The Thursday, April 27, 2006 meeting of the Maryland State Athletic Commission was called to order at 3:13 p.m.. Present were: Chairman David J. Norman; Commissioner Ben Alperstein; Commissioner William R. McCaffrey; Commissioner Lenny Moore; Patrick Pannella, Executive Director; and Bruce C. Spizler, Senior Assistant Attorney General and Counsel.


The March 30, 2006 Minutes of the Maryland State Athletic Commission, which were previously distributed to all Commission members for review, were discussed. Upon a motion by Commissioner Alperstein, and seconded by Commissioner McCaffrey, the Commission voted unanimously (4-0) to approve the March 30, 2006 Minutes of the Commission.


Executive Director Pannella led a discussion in regard to two professional boxing shows scheduled to be held in the State of Maryland in the month of June, 2006.

Upon a motion by Commissioner McCaffrey, and seconded by Commissioner Moore, the Commission voted unanimously (4-0) to approve the following boxing shows:

Professional Boxing Show

Thursday, June 15, 2006 - 8:15 p.m.

Michael’s Eighth Avenue - Glen Burnie, Maryland

Promoter: Michael’s Eighth Avenue / Ballroom Boxing, Inc.; and

“Pro-Am” Boxing Show

Wednesday, June 21, 2006 - 8:00 p.m.

Martin’s West - Woodlawn, Maryland

Promoter: Murray “Jake” Smith / Baltimore Pro Boxing.


Executive Director Pannella led a Commission discussion in regard to two professional wrestling shows scheduled to be held in the months of April and May, 2006.

Upon a motion by Commissioner McCaffrey, and seconded by Commissioner Alperstein, the Commission voted unanimously (4-0) to approve the following professional wrestling shows:

Professional Wrestling Show

Saturday, April 27, 2006 - 7:30 p.m.

Promoter: James Hardwick / Eastern Wrestling Alliance (EWA)

Country Ridge Shopping Center - Essex, Maryland; and

Professional Wrestling Show

Saturday, May 20, 2006 - 7:30 p.m.

Promoter: James Hardwick / Eastern Wrestling Alliance (EWA) Country Ridge Shopping Center - Essex, Maryland.


Chairman Norman led a Commission discussion regarding D-Light Skate Palace, a venue located in the Temple Hills community of Prince George’s County where promoter Gene Molovinsky of Keystone Boxing is desirous of holding professional boxing shows. Chairman Norman stated that D-Light Skate Palace is a former roller skating venue which is currently closed and undergoing extensive renovations. He reported that, at the direction of the Commission, Executive Director Pannella recently inspected the venue and was joined at the inspection by Mr. Molovinsky, other Keystone Boxing representatives, D-Light Skate Palace representatives, and a security consultant selected by Mr. Molovinsky.

Executive Director Pannella provided the Commission with the following report regarding his inspection of the D-Light Skate Palace which occurred on March 31, 2006. The venue maintains a large room for a professional boxing show to be held, and also has additional ample space for dressing rooms, a Commission ringside doctor’s post-bout room, a Commission officials room, and other rooms to be used by the promoter. Mr. Molovinsky’s security consultant, Mark Zimmerman of Security Services, expressed concerns about public safety pertaining to any professional boxing show held at D-Light Skate Palace because of the venue’s numerous exit doors and related crowd control issues. Mr. Zimmerman recommended utilizing an increased number of private security employees, combined with an increased number of uniformed police officers, to effectively maintain a safe environment for boxing spectators. Mr. Zimmerman recommended that not less than six uniformed police officers be hired by the promoter to work at a professional boxing show held at this venue.

Chairman Norman opined that the Commission should advise Mr. Molovinsky that a “certain level of security”, consistent with the recommendations of Mr. Molovinsky’s current security consultant (Mark Zimmerman of Security Services) and pending the approval of the Commission, will be required for professional boxing shows held at D-Light Skate Palace.

Upon a motion by Chairman Norman, and seconded by Commissioner McCaffrey, the Commission voted (4-0) to direct Executive Director Pannella to notify Mr. Molovinsky in writing that, regarding professional boxing shows scheduled to be held at D-Light Skate Palace in Temple Hills, the Commission is requiring Mr. Molovinsky to maintain a level of security which is consistent with the recommendations of Mr. Molovinsky’s current security consultant (Mark Zimmerman of Security Services) and which has been approved by the Commission.


Executive Director led a Commission discussion regarding COMAR (E) (1) and, specifically, whether the Commission should lift its requirement that one of the professional boxing bouts scheduled on a “pro-am” boxing show must consist of eight rounds or more. Chairman Norman opined that lifting the Commission’s eight-round bout requirement for a pro-am boxing show would most likely increase the number of professional bouts scheduled for a pro-am boxing show, as additional four-round bouts or six-round bouts could be held to reach the

Commission’s minimum requirement of 20 rounds of professional boxing. The Commission elected to consider amending COMAR (E) (1) at a future Commission meeting after further review by both the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation and the Commission.


Chairman Norman and Executive Director Pannella led a review of the June 21, 2006 professional boxing show which was promoted by Murray “Jake” Smith of Baltimore Pro Boxing and held at Martin’s West in Woodlawn, Maryland. Both Chairman Norman and Mr. Pannella opined that the bouts well-matched.

Mr. Pannella reported that there was miscommunication between the Commission and the promoter regarding the number of scheduled rounds for one of the bouts. Mr. Pannella also reported that the promoter’s “glove man” inadvertently gave a boxer one eight-round glove and one ten-round glove, an error which was immediately discovered by a Commission inspector. For accountability and clarification purposes, Mr. Pannella stated that, for future boxing shows, the name of the individual assigned by the promoter to be responsible for distributing boxing gloves to each boxer will be included on the Commission “inspection” report for each boxing show.


Executive Director Pannella reported that promoter Murray “Jake” Smith of Baltimore Pro Boxing is currently involved in the early planning stages of holding a “pro-am” boxing show in Ocean City in August. Mr. Pannella stated that he contacted the Ocean City Department of Emergency Services to discuss the Commission’s regulatory requirements pertaining to an ambulance and emergency medical services personnel at boxing events.


Executive Director Pannella announced that the next Commission meeting will be held on Thursday, May 25, 2006 at 3:00 p.m. in the Third Floor Conference Room, 500 North Calvert Street in Baltimore.


Upon a motion by Commissioner McCaffrey, and seconded by Commissioner Moore, the Commission voted unanimously (4-0) to adjourn the meeting at 4:29 p.m..