Condition-Based Maintenance Plus (CBM+)
Expeditionary Fluid Analysis CAPABILITY (EFAC)
Working Integrated Product Team (WIPT)
29 June 2012
I. Background
AR 700-132/OPNAVINST 4731.1C CH-1/AFI 21–131(I) states that one of the Joint Oil Analysis Program goals is to test, evaluate, and promote where appropriate new and emerging techniques, technologies, and equipment for oil analysis. The Joint Oil Analysis Program must also ensure that all Army, Navy, and Air Force oil analysis plans and operations are integrated to provide standardized laboratory techniques, procedures, data, calibration standards, analytical instruments, and inter-Service oil analysis support to all military departments where practicable.
Current fluid sample analysis processes involve collecting and shipping samples to centralized laboratories and awaiting results before taking maintenance actions. Laboratory data indicates that 80% of analyzed fluids meet minimum standards for continued use (i.e., normal samples); therefore, a great potential exists to extend fluid change intervals, saving fluid and labor costs, and reducing logistics and environmental footprint. As part of a CBM program, performing oil changes based upon oil quality helps keep equipment in optimal condition and minimizes waste.
Decentralizing oil testing with accurate on-site devices can empower field personnel to make informed decisions rather than waiting for an Oil Analysis Laboratory report on normal samples. Furthermore, an affordable, accurate, and reliable on-site device would help to reduce the logistics tail associated with the shipment of normal samples. Abnormal samples should be sent to an Oil Analysis laboratory for further root cause analysis and dissemination to the engineering and Program Management communities.
II. Purpose
This charter establishes the CBM+ EFAC WIPT to leverage current and emerging commercial industry activity for demonstration, testing, and analysis. The project will utilize standardized fluid analysis and technical support for condition monitoring of oil and other lubricants in selected maintenance organizations. The JOAP Executive Committee (JOAP EC) coordinated demonstration, testing, and analysis must include validated operational testing from a Department of Defense test organization.
The following WIPT project goals are to:
· Define and publish validated joint requirements for an on-site fluid assessment device.
· Collect and analyze implementation and operational data on commercial field fluid analysis efforts underway today.
· Host an Industry Day to review current devices.
· Design demonstrations and testing of an on-site fluid analysis capability in field activities using a variety of available instruments under JOAP Executive Committee oversight and approval.
· Perform a Business Case Analysis (BCA) on the instruments involved in testing and make a recommendation to Service Components on path forward.
III. Impact
On-Site oil assessment devices have the potential to simplify oil analysis testing and support Department of Defense (DoD) efforts to reduce maintenance costs by effectively monitoring lubricant condition in near real-time while we await development of in-line, embedded oil monitoring sensors. The implementation of unit level diagnostic devices could reduce field maintenance hours and improve materiel readiness given the assumption that a cost effective, accurate, and reliable instrument can be found. In addition, such devices make off-site laboratories more cost-effective by concentrating their efforts on abnormal/special/priority samples and reducing low-value throughput.
IV. Authority
The CBM+ EFAC WIPT is established under the authority of the DoD CBM+ Advisory Group (AG) Charter.
V. Membership
The CBM+ EFAC WIPT consists of the Team Members listed at Attachment A. The leader of the CBM+ EFAC WIPT will be designated TBD
VI. Responsibilities
The CBM+ EFAC WIPT Chair will direct the preparation and dissemination of required materials. The CBM+ EFAC WIPT Members shall represent their organizations on coordination and approving any recommendations for expeditionary fluid analysis equipment. The CBM+ EFAC WIPT Members shall develop initial capability documentation from their respective user level requirements for each Service. After requirements are staffed by the respective service components, the WIPT will seek to consolidate the valid user requirements into a Joint Requirements Document. Upon concurrence from all WIPT members, the team will develop a Test and Evaluation Master Plan with an approved Department of Defense Test Organization. Funding for the aforementioned Operational Test will be shared across the service components.
VII. Procedures
The CBM+ EFAC WIPT will meet as required. All relative procedures for WIPTs as outlined in the CBM+ AG Charter pertain.
VIII. Schedule
WIPT will meet monthly to discuss progress and path forward.
Tentative timeline as follows:
May - August: Preliminary meetings to define roles, responsibilities, and members. Identify valid user requirements, initiate market research, and data collection.
July 2012: Develop recommendations for joint policies and coordinate requirements.
August 2012: Conduct market research/investigation and develop operational test plan.
November 2012: EFAC WIPT to host “Industry Day” in conjunction with the DoD Maintenance Symposium.
January-June 2013: Conduct demonstrations and collect data culminating with JOAP EC monitored operational testing.
July-September 2013: Publish reports and conduct BCA.
October 2013: Brief respective service components on recommendations followed by presentations to the JTEG Principals, JOAP EC, and MESC/JG-DM.
November 2013: Plan and execute an “EFAC Panel” at the 2013 DoD Maintenance Symposium
EFAC WIPTOrganization/Reps / email
Mr Greg Kilchenstein /
Mr Steve Morani /
Mr Steve Baker /
MSgt Kevin Campbell /
Mr Shane McWhorter /
Mr Jim Baker /
Mr Mike Drylie /
Mr John Moffatt /
CWO5 Mark Schmidt /
Mr Edgardo Guevara /
Mr David Leeper /
Mr Doug Mearns /
Mr Pedro Farias /
Mr Bob Van Jones /
Ms Alicia Pauls /
LMI Corp
Mr Dan Sny /
Mr Dave Cutter /