Students’ Union Forum Minutes – 3rdDecember 2015
Joint forum of Hope In the Union, Hope in the Community and Hope in The University
New Chair of Hope in The Community – Malika Pache welcomed everybody to the forum
Students’ Union President Kira Cox – Presented her report. There being no questions from the floor this was accepted.
Motion 15/16 E There being nobody to move the motion. The motion fell
Motion 15/16/F
Moved by Sean Marsh – No speakers against. Votes for 27.
Motion 15/16 G Moved by Ayo Akinrele One speaker in favour of motion, no speeches against
Votes for 28 Against 0 motion passed
Students’ Union Vice President (Welfare and Community)- Ayo Akinrele presented his report.
Sam Hicks ( Badminton) asked about what work was being done to tackle bullying in sports.
Suzanne Moody introduced herself and explained he work she does as Hope Universities sustainability manager
A student asked what the university are doing to promote composting in halls.
Students’ Union Vice President ( education) PranayShakya presented his report. There being no question from the floor This report was accepted.
Funding Bids Societies
Futsal Society – Presented their bid.
Question – Why is this a society not a sports team ?
Response from Kira It is because it is a new non competitive team
Islamic Society Nobody to present bid
The following societies had their bids approved Futsal
Sports Bids
Badminton Presented their bid
Cheerleading – Presented their bid
Womens Football
Nobody to present bid
Womens Rugby Presented their bid
Womens Gaelic football Presented their bid
Badminton 17
Womens Rugby 25
Cheerleading 22
Womens Gaelic 24
The following clubs had their funding approved –
Womens Gaelic
Womens Rugby
Motion 15/16 F – Moved by Sean Marsh
This Union Notes: The Conservative onslaught on Education. Including the lifting of the £9,000 cap on tuition fees, the student loan book privatisation attempt and the freezing of the repayment threshold laid out in the Autumn Statement.
The mass protests that have taken place since the general election, including the 20th June, the October Tory conference and the 4th Nov.
The campaign to elect and support Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party, showing that enthusiasm and support exists for free education and anti-austerity policies.
This Union Believes: The Conservative government is gearing up for further attacks on students, including the privatisation of the student loan book.
Student action, especially linked to a united workers struggle with trade unions can push back the Government.
A need to be bold in fighting for fully funded, publicly owned, democratically run and universally free education.
This Union Resolves: To pressure the NUS nationally to act decisively against recent and future attacks on students.
To campaign around the following demands:
- Grant not debt
- Stop cuts + Privatisation
- Free Education