Kopeopeo Canal Remediation Project- CLG minutes, 30 March 2015 Page 4 of 5
Minutes for Kopeopeo Canal Remediation Project Community Liaison Group
Eastbay REAP - Putauaki Room
21 Pyne St, Whakatane, 12 noon start - 30 March 2015
Facilitator: Barbara Campany - GHD
Members Present:
· Containment site reps: Amanda Austrin (CS1), Tui Edwards (CS2)
· DCANZ: Sue Walsh
· BOPRC Consent Authority: Jessica Hunter-Smith
· Whakatāne Harbour Care: Rene De Jong
· Toi Te Ora: Helen Futter
· SWAP; TRONA: Eula Toko
· DOC: Clint Savage
Others Present:
BOPRC staff: Bruce Crabbe, Kerry Gosling, Brendon Love, Justine McLeary, Stephanie Fraser.
Action summary
No. / Action / Responsible1. / Send Terms of Reference for edit to CLG members, in Word format via an online editing tool / Stephanie Fraser
2. / Set up a group email address and contact details list for CLG members to use to communicate / Stephanie Fraser
3. / Changes be made to the role summary and included in the updated Terms of Reference / Stephanie Fraser
4. / The updated role summary to be sent to Tui Edwards for sharing with potential Chair candidate / Brendon Love
5. / Contact nominees discussed at meeting to put a CV forward for CLG consideration if interested in role of Chair / Amanda Austrin; Tui Edwards
6. / Send other nominations for position of Chair to Stephanie Fraser by Thursday 9 April 2015 / All CLG members
7. / Send an email vote with CVs attached to all CLG members / Stephanie Fraser
8. / Send questions to ask at the IM selection panel meetings to Amanda Austrin by 17 April 2015 / All CLG members
9. / Send the Request for Tender for the IM to Amanda Austrin / Brendon Love
10. / Tui Edwards to be sent an appointment for the PSG meeting of 29 April 2015 / Stephanie Fraser
11. / FAQs need updating on the BOPRC website – any questions the community wants answers to are to be sent through to Justine McLeary / All CLG members
12. / Send CLG meeting invitations via email to CLG members / Stephanie Fraser
13. / Contact to be made with Hokowhitu Marae regarding CLG representation / Eula Toko
14. / Contact the Whakatāne District Pony Club, the Baptist Church, Coastlands Nursery, Julian’s Berry Farm and Coastlands Orchard regarding CLG representation / Brendon Love
Item 1: Welcome, Karakia, Introductions and Apologies
Bruce Crabbe welcomed and thanked all present for attending. Facilitator Barbara Campany was introduced and gave an overview of her experience and the importance of this function setting meeting of the Community Liaison Group (CLG). Clint Savage gave the karakia. All present outlined their expectations of their involvement with the group.
Apologies for absence: Doug Spittle, John Miekle, Jane Waldon, Scottie McLeod
Apologies for lateness: Clint Savage
Motion: Apologies approved. Crabbe/Fraser, CARRIEDItem 2: a) Objectives of CLG
b) Review of draft Terms of Reference
c) Administration and support function (secretariat)
a) Objective of CLG: it was clarified that today is to set up principles around engagement – the process has to work for the CLG. Also appointments of the Chair, representatives to the IM selection panel and the Project Steering Group.
b) Review of draft Terms of Reference : it was noted that ToR:
i. Need to be modified per feedback at meeting and sent to CLG members for further input through online editing.
c) Administration and support function (secretariat) – it was agreed that secretariat services will be provided by BOPRC as consent holder.
Action 1: Send Terms of Reference for edit to CLG members, in Word format via an online editing tool (Stephanie Fraser)
Action 2: Set up a group email address and contact details list for CLG members to use to communicate (Stephanie Fraser)
Item 3: Draft Role Summary for Chair
It was decided that:
a) the Chair is someone who is independent to the CLG and attributes for the role discussed were:
i. Being a good facilitator
ii. Holding a deeper interest in outcomes of project
iii. Having a respected public profile in the Whakatane community
iv. Being a media spokesperson for the CLG
v. Being available for the whole project; no intention to rotate the role
vi. Independent to BOPRC as consent holder i.e. not someone who regularly contracts to BOPRC (Technical Services Group).
b) The role of Chair should be a paid position.
Action 3: Changes be made to the role summary and included in the updated Terms of Reference (Stephanie Fraser).
Action 4: An updated role summary to be sent to Tui Edwards for sharing with potential Chair candidates (Brendon Love).
Item 4: Nominations and selection process for Chair
a) Bill Clark, Joe Pryor and Lyn Hartley were named as potential candidates for the role of Chair
b) An email voting system is to be used to select the Chair prior to the next CLG meeting.
Action 5: Contact nominees discussed at meeting to put a CV forward for CLG consideration if interested in role of Chair (Amanda Austrin – Bill Clarke, Tui Edwards – Joe Pryor and Lyn Hartley)
Action 6: Send other nominations for position of Chair to Stephanie Fraser by Thursday 9 April 2015 (All CLG members).
Action 7: Send an email vote with CVs attached to all CLG members (Stephanie Fraser)
Item 5: Nomination and selection of CLG member to the Independent Monitor Selection Panel
a) Three CLG members expressed interest in nomination to the IM selection panel.
i) It was agreed that Amanda Austrin be the CLG member to the IM selection panel.
b) The other members of the IM selection panel were named as Steve Pickles (BOPRC as consent authority – compliance), Bruce Croucher (MfE), Phil Shoemack – Chair (Toi Te Ora – Public Health Service) and Brendon Love (BOPRC as consent holder).
c) The Independent Monitor should be appointed by the next CLG meeting.
Action 8: Send questions to ask at the IM selection panel meetings to Amanda Austrin by 17 April 2015 (All CLG members)
Action 9: Send the Request for Tender for the IM to Amanda Austrin (Brendon Love)
Item 6: Nomination and selection of CLG member to the Project Steering Group
a) During discussion regarding the Independent Monitor selection panel CLG member the nominations for a PSG member were also covered.
i) It was agreed that Tui Edwards be the CLG member to the Project Steering Group.
Action 10: Tui Edwards to be sent an appointment for the PSG meeting of 29 April 2015 (Stephanie Fraser)
Item 7: Development of standing agenda items
It was noted that
a) Setting standing agenda items is a forum for the CLG to put forward what they want to discuss at meetings.
b) The standing agenda items on page 10 of the draft Terms of Reference to be updated with
i) Community feedback – top five issues in the community at present
ii) Health and safety – community health monitoring
iii) Methodology trials (until finished)
iv) Compliance – present summary of complaints received
Action 11: FAQs need updating on the BOPRC website – any questions the community wants answers to are to be sent through to Justine McLeary (All CLG members).
Item 8: Future meetings – schedule and location, dates and times
a) Future meeting dates will be to some extent set according to peaks and troughs in response to key milestones. The earliest start date for CS1 sediment placement is November 2015. A six weekly meeting schedule was recommended by the Project Manager.
b) Eastbay REAP rooms will be used for meetings.
c) Mondays between 11.00am -1.30pm with a light lunch provided.
Action 12: The schedule to be set until October 2015 in ToR and invitations sent via email to CLG members (Stephanie Fraser)
Item 9: General Discussion points
a) Community representation gaps in current CLG membership
i) It was felt that there could be representation on the CLG from Hokowhitu Marae, the Whakatāne District Pony Club, the Baptist Church, Coastlands Nursery, Julian’s Berry Farm and Coastlands Orchard should those parties wish.
ii) It was noted that Whakatāne Growers had been approached to be the Horticulture NZ local representative and had declined. Horticulture NZ had deferred to local representation on the CLG.
b) Honoraria – will be defined and inserted to ToR.
c) Community feedback support – Brendon Love is available to meet with any CLG member and their group(s). Contact Brendon to arrange a suitable date and time.
d) CLG public meetings – the purpose of this meeting was to establish group functions and processes and was closed to the public. Future meetings of the CLG will be open to the public.
e) BOPRC website information - The BOPRC website will be updated with project information and ‘approved’ drafts of minutes will be put onto website within two weeks of the CLG meeting.
f) Methodology review – it was reported that as a result of community feedback/submissions and technological advances the project has a window of opportunity to vary the sediment extraction and transfer methodology. It is important to note:
i) That a change to the new method needs to be completed as a variation on a non-notified basis so the community needs to understand and support the change.
ii) In the background is the funding from MfE and BOPRC and each time the project timelines move then there is a risk to continuation of project funding.
Action 13: Contact to be made with Hokowhitu Marae regarding CLG representation (Eula Toko)
Action 14: Contact the Whakatāne District Pony Club, the Baptist Church, Coastlands Nursery, Julian’s Berry Farm and Coastlands Orchard regarding CLG representation (Brendon Love)
Meeting Closed 2:35 pm