Caithness Riding Club
“Charity” Showing Bonanza Weekend
Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th of March 2015
Section A - Saturday 9:30am Section C - Sunday 9:30am
Working Hunter Section –Ridden Section – Ms Carole MacDonald Ms Joanna MacDonald and Ms K Gill
Class BRidden C&T (will be split horse/pony)
Class 13’6 Working HunterClass 15Riding Club Horse (over 15hh)
Class 23’3 Working HunterClass 16Ridden Horse (over 15hh)
Class 32’9 Working HunterClass 17Ridden Novice Horse (never won a class)
Class 42’6 Working HunterClass 18Ridden Pony (13hh – 15hh)
Class 52’3 Working HunterClass 19Ridden Pony (13hh & under)
Class 61’9 Working HunterClass 20Coloured (may be split horse/pony)
All above classes will be split senior/juniorClass 21Cob
Class 22Ridden Veteran (16 years and over)
Class 23Large Mountain & Moorland
Class 24Small Mountain & Moorland
Class 25Riding Club pony (15hh & under)
Class 26Lead Rein (under 12hh/rider under 8 yrs)
Section B – Saturday 1:30pm (approx)
In hand Section – Ms K Gill
Class AIn hand C&T (will be split horse/pony)
Class 7 Over 15hh (4 yrs and over)
Class 8Cob
Class 9Large Mountain & Moorland
Class 10Small Mountain & Moorland
Class 11Coloured
Class 12Under 15hh (4 yrs and over)
Class 13Young Stock (3yrs and under)
Class 14 Veterans (16 years and over)
This is a charity show, where all the money raised over the 2 days will be going to different charities. We will be running a raffle and would welcome any raffle donations………..We would like to donate the money raised to a number of local charities, so if you are involved with or would like to nominate a charity that you believe would welcome a donation, please indicate this on the entry form. Please do come along and support our show!!!!!
Hans Hendersons Catering Van will be on site for both days of the show……
Additional Information
- A maximum of 1 entry per section per horse/pony for Working Hunter.
- A maximum of 2 entries per section per horse/pony for In-hand PLUS you can enter the C&T class.
- A maximum of 2 Ridden classes per section PLUS the C&T.
- All entries are at the committee’s discretion; some classes may be split or amalgamated if needed.
- Working Hunter classes will be split by senior & junior ages (Junior is 17 years and under on the day of the show).
- Classes will run in the above entry order and will start sharp at 9:30am each day.
- 1st placed prize winners only will go forward to the championship of each section. Working Hunter Championship will be split senior/junior as per classes. Inhand classes will all go in together for their Championship and Ridden will be split Horse/Pony.
- Classes 15 & 25 – may contain a small jump or challenge.
- Classes 15, 17 & 25 must be ridden in a snaffle bit.
- Ridden, C&T and In hand classes cost £5 per entry for members and £7 for non-members. Working Hunter entry is £7 for members and £9 for non-members.
- CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES – Friday 6thMarch 2015. Entries will be taken on the day at £10 per entry per class and must be entered with the show secretary before 9:30am each day.
Cheques made payable to - Caithness Riding Club
Class / Name of Rider/Hander / Name of Horse/Pony / Age of Horse/Pony (applies to youngstock & veterans) / SeniorOr
Junior (Working Hunter) / Fee
Total Fee Enclosed / £
Entries to be sent to - Miss Michelle Matheson, Park View, Auckengill, By Wick, KW1 4XP
Do you have a suggestion for a local charity who would benefit from a donation? ……………………………………………………………..