Crow River Area Breastfeeding Coalition
April 17th, 20181pm
Dunn Bros--Hutchinson
Present: Whitney W. (Sibley), Emily N. (Nursing student), Jill (babywearing group), Karen (HH dietician), Mindy (Meeker Memorial and nursing student), Jayme K. (McLeod), Kindra M. (Nursing student), Joanne W. (Meeker Memorial), Terri H. (McLeod)Mission:Collaborate with local health departments, WIC, Hospitals, healthcare, and community members to protect, support, and promote breastfeeding.
Vision:Provide a clear and consistent message through the community about breastfeeding resources and support.
Topic / Discussion/Plan / Action/Do/Follow up
Welcome and Introductions / Welcome to the nursing students here to learn more about breastfeeding support and promotion!
Presentation of Community Breastfeeding Support Survey Results and Interventions / Whitney Wiethoff, KindraMelichar, Emily Neubauer with Metropolitan State University / The coalition decided to resurrect a survey that was done in 2015 in order to compare data and trends. Interesting data was found and presented, and is available upon request at any time. The coalition members showed interest in conducting a similar survey in years to come in order to track data.
Coalition Accomplishments / Healthy Communities Grant—tents have arrived!
Next Steps?
Community Breastfeeding Support Survey complete / --Signage/Logo
--Survey (Jayme handed out for final review, minor modifications/errors changed)
--Policy/procedure manual for use
--STOP/In-Use signage
--Provide resources in/outside of the tent.
Jayme will work on ordering chairs to debut the tents at the “We Care About Our Kids” event on 4/28/18.
It was suggested to have a point person in each County that would be the contact for utilizing the tents. Google Calendar could be used for scheduling the tents.
Will it be the responsibility or the coalition or the community member using the tent/s to pick-up and drop-off?? Can be decided and written into policy/procedure.
Subcommittee for writing policy/procedure
--Jill showed interest
--Other members??
We Care About Our Kids Event / Jayme—update/information / 4/28/18, planning on the debut of our new bright pink lactation spaces! Terri is planning to attend the event, and Jill showed interest.
Setting new goals /
- Bring Rock-N-Rest to all counties
- Change resource guide to brochure form, outreach to hospitals/pharmacies
- August event--2019
- Fundraising efforts
- Community breastfeeding survey--complete
- Translate resource guide to Spanish
The Big Latch On—Jill will bring info for an August event. Free to register as a site, step-by-step instructions for planning event.
Partner Sharing / Moms Like You support group update / Andrea not available for update today.
Jenny C—Please send out PDF of yellow postcards for use.
Financial Update / Started out completely unfunded…
Letter project--$225.00
GRHS--$100.00 / GRHS check came in on 3/23/18. How did they hear about us? Mailing project?
MN Breastfeeding Coalition / Teleconference 4/19/18 / Whitney shared some of our coalition highlights since starting back up in September 2017.
--Business mailing asking for donations/sponsorship and providing information on BF Friendly Workplace.
--Schwan’s Fundraiser
--Mini Community Assessment on local breastfeeding support
--Moms Like You support group
--“Dear Employer…” letters
--$500 mini grant used to purchase portable lactation spaces.
Others on the call were excited to hear about “bright pink tents.” Whitney forwarded information on the tents. Also forwarded information on about survey and support group.
Upcoming Trainings / Foundations for Best Practices in Lactation Care—April 16th-20th in Willmar ($125)Jenny attending
April 19th—MN Breastfeeding Coalition Annual Teleconference
Grow and Glow for all WIC staff—April 26th and 27th in Blaine, MN--FULL
Grow and Glow—May 3rd and 4th in Brainerd, MN.Whitney attending
Certified Lactation Specialist (CLS)—July 9th-13th in the Metro area. (40 hours towards IBCLC)
Building Bridges to Breastfeeding Duration—August 2nd and 3rd (tentative!) / Looking forward to an update from Jenny about Foundations for Best Practices at next meeting!
Outreach / Continue to post meeting minutes on the website?
“Dear Employer…” letters now posted on website
Updated resource guide posted on website
Spanish Translated Resource Guide
Clean up website—subcomittee? / Continue to post meeting minutes on the website.
Translate resource guide and post to website. It was suggested to link current Spanish resources to our website (La Leche League, etc.)
ALL—Please take the time to review the website and bring recommendations for changes to the next meeting.
Fundraising / Schwan’s fundraiser ends today—last day to earn 5% back on orders
New ideas? / $157.71 raised total. Nice job everyone!
Keep an eye out for different grant opportunities. Karen pointed out the Hutchinson Health Foundation grant.
Buffalo Wild Wings
Pizza Ranch (10% + tips?)
Papa Murphey’s
Kwik Trip
Amazon Smiles
New mailing project targeting hospitals. Hutch Health is now joining Health Partners—new possibility.
Future Meeting Dates / To be determined… / Doodle Poll to be sent out
Respectfully Submitted: / Whitney Wiethoff, RN, CLC