Virginia Board for People with Disabilities
Executive Committee (EC) Meeting Minutes
Dec. 6, 2017
Committee Members Present:
Mary McAdam, Chair
Phil Caldwell, Vice-Chair
Rachel Loughlin, Secretary
Cindy Rudy
Alexis Nichols
Ed Turner
Ethel Paris-Gainer
Committee Members Absent:
Summer Sage
Matthew Shapiro
VBPD Staff Present:
Heidi Lawyer
Kelly Bolden
John Cimino
Nia Harrison
Benjamin Jarvela
Amberly Millis
Penni Sweetenburg-Lee
Ronita Wilson
Jason Withers
Henry Street (visitor)
CALL TO ORDER: The Chair, Ms. Mary McAdam, called the meeting to order 8:00 a.m.
OPENING REMARKS: The Chair greeted and welcomed Board members and staff. Mr. Henry Street was introduced as the new Director of Administration for the Board.
REVIEW OF THE EC AGENDA: The Chair reviewed the Executive Committee Meeting agenda items.
APPROVAL OF Sept., 2017 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES: The Chair asked if there were any amendments to the Sept.13, 2017 Executive Committee meeting minutes.
Ms. Cindy Rudy made a MOTION to approve. Mr. Phil Caldwell seconded the MOTION to approve. The MOTION was approved unanimously.
BOARD MEMBER ATTENDANCE: Ms. Rachel Loughlin reported that there was one attendance issue that the Director noted needed to be corrected. Mr. John Kelly had been in attendance at the September 2017 meeting. This information will be updated for the board member attendance sheet.
DIRECTOR’S UPDATE: The Chair called for questions on the Executive Director’s report. Ms. Heidi Lawyer provided an overview of the policy, programmatic, and training activities for the quarter. She and staff responded to questions regarding the health data dashboard activity and the Center for Inclusive Communities initiative on diversity.
AGENCY FISCAL REPORT: The Chair asked if there were questions to the fiscal reports.
Ms. Lawyer reviewed the budget reports reflecting agency expenditures. She reminded the Committee that the Board had been allotted an additional $40,000 for SFY 2017 as a result of the redistribution of funds from the Puerto Rico DD Council which brings the SFY 2017 allotment to $1,538,716.
Ms. Lawyer then presented the Committee with a revised SFY 2017 operational budget for review and approval. She explained that the budget includes a line item increase for the Partners in Policymaking Program from $144,450 to $159,450, an increase of $15,000. Ms. Lawyer noted that there had been unanticipated expenditures related to providing reasonable accommodations for program participants and although expenditures had been reduced in other areas, additional funding was needed, Mr. Ed Turner made a MOTION to recommend to the full Board approval of the revised operational budget of $1,496,709 for SFY 2017., and
Ms. Rudy seconded the MOTION to approve. The MOTION passed unanimously.
GRANT EXPENDITURE UPDATE: Mr. Jason Withers, Grants, Contracts and Program Information Manager, discussed expenditures for the Board’s six current grant projects: 1) The Virginia NICU Early Intervention Collaborative through the Virginia Hospital Research & Education Foundation (VHREF). 2)The Development of Adult Curriculum on Critical Decision-Making Points for Students with Disabilities project through the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). 3) The Improving Transportation Planning in Cities and Counties to Increase Access to Community-Based Healthcare through the disAbility Law Center of Virginia (dLCV). 4) The Increasing Access to Disability Resources in non-English Languages through The Arc of Northern Virginia. 5) The Improving Health and Wellness through Empowerment project with James Madison University and 6) The Communication & Health Advocacy Training project with Virginia Commonwealth University. These projects and expenditures were referenced in Attachment ISP 3-2.
COMMITTEE CHAIR/STAFF MEETING AGENDAS: The Chairs of each committee and staff discussed their respective committee meeting agendas.
OTHER BUSINESS: There was none.
ADJOURNMENT: The Chair thanked the EC members for their contributions and called for adjournment of the meeting at 8:48 a.m.