Wheelchair Service User Group
Terms of Reference
1. East and North Hertfordshire and Herts Valleys Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) have developed a service user group, focussing on wheelchair services, with the objective of:
- commissioning services centred around the needs and views of patients, carers and the public
- establishing partnership working with patients, carers and the public and local communities to inform our commissioning decisions and quality monitoring
2. Purpose of the service user group
To develop and communicate patient and carer perspective on issues relating to the wheelchair service provided by the NHS in Hertfordshire and the quality of services being delivered.
Achieved by:
2.1raising the profile and importance of patient, service user, carer and other stakeholders/advocates opinion and input in influence service design, development, commissioning intent and procurement
2.2raising areas of concern and potential improvement for the service, and working with both CCGs to undertake necessary actions to address those areas
2.3both CCGs ensuring the group are kept up to date with service proposals, issues and future local plans for service change or development
2.4all members should promote all formal consultation or engagement opportunities to their wider communities and encourage a diverse representation and response to best inform the CCGs.
3. People / Membership and accountability
The group will consist of:
3.1Chaired by either of the CCG’s commissioning managers
3.2Service user or carer representatives from across the county
3.3Local Healthwatch representatives
3.4Voluntary sector providers from relevant sectors
3.5Be supported by the CCG’s public engagement team and other CCG staff where appropriate by invitation.
3.6Representatives from other organisations involved in wheelchair or associated health or social care issues, can attend meetings at the invitation of the group in discussion with the public engagement team.
3.7Guest speakers will be invited when specific challenges or items of interest are suggested.
The group will report to:
3.8Nominated bodies within both CCGs as and when requested or appropriate
3.9Associated partners and stakeholders, e.g. Healthwatch, as and when requested or appropriate
4. Process and ground rules
4.1The group will aim to meet at least four times a year; although additional meetings/events may be called as necessary.
4.2Venues will be as accessible as possible and take place within accessible locations across the county.
4.3Agenda items can be generated by members of the group via the public engagement teams at either CCG.
4.4An agenda (and where possible associated papers) will be made available to members a week prior to the meeting
4.5Notes and actions arising from the meeting will be agreed and circulated to the group within two weeks of the meeting
4.6Members may be invited to undertake other tasks, including serving on CCG working groups and sub-committees as appropriate.
4.7Membership of the group is on the understanding that this forum is not the mechanism to raise or deal with individual complaints or to lobby in relation to funding for individual voluntary and community sector organisations or other organisations. Complaints or concerns of any nature should be directed through appropriate channels in the usual manner.
5. Review
The group will undertake an annual review of its effectiveness using a self-assessment tool – based upon the approval date of the terms of reference.
6. Sharing of information and resources (including confidential materials)
As part of the role, a patient member will be expected to maintain absolute confidentiality in matters relating to information gained as a member of the group in certain situations.
This would include (but is not exhaustive):
- divulging contact details of other members to outside parties without their expressed permission,
- sharing documents circulated as part of the meeting and/or notes of the meeting that are expressly stated as ‘confidential’ or in draft form,
- sharing confidential patient information with third parties if asked to talk with patients about their experience of health services,
- members are required to respect confidentiality of specific topics discussed at the meeting as requested by other members,
- passing on commercial or corporate confidential information if for example a member participates in a procurement process to choose a provider of services.
To be approved at the service user group meeting: