Grading Policy Exercise (GPE)
This Grading Policy Exercise will...
- Allow you to potentially pick a new grading system for PAF 101
- Allow you to experience the process behind policy decisions
- Allow you to solve the societal problem, that societal problem being how grades are distributed for this semester in PAF 101.
You will have to choose one of the following three grading policies to attempt to solve this societal problem.For the purposes of this exercise, it is assumedthat all class members agree that there is a need for students to increase their levelof learning in this course.
Coplin currently uses the “TraditionalSystem” in which letter grades are allocated in the following way:
A: 90–100B: 80–89C: 70–79D: 60–69F: Below 60
Through a class discussion, you have the option to change this to...
1. “Traditional System” as described above.
2. “Conservative System” in which the students who receive the top 35% ofthe scores receive an A- ; the next 15% receive a B- ; the next 35% receive aC; the next 10% receive a D; and the remaining 5% receive an F.
3. “Socialist System” in which the students who receive the top 10% receivean A- ; the next 60% receive a B- ; the next 15% receive a C; the next 10%receive a D; and the remaining 5% receive an F.
Everyone is a player. Everyone is a stakeholder. There will be a conflict between self-interest and public interest. What will you do?
The making of public policy contains conflict between minority andmajority rights, respect for others, obstacles to a responsible and representativedecision, freedom of choice, and equitable rewards for talent and hard work. Keep this in mind throughout the exercise.
Your Task/ Homework
Write a paragraph on why you believe the grading system you pick should be the grading system Coplin uses for PAF 101 this semester. Think about the types of goals you have when picking your grading system, and why it would benefit you and the rest of the class. Complete this task/ homework by next class, Monday 2/26, and be prepared to explain and defend your point of view, per the procedure below.
Class Discussion Procedure
Your class will make a decision according to the following rules:
1. The final policy must be one of the Traditional, Conservative, or SocialistSystems.
2. If you fail to reach a decision by the end of the exercise, the TraditionalSystem will stay in effect.
3. Coplin will chair the class meeting.
4. Each time you choose to stand up and speak, it cannot exceed one minute.
5. The class can reach a decision in one of two ways:
a. By unanimous agreement of everyone in the class selecting one ofthe three systems.
b. If no unanimous agreement can be reached on one of the three systems,the class can decide on a voting procedure such as two-thirdsmajority, simple majority, or any other procedure. However, theremust be unanimous agreement on the voting procedure.
6. Unruly behavior will result in Coplin requiring one minute of silence.