GothenburgUCLAProjects Preliminary

Harmonised Variable List

ID VARIABLES / Variable Label
Bcolumn / Birth column order
Citytown / Place of residence
Cluster / Cluster number
Country / Country ID number using UN codes
Datasrce / Data source
Hhidnum / Household ID number
Hhnum / Household number
Houseid / Household number
Idnum / Individual ID number
Line / Line number
Psu / Primary sampling unit
Region / Region
Sdomain / Sample domain
Sdomainlong / Sample domain (long list)
Ssnum / Sample stratum number
Urbrur / Urban or rural place of residence
Adult / Member is an adult (18+)
Age / Age of household member
Agefirstbirth / Age of woman at first birth
Agegrp / Age groups for child labour
Agemonths / Childs age in months
Agewed / Age first married
Baby2num / Number of babies born in last two years
Bordnum / Birth order number
Childsex / Sex of child
Ethni / Respondent ethnicity
Kidage / Current age of child in years
Language / Main language
Married / Womans marital status
MICS8.6 / Married before age 15 (MICS8.6)
MICS8.7 / Married before age 18 (MICS 8.7)
Multbirth / Child is part of multiple birth
Polygamous / Polygamous union (MICS 8.9)
Prevres / Previous place of residence
Rel / Respondent religion
Res / Length of time in residence in years
Sex / Sex of respondent
Survive / Number of children alive
Totaldead / Number of children who have died
Totbirth / Total number of children ever born
Yoblst / Year of birth of last child
Ures / Respondent is usual resident
Child / Member is a child (U18)
Cliveswith / Person child lives with
Dadalive / Respondent father alive
Dline / Fathers line number in household file
Foster / Foster or adoption status
Hohrel / Relationship to hoh
Mline / Mothers line number in household file
Mumalive / Respondent mother alive
Parent / Parents vital status
Partnerage / Womans partners age
Anthflag / Child anthropometric data flagged (MICS only)
Birthsize / Child size at birth
Birthweight / Childs birth weight
Bmikids / BMI standard deviations according to WHO (children)
Chmeasd / Date child was measured day
Chmeasm / Date child was measured month
Chmeasy / Date child was measured year
Chtlyst / Child was measured lying or standing
Htanchs / Height for age z score - NCHS ref
Htawho / Height for age z score - WHO ref
Wtanchs / Weight for age z score - NCHS ref
Wtawho / Weight for age z score - WHO ref
Wthtnchs / Weight for height z score - NCHS ref
Wthtwho / Weight for height z score - WHO ref
Height / Height in CM (1 dec.)
Weight / Weight in KG (1 dec.)
Adults / Number of adults in household
Children / Number of children in household
Defacto / Number of de facto hh members
Dejure / Number of de jure hh members
Famtype / Family Structure - Vertical and Horizontal
Hhmem / Number of household members
Hhtype / Number of adults and children in the household
Ku5mem / Number children under five in household
Mmem / Number of eligible men
Wmem / Number of eligible women
Hohage / Age of head of household
Hohline / Head of household line number
Hohsex / Sex of head of household
Car / Has car
Cart / Animal drawn cart
Computer / Has computer
Fridge / Has refrigerator
Hectare / Number of hectares of agricultural land
Internet / Has access to the internet
Land / Owns agricultural land
Livestock / Has livesotck, herds or farm animals
Mobphone / Has mobile phone
Moto / Has motorcycle
Phone / Has telephone
Radio / Has radio
Tenure / HH owns or rents dwelling
Tv / Has tv
Video / Has video
Watch / Has watch
Wealth / Wealth quintile
Wealthscore / Wealth index factor score
Chimney / Has chimney or hood or neither
Cleansing / Soap, detergent or local cleansing agent present
Elec / Has electricity
Floorm2 / Floor area of dwelling in meters squared
Floormat / Type of floor material
Fuel / Main fuel used for cooking
Getwater / Who collects the water for the household
Handwash / Place for household members to wash hands
Kitchen / Household has separate room used a kitchen
Looshare / Share toilet with other households
Numroom / Number of rooms
Roofmat / Type of roof material
Sleeproom / Number of rooms for sleeping
Stove / Has stove (open fire, open stove, closed stove, other)
Toilet / Type of toilet facility
Toiletloc / Toilet location
Treatwater / Treat water to make it safe
Wallmat / Type of wall material
Watsrce / Source of drinking water
Wattime / Round trip time to water source
Wherecook / Where household cooks food
Chhours / Number of hours child work outside household OR FAMILY BUSINESS (CL4+ CL9)
Chorehours / Number of hours of household work
Chores / Child helps with household work
Chwork / Child works for someone not in the household OR FOR FAMILY BUSINESS (CL3 OR CL8)
Empl / Currently employed
Employed / For whom does respondent work?
Partocc / Partners occupation
Sclasss / Occupational Class
Wherework / Where does respondent work
Workfreq / Frequency of work
Working / Child labour (MICS8.2)
Workpaid / Is work paid in cash or kind?
Eduat / Educational attainment
Edugrade / Highest year/grade of education
Edulev / Highest education level
Eduyr / Number of years of education
Everschool / Ever attended school (incl. Pre-school in MICS/DHS)
Literacy / Ability of read
Parteduat / Education attainment of womans partner
Partedulev / Partners education level
Parteduyr / Number of years of education of womans partner
School / Still at school
ARI / Had suspected pneumonia in the last two weeks
Breastfed / Duration (months) of breastfeeding (last child)
Breaths / Child had short rapid breaths
Bwtype / Type of birthweight recall
Chbloodia / Child had blood in stools
Chdia / Child had diarrhoea recently
Cough / Child had cough recently
Fever / Child had fever in last 2 weeks
Hygiene / Disposal of youngest childs stools when not using a toilet
Snot / Child had problem with chest or blocked or running nose
Whenbreast / When child put to breast
Anyaritreat / Treatment for suspected ARI at appropriate medical/health facility
Anydiatreat / Medical advice or treatment sought for child with diarrhoea
Approp / Age-appropriate breastfed fed
Ariantibiotic / Child with suspected pneumonia who received antibiotics in the last two weeks
Bcg / Received bcg
Diamed / Child received medical treatment for diarrhoea
Dpt1 / Received dpt1
Dpt2 / Received dpt2
Dpt3 / Received dpt3
Dpthepb1 / Received dpthepb1
Dpthepb2 / Received dpthepb2
Dpthepb3 / Received dpthepb3
Gotam / Child received antimalarial drug for fever
Kidstools / Safe disposal of child (0-2yrs) faeces
Measles / Received measles
Mozzinetkids / Children U5 slept under mosquito net
Netskids / Number of children sleeping under bednet previous night (MICS3.15)
Notreat / Not given any treatment or drug
Orsdmore / ORS or increased fluids
Ort / ORT (ORS or recommended homemade fluids or increased fluids)
Polio0 / Received polio0
Polio1 / Received polio1
Polio2 / Received polio2
Polio3 / Received polio3
Treatcough / Child received medical treatment for cough
Vita1 / Received Vitamin A1
Vita2 / Received Vitamin A2
Yf / Received Yellow Fever
Zinc / Pill or syrup: Zinc
Alcohol / Used alcohol
BMI / Body Mass Index
Chew / Chews tobacco
Dead / Member of the household died in the last 12 months
Fpchoice / Decision maker for using contraception
Fpmessage / Has heard of at least 1 FP message
Fpmethod / Family planning method
Agemixing / Woman aged 15-24 who has had sex in the 12 mo preceding the survey with a partner who was 10+ years older
Heardsti / Heard about sexually transmitted disease
Malecircumcised / Male respondent circumcised
MICS8.11 / Women favouring continuation of FGM
MICS8.12 / Reports undergoing any form of FGM/C
MICS8.13 / Number of daughters circumcised
Multiplepartners / Multiple sex partners (including husband) in last 12 months
Numdead / Number of household members who died in last 12 months
Othersti / Heard about other stds
Partalcohol / Partner drinks alcohol
Pipe / Smokes pipe
Sick / Very sick for at least 3 months during the past year
Sickdad / Father very sick for at least three months in the past year
Sickmum / Mother very sick for at least three months in the past year
Smoker / Smokes cigarettes
Snuff / Uses snuff
Stidischarge / Had a bad smelling abnormal genital discharge in last 12 months
Stil12mo / Has had an STI in last 12 months
Stiposs / Either had an STI or had symptoms of an STI
Stisore / Had genital sore/ulcer in last 12 months
Tobacco / Smokes
Unmet / Unmet need (type of unmet need)
Wash / Washed hands before preparing last meal
MDG5.3 / Using a modern or traditional contraceptive method (MDG5.3)
MDG5.6 / Unmet need for family planning (MDG5.6)
Mozzinet / HH has mosquito net
Netsnum / Number of mosquito nets (MICS3.12)
Stiad / Sought medical advice for last STI
Insurance / Covered by health insurance
Insuretype / Type of insurance cover
ANClocation / Location of ANC
MICS5.5a / Person providing antenatal care (MDG 5.5)
MICS5.5b / Number of Antenatal care visits
MICS5.6 / Blood pressure measured, urine specimen and blood test taken MICS Indicator 5.6
Rectet1 / Number TT injections during last birth
Rectet2 / Number TT injections bef. Last birth
Babypnc / Baby received a post-natal check
Delivery / Place of delivery (woman var)
Evercsection / Woman has had a C-section
MDG5.2 / Assistance at child birth
MICS5.11 / Received a health check while in facility or at home following delivery, or a post-natal care visit within 2 days after birth (MICS 5.11)
MICS5.12 / Mother Received Postnatal Check with 2 days of delivery
MICS5.6 / Blood pressure measured, urine specimen and blood test taken MICS Indicator 5.6
MICS5.8 / Place of delivery (MICS5.8) (child var)
MICS5.9 / Last delivery by caesarean section (MICS 5.9)
Pnctime / PNC for baby within 2 days of delivery
Abstain / Knows can reduce risk of AIDS by not having sex at all
Aidsbug / Believes you can get aids from a mosquito bite
Aidscond / Knows can prevent aids by using condom
Aidsfood / Believes you can get aids by sharing food with a sick person
Aidshth / Knows you can get aids from a healthy-looking person
Aidsinfoanc / Received information on AIDS/HIV during ANC
Aidsknow / Has heard of aids
Aidstalk / Antenatal talk - AIDS can be transmitted from mother to child
Aidstest / Ever been tested for AIDS
Aidswitch / Believes you can get aids by supernatural means
Askforcondom / Can ask partner to use a condom
Condom / Used condom during last intercourse
Hivresp / Received results of HIV test at ANC visit
Limitpart / Knows can reduce risk of AIDS by having 1 sex partner with no other partner
MDG6.2 / Condom use with non-regular partners (MDG6.2)
Multpartcond / Multiple partners in last 12 mo and condom use
Numsexpart / Total lifetime number of sexual partners
Testplace / Know a place to get AIDS test
Freqnews / Frequency reads newspaper or mag
Freqradio / Frequency listens to radio
Freqtv / Frequency watches tv
Mphone / Woman has phone
Mrad / Woman has radio
Mtv / Woman has television
Agemonths / Child current age in months
Birthcert / Birth certificate & registration
Birthregist / Birth of child U5 reported registered (MICS8.1)
Bordnum / Birth order number
NB: See FINAL SECTION for detailed birth order variables
Hhintervdate / Date of HH interview CMC
Hhintervday / Day of HH interview
Hhintervmo / Month of HH interview
Hhintervyear / Year of HH interview
Intervdate / Date of interview CMC
Intervday / Day of interview
Intervmo / Month of interview
Intervyear / Year of interview
Dateofbirth / Date of Birth (CMC)
Dayofbirth / Childs day of birth
Mob / Month of birth
Yob / Year of birth
Kidage / Current age of child
Multbirth / Child is part of multiple birth
Register / Reason birth was not registered
Dhsweight / DHS sample weight
Micsweight / MICS sample weight
Mweight / Male sample weight
Woweight / Woman sample weight
Adultwt / Sample weight from woman and mans file
Dvweight / Weight for domestic violence respondents
Malesampwt / Sample weight for male subsample
Bargue / Wife beating justified if she argues with him
Bfood / Wife beating justified if she burns the food
Bnasex / Wife beating justified if she denies sex
Bnegch / Wife beating justified if she neglects the children
Bout / Wife beating justified if she goes out without telling him
Earnsmore / Earns more than partner
Emovio / Ever experienced emotional violence
Idealnboys / Ideal number of boys
Idealngirls / Ideal number of girls
Interrupt / Interview interrupted
MICS8.14 / Attitude to domestic violence
Physvio / Ever experienced physical violence
Saybuyminr / Final say on making household purchases for daily needs
Saybuymjr / Final say on making large household purchases
Saychildren / Final say on deciding how many children to have
Sayfood / Final say on food to be cooked each day
Sayhealth / Final say on own health care
Sayvisrel / Final say on visits to family or relatives
Saywspend / Final say on deciding what to do with money partner earns
Sexualvio / Ever experienced sexual violence
Spenddec / Who decides how to spend money
Refusesex / Can respondent refuse sex?(woman)
MICS8.5 / Violent discipline
MICS6.1 / Support for learning
MICS6.2 / Father’s support for learning
MICS6.3 / Learning materials: children’s books
MICS6.4 / Learning materials: playthings
MICS6.5 / Inadequate care - children under age 5 left alone or in the care of another child younger than 10 years of age for more than one hour at least once in the past week
MICS6.6 / Early child development index
MICS SW.1 / Life Satisfaction
MICS SW.2 / Happiness
MICS SW.3 / Perception of a better life
Cmckid01 / Childs date of birth - CMC
Cmckid02 / Childs date of birth - CMC
Cmckid03 / Childs date of birth - CMC
Cmckid04 / Childs date of birth - CMC
Cmckid05 / Childs date of birth - CMC
Cmckid06 / Childs date of birth - CMC
Cmckid07 / Childs date of birth - CMC
Cmckid08 / Childs date of birth - CMC
Cmckid09 / Childs date of birth - CMC
Cmckid10 / Childs date of birth - CMC
Cmckid11 / Childs date of birth - CMC
Cmckid12 / Childs date of birth - CMC
Cmckid13 / Childs date of birth - CMC
Cmckid14 / Childs date of birth - CMC
Cmckid15 / Childs date of birth - CMC
Cmckid16 / Childs date of birth - CMC
Cmckid17 / Childs date of birth - CMC
Cmckid18 / Childs date of birth - CMC
Cmckid19 / Childs date of birth - CMC
Cmckid20 / Childs date of birth - CMC
Moblst / Month of birth of last child
Mortagemo01 / Age in months when child died
Mortagemo02 / Age in months when child died
Mortagemo03 / Age in months when child died
Mortagemo04 / Age in months when child died
Mortagemo05 / Age in months when child died
Mortagemo06 / Age in months when child died
Mortagemo07 / Age in months when child died
Mortagemo08 / Age in months when child died
Mortagemo09 / Age in months when child died
Mortagemo10 / Age in months when child died
Mortagemo11 / Age in months when child died
Mortagemo12 / Age in months when child died
Mortagemo13 / Age in months when child died
Mortagemo14 / Age in months when child died
Mortagemo15 / Age in months when child died
Mortagemo16 / Age in months when child died
Mortagemo17 / Age in months when child died
Mortagemo18 / Age in months when child died
Mortagemo19 / Age in months when child died
Mortagemo20 / Age in months when child died
Sexkid01 / Childs sex
Sexkid02 / Childs sex
Sexkid03 / Childs sex
Sexkid04 / Childs sex
Sexkid05 / Childs sex
Sexkid06 / Childs sex
Sexkid07 / Childs sex
Sexkid08 / Childs sex
Sexkid09 / Childs sex
Sexkid10 / Childs sex
Sexkid11 / Childs sex
Sexkid12 / Childs sex
Sexkid13 / Childs sex
Sexkid14 / Childs sex
Sexkid15 / Childs sex
Sexkid16 / Childs sex
Sexkid17 / Childs sex
Sexkid18 / Childs sex
Sexkid19 / Childs sex
Sexkid20 / Childs sex