WorldCat Availbilty Query service Overview

The WorldCat Availability Query Service (AQ) works with PIR to provide holdings and availability information to the Request service to identify possible UC lenders.. RSC-IAGasked CDL to document this process. The information is intended for use by ILL staff and interested public services staff.

The AQ service provides holdings and availability information for Requests generated from a Melvyl® (aka WorldCat Local) record and for requests generated from the special UC Order function in PubMed and requests generated in UC-eLinks/Citation Linker. The document presents two scenarios:

  • Requesting an item from the Melvyl
  • Requesting an item via UC-eLinks

Instructions on how to view the information passed to Request in the OpenURL from Melvyl or UC-eLinks are included to aid in understanding why some bibliographic information may not be passed into VDX.

Scenario 1: User makes a request from a Melvyl record

User makes a request from a Melvylrecord.

Melvyl(aka WorldCat Local) sends an OpenURL v 1.0 containing the bibliographic data, including the OCLC number for the record to the Request service, along with the UC campus identifiers indicating campus holdings for the record.

The example used throughout this document is the item

Author: / Kiley, Michael T.
Title: / How should unemployment benefits respond to the business cycle? [electronic resource] / Michael T. Kiley.
Publisher: / Washington, D.C. : Federal Reserve Board, [2003]
Format: / Book; Government Document; Online
Series: / Finance and economics discussion series ; 2003-01

RequestUser Interface

The Request service form collects enduser account information and passes this to PIR to be used by the PIR Authentication Service (PIRAuth.)After PIRAuth validates the useragainst home campus patron database,, the PIR component of the Request service passes the citation information to Request to be displayed to the user on the Request service review page. Once the user accepts the copyright statement, Request checks the UC-eLinks (SFX)database for both CDL (systemwide licensed) and the user’s home campus (from the Request form)licensed econtent to determineif an electronic copy of the item may be available.

If UC-eLinks responds with the information indicating the item may be available electronically, then the user is offered a link to the electronic version. If user chooses the electronic version, the Request session ends;if user continues with Request, theRequest is passed to PIR.


PIR parses the OpenURL sent from the Melvyl , into the component bibliographic fields and passes this information to Request for user review (see Appendix I). The Request service PIR program queries the AQ service for UC holdings using the OCLC number passed in the OpenURL from Melvyl and UC the campus Identifiers.

If UC holdings are returneD

PIR goes through the standard routine of load balancing and creating a rota. The request is then sent to VDX.

Note:AQ only returns holdings for the original OCLC number. Although there may be additional UC holdings for the same item attached to a different OCLC number. These other UC holdings will not be attached. [1]

If no UC holdings are returned

PIR drops the OCLC number, resends the query, andAQ looks for a match usingbibliographic data from the OpenURL, e.g., ISSN or ISBN, or title of whole item inorder to look for UC holdings for the item. This eliminates the problem of requests being sent to WorldCat Resource Sharing for items available at the user’s home campus or at another UC campus when the user begins the request from a non-UC record.

Scenario 1: AQ service Processing for Melvyl items

Step one: the OCLC number passed to Request has UC holdings

All Melvyl requests have OCLC numbers. Requests that do not originate in the Melvyl (with the exception of some FirstSearch databases) do not have OCLC numbers, as described in Scenario Two.

If the OCLC number passed to Request does not have UC holdings attached,go to Step 2.

If the OCLC number passed to Request has UC holdings attached,go to Step 4.

Step two:the OCLC number passed to Request has no UC holdings; use ISxN

PIR drops the OCLC number and sends the ISSN or ISBN (ISxN) from the OpenURLto look for a record with UC holdings; this is parallel to the steps used for items from UC-eLinks..

ISSN matching

ISSN subfield rules follow UC-eLinks rules, i.e., matches are made only to the active ISSN e.g., 022 $a[2], not subfields containing incorrect (022 $y or canceled (022 $z) ISSNs. The fields used for matching are: 022$a; 440$ ; 490$x; 830$x

ISBN matching

ISBN subfield rules follow UC-eLinks rules, i.e., matches are made only to the active ISBN e.g., 020 $a,and not to subfields containing incorrect or canceled ISBNs.

OCLC will match on both ISBN and ISBN 13; OCLC’s match algorithm prefers ISBN 13 and sends this in the OpenURL. PIR will check using ISBN 10 if there are no UC results from ISBN 13.

If the OpenURL does not contain a standard number (ISSN OR ISBN), then go to step 3.

If anISxN match is made, go to step 4.

Step three: check for holdings matching On theitem title

Search for a title match using the contents of the jtitle (journal title) or btitle (book title) of the OpenURL.

Match the item “title” (jtitle for journals, btitle for books) in the OpenURL to the 245$a (title) or 246$a (variant title)or 773 $t(host item title) in Melvyl. Title match is a title keyword, not a left anchored title phrase.

If a match is made, go to Step 4.

If a match is not made, skip Step 4, send item to VDX marked for home campus ILL staff review.

Step Four: Check for monographic series indicators

Once a match is made to aMelvyl record, the OU Match service looks for a monographic series indicator (MARC 008/21=m).

service looks for the monographic series indicator (MARC 008/21 =m).

  • If there is no mono-series indicator, then the holdings for the matched record(s) are sent to PIR.
  • If there is a mono-series indicator, then AQ runs the routine for Monographic Series holdings.

starting from a Serial record for an item in a monographic series

If ISSN present:ISSN from 022$a plusthe volume number from the 440$v 830$v or 490$v volume

  • Use the contents of the 022$a in the serial to match to the 440$x, 830$x or 490$x (in this order) of the monographic record.

If no ISSN present:Use title plus volume from the 440$v 830$v or 490$v volume

  • AQ uses the title 245$a, or 245$a$b in serial item to match to the title 440$a, 830$a, or 490$a in the series title. If no 245 or 246,the 210 $a (abbreviated title) if present, is used for matching.

starting from a Monograph record with a series tracing

  • ISSN for the series in the 440$x, 830$x or 490$x (in this order) is used for matching to the serial record’s ISSN in the 022$a.
  • If no ISSN, the series title in the 440$a, 830$a or 490$a is used to match to the serial record’s title in the 245$a ( whole item title) or the 246 $a (whole item variant title).

Note: OCLC will match on truncated titles or titles that differ by a single word. This may cause incorrect matches.

If UC holdings are found for a mono-series match:

  • Holdings and OCLC number(s) are passed to PIR.PIR handles load balancing,creates the rota,and sends the request to VDX.

If UC holdings are notfound for a mono series match:

  • PIR sends the item to VDX with matches to the original item (if any) or sends the item to VDX with an empty ROTA.

Request/PIR/VDX and the WorldCat Availability Query Service3Feb2011saw; last update15 Aug 2011 saw1

Scenario 2: User makes a request via UC-eLinks from a licensed database

UC-eLinks sends an OpenURL v 0.1 containing the bibliographic data to Request.

Request User Interface

The Request form collects enduser account information and passes this to PIR to be used by the PIR Authentication Service (PIRAuth.) After PIRAuth validates the useragainst home campus patron database, the PIR component of the Request service passes the citation information from the OpenURL to Request to be displayed to the user on the Request service review page.

Request checks the SFX database for CDL and user’s home campus to check if an electronic copy of the item may be available. If SFX responds with the information indicating the item may be available electronically, then the user is offered a link to the electronic version. This is the same link offered to the user in the UC-eLinks menu. If user chooses the electronic version this time,the Request session ends. If user continues withRequest, the Request is passed to PIR.

Request/PIR Processing

PIR parses the OpenURL sent from the Melvyl , into the component bibliographic fields and passes this information to Request for user review (see Appendix I). PIR converts the OpenURL v 0.1 to OpenURL v 1.0.for Melvylprocessing and then PIR passes the OpenURL v 1.0 to the Melvyl AQ/Fulfillment server.

The bibliographic information in the OpenURL is the only information Request has to pass to VDX.

Melvyl AQ service Processing for items from Article databases

PIR sends the OpenURL from UC-eLinks to the AQ service.AQ passes the information to the OCLC’s Best Match service (OU Match), which returns holdings to AQ which then checks for availability and returns information to PIR.

Step one: the OpenURL contains an OCLC number

Requests that originate in some FirstSearch databases have OCLC numbers passed in the OpenURL. The Best Match service uses the OCLC number from the OpenURL to find a match in Melvyl.

If the OCLC number passed to Request matches an item with no UC holdings attached, go to Step 2.

If the OCLC number passed to Request matches an item with UC holdings attached, go to Step 4.

Step two: No OCLC number passed to RequesT; Check for UC holdings using ISxN

ISSN matching is done against the 022 $a in the OCLC record; ISBN matching is done against the 020$a in the OCLC record.

This is parallel to the process used when an item from Melvyl has no UC holdings (scenario 1, step 2).

If the OpenURL does not contain a standard number (ISSN OR ISBN), then go to Step 3; if match go to Step 4.

Step THREE: If no ISxN in record then check for match to whole item title

Search for a title match using the contents of the jtitle (journal title) or btitle (book title) of the OpenURL.

Match the item “title” (jtitle for journals, btitle for books) in the OpenURL to the 245$a (title) or 246$a (variant title) in Melvyl.

OCLC will match on truncated titles or titles that differ by a single word. This may cause incorrect matches.

Check the Melvyl matched record for the MARC indicator for mono-series, go toStep 4.

Step four:Check for monographic series indicator

Once a match is made to aMelvyl record, the OU Match service looks for a monographic series indicator (MARC 008/21=m).

  • If there is no indicator, then the holdings for the matched record(s) are sent to PIR.
  • If there is a mono-series indicator then Melvyl runs the routine for Monographic Series holdings.

starting from a Matched SERIAL record for an item withAMono-series indicator

Fields used for matching:

ISSN from 022$a plus volume number from the 440$v 830$v or 490$v volume or

  • Use the contents of the 022$a in the serial to match to the 440$x, 830$x or 490$x (in this order) of the monographic record
  • If noISSN present: Use Title plus volume from the 440$v 830$v or 490$v volumeAQ uses the title 245$a, or 245$a$b in serial item to match to the title 440$a, 830$a, or 490$a in the series title. If no 245 or 246, the 210 $a (abbreviated title) if present, is used for matching.

starting from a Monograph record with a Mono-series indicator

  • ISSN for the series in the 440$x, 830$x or 490$x (in this order) is used for matching to the serial record’s ISSN in the 022$a.
  • If no ISSN, the series title in the 440$a, 830$a or 490$a is used to match to the serial record’s title in the 245$a ( whole item title) or the 246 $a (whole item variant title).
  • 440$v 830$v or 490$v is volume number; this is not used for matching.

Note: OCLC will match on truncated titles or titles that differ by a single word. THis may cause incorrect matches.

If UC holdings are found for a mono-series match:

  • Holdings and OCLC number(s) are passed to PIR. PIR handles load balancing,creates the rota,and sends the request to VDX.

If UC holdings are notfound for a mono series match:

  • PIR sends the item to VDX with matches to the original item (if any) or the item to VDX with an empty ROTA.

Request/PIR/VDX and the WorldCat Availability Query Service3Feb2011saw; last update15 Aug 2011 saw1

Appendix I: Interpreting OpenURLs

The bibliographic data in the OpenURL is the only data included in the VDX record.

The quality of the OpenURL determines the quality of the VDX bibliographic record.

This section shows how to identify the key information in an OpenURL sent to Request from Melvyl or from an article database via UC-eLinks.

Two examples for the same item follow one from an Melvyl record and one for the same item in an A&I database. The item is part of a monographic series.

Melvyl Record for a volume in a monographic series

Sample OpenURL Sent to Request by WCL for Item in monoseries

The OpenURL contains all of the information sent to the Request service. Request passes all of this information to VDX. You can copy the OpenURL from the navigation box of the Request form page and paste it into a Word document to see the bibliographic information being passed from the catalog.

To make the OpenURL easier to read: Paste the OpenURL from the navigation box on the Request form page into MS Word. Replace the ampersand (&) with ^p& .













OCLC passed this Item to Request as a book. the series information is not included in the OpenURL.

VDX record



Rota is populated.



EBSCOHost Business Source Complete database

Looking for the same item in a licensed database

EBSCOHost Business Source Complete passed this as an article with the series title in the OpenURL.


To make the OpenURL easier to read: Paste the OpenURL from the navigation box on the Request form page into MS Word. Replace the ampersand (&) with ^p& .

The OpenURL passed from UC-eLinks to Request















VDX record



Rota is empty


Change from OTHER TO “Part of Book” to see details.

Request/PIR/VDX and the WorldCat Availability Query Service3Feb2011saw; last update15 Aug 2011 saw1

[1] This is often the reason an ILL Request comes in for an item held at the home campus. The home campus holdings are on a different OCLC record.

[2] Explanations of MARC fields can be found at the Library of Congress Marc 21 site