled and another action takes place that brings discovery.

To me, this is the “New Age”: the discovery within me that I am not separated from anything in the world. It ends dependence on external organizations, for it is a miracle that takes place within. And then relationship comes into being. In relationship there is no separation because it is an expression of the One Life.

Our knowing prevents it because we are unfulfilled, insecure, worshipful of ambition, and certain “we” are going to do it. One can become very self-convinced. Yet it takes more than having a sincere motivation to make something work.

Some where we have to question – not out of fear and not out of reaction – but to question with honesty and a vitality that words alone cannot satisfy. This would bring one to overcoming all that is of thought. The questioning is the introduction of humility. For the first time, you do not know.

In that moment, there is an electric perception. Something else takes place for you have established a relationship with the Unknown, with what is boundless. It is accessible to all, whether it be Einstein, a great poet, a statesman, a housewife, you or me. We change human consciousness every time we bring such as clarity.

Let us call the New Age the living moment. Can we come to the living moment and its vitality, its wisdom and love, its care for man? In that living moment of the present, man rises to the height of his being. And whatever he does has a blessing and a sacredness to it. It begins to grow and can know no failure.

The “New Age” that we know, however, is but a trend: people meditating, burning incense, going to health food stores, becoming healers, so forth. The trend will one day disappear because another trend will take its place.

Let us look at what the mind of the age is, for it is influenced by the current trends. I do not think ever on this planet man has been so fatigued and depleted. As a result, outlets have become of major importance. We must look at these things. In what way is our New Age bringing stillness and relaxation, not through drugs, but through some real inner comprehension of who one is?

Beingness is something of eternity. It does not get caught in circumstances. It does not do things to suit the trends. It is independent of it all and that is why it cannot be affected by anything external.

When you do something that is not creative, that is not an expression of your being but only an expression of your ideas and your brain, life becomes dull. You need beer, cigarettes, potato chips, cinemas, newspapers and so forth.

The Kingdom is perfectly united and perfectly protected, and the ego will not prevail against it. Amen.

Each one of us is wrapped in our own survival. We are part of a very conditioned, centuries old, worn out brain, steeped in superstitions and fears. Our thoughts emerge out of that.

What prevents us from being awakened from the dark forces – the attractions and the indulgences that make our lives so pitiful, full of anxiety and self-centeredness? Have we taken any interest in emptying ourselves of insecurity and problems, fear and unfulfillment? We are here to serve God, not our experiences.

It demands that we come to a new strength, awakening different dimensions within ourselves, and finding our greater potentials. If a man is made dependent on sensation, he will never have the opportunity to rise beyond it. Sensations: is that not the dark force? Try to step out of it and you will discover what hold it has. It is necessary for man’s survival upon the planet that some rise above sensation, for desire is destroying the planet.

“I’m the light of the world” comes when you introduce forgiveness into your brain. Then there is no impurity, no animosity within the brain.

The purpose of the world you see is to obscure your function of forgiveness, and provide you with a justification for forgetting it. It is the temptation to abandon God and His Son by taking on physical appearance. It is this, the body’s eyes look upon.

Your picture of the world can only mirror what is within. The source of neither light nor darkness can be found without. Grievances darken your mind, and you look out on a darkened world. Forgiveness lifts the darkness, reasserts your will, and lets you look upon a world of light.

Today we are considering the will you share with God. This is not the same as the ego’s idle wishes, out of which darkness and nothingness arise. The will you share with God has all the power of creation in it.

There is a point beyond which illusion cannot go.

The people who are so-called “civilized” are not productive, for they do not bring that which is of Heaven to earth. Their vision is not holy. They do not work with Divine Energies. Only the co-creator is productive and civilized. The fragmented being promotes disharmony. Self-convinced, he exploits man with his horizontal values and beliefs. Under a myriad of disguises, man is misled.

When illusions end, then you inherit the energy of Truth – the Truth of Love. It is then given to you to give.

Find your own stillness and you will discover the forces of that inwardness, of that wholeness, of that which is the Unknown. Lift the veil, and it is…


Creating a fun-loving/devotional type of an atmosphere that is tended for the growth of incorporating socially stimulating groups (started by one’s own initiative) in the community to work together with hope for a better future as a common thread, while providing resources for productive engagements that uplift and unite all in: Essential-Intelligence! Pure Air, Water, and Earth/Admiration, Hope, and Love!

Bringing Spirit to All You Do:

Living and Leading Wholeheartedly


“Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose-a point which the soul may direct its intellectual eye.”

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

“The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit. The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are.”

Marcus Aurelius

What’s Essential To Life????

“There are three material things… essential to life - these are pure air, water, and earth. There are three immaterial things… essential to life – these are admiration, hope, and love.

Admiration – the power of discerning and taking delight in what is beautiful in visible form and lovely in human character; and, necessarily, striving to produce what is beautiful in form and to become what is lovely in character.

Hope- the recognition, by true foresight, of better things to be reached hereafter, whether by ourselves or others; necessarily issuing in the straightforward and undisappointable effort to advance, according to our proper power, the gaining of them.

Love – both of family and neighbor, faithful and satisfied.”

John Ruskin

“Big-heartedness is the most essential virtue on the spiritual journey. Love comes from the heart in full tilted green in a beautiful tone. It holds your personal I.D., which you are yet to see. Each wholly beautiful in it’s own way. This is what life is all about ”

Mathew Fox/Eric Anthony

The true practitioner of austerities does not fly into nirvana. The monk who breaks the precepts does not slide into hell.


The five great steps on your path of life.

Right desires, Never doubt, Seek un-foldment, Never waste, get in time with the infinite.

Standing in the light of God. Transparent from head to toe. I wonder what exactly is happening at the threshold of awareness. I think to my self. Justice, freedom, Honesty.

The Hero’s Journey

Just wander why you’re angry and desire healthier closer relationships instead of resenting aloofly.


Take the Hero’s Journey…

A journey into our subconscious shadow world teeming with emotions (anger, sadness, shame and fear) in order to bring them into conscious awareness; thus embarking us on The Hero’s Journey.

Get Ready for your Journey through the pearly gates of heaven BACK TO THE Garden of Eden!

The Heroes Journey allows gentle awareness of, and expression, venting etc. of emotions and allows them to be released. This frees up our inner joy, genuine gratitude, unconditional love and gives ourselves or a friend we want to clear with; this beautiful opportunity too. Remember to be tender in your expression; so as to not overwhelm the other person.

Bring peace back into your life with the natural awe of a child!

The Heroes Journey…

What are you upset, or concerned about?


(Response is the most important thing in the world!)

Thank-you/Namaste (I honor the Eternal in You).

How does that make you sad?



How does that make you afraid? Response… Thank-You, or Namaste.

How does that make you terrified? Response… Thank-You, or Namaste.

What do you like (love) about the situation (or person)? Response… Thank-You, or Namaste.

What’s your intention? Response… Thank-You, or Namaste.

What do you really want? Response… Thank-You, or Namaste.

Mirror back to Your Friend what you feel they really want.

Then say a prayer together

Then become aware and share how you are starting to receive the answer to your prayer.

Initiate a game plan>

Conscience is what brings us into our next body, it is what creates the situation needed to accomplish our souls purpose. Which is to, get back to where we came from, in this life. The origin of the Mind or Thought is therefor the source of what is and what becomes. Our thoughts create the way that we perceive the creation. We truly are living in a self-perpetuated holographic universe.

Conscience Cooperation requires humility.

Self-Support option A

What are you unhappy about?

Why are you unhappy about that?

Why do you believe that or do you believe that?

(Alternate) What are you afraid would happen if you weren’t unhappy about that?

Self-support option B

Ask someone, “What is your greatest concern or joy (in this moment)?”

After they answer say, “Thank You” and repeat the question.

If you need more information to understand their situation you can say, “Tell me more.”

Very Important: Do not have any bias if it is a concern or a joy. A concern will eventually lead to a joy. A joy will eventually lead to a deeper concern to be cleared out as well. This is an evolutionary process to clear concerns and move to greater joy and gratitude…

All of these things take Time.


At the center of every thought there is divine inspiration (Super conscience) but as it leaves that most sacred abode it can be come tainted by everything under the sun. The identity is mixed with personality from past present and even those not yet come. Distorting truth and creating a falsity. This is what our World becomes.

Consciousness (Ones own Thoughts) is what brings us into our next body, it is what creates the situation to accomplish our purpose. Which is to, get back to where we came from, in this lifetime. The origin of the Mind is therefor the source of what is and what becomes. Our thoughts create the way that we perceive the creation.

It is like an electric spark other wise known as a thought that emanates from the center of the void to create the World of form. It all started by a light at the end of the tunnel at the beginning of time at the inspiration of this Rhyme.

If I could have any thing I would remove neglect. Because if anything its been neglect on my behalf my parents, teachers and on down the line. Love and Food can combine and entrance each other on a spiritual plane. It’s really quite simple. Because once you have overcome fears and contentment, and realize that life is more then just power and money. That life is touching souls enriching lives strengthening walks with love through Knowledge and experience.

So here we are! We have arrived at our destination. Our desires fulfilled, Not always how we imagined it, But None the Less we are here. And will be here no matter where we are, we will still be there. So now it boils down to “Now What do you really want; because You will get it one way or another.” Our thoughts create our consciousness of reality and our desires create the environment we participate in along our Journey. I find it challenging and rewarding to be aware of my thoughts and how they lead to my actions, And my how my actions lead to my world..