Creating futures since 1907
College of Forest Resources—Meeting with UW Provost and Staff, April 29, 2005
Undergraduate (n= 208)
- Environmental Science and Resource Management (ESRM) and Paper Science and Engineering degrees approved and underway. Faculty have created advising pathways for upper division specializations. Work to be done meshing the new core courses with old and new courses at the 300 and 400 levels.
- CFR is now part of the UW Honors Program.
- Service teaching for the UW remains high.
- Conducted multiple meetings with community colleges to encourage ease of transfer for environmentally-oriented students; have new articulation agreements in place.
- Expanding our recruiting efforts for new undergraduate curricula.
- CFR Minors consolidated from six to two: ESRM and Streamside Studies.
Graduate (n=171)
- Peace Corps Master’s International program approved; first students admitted to the program in fall 2004.
- MS & PhD degree programs consolidated under one program (from 13).
- Master of Forestry degree being designed with intention of SAF accreditation by fall 2006. CFR students could complete a BS and MF in 5 years. Would be a 1 or 2-year degree depending upon student preparation.
- International IGERT joins the Urban Ecology IGERT to enhance graduate offerings.
Future Directions
- Committee brainstorming and consulting within and outside the College on future directions for research; meetings with Weyerhaeuser, USFS, Green Diamond, WADNR.
- Research program to guide new faculty hires.
- CFR Directions Steering Committee guiding the selection of goals for the next 3 years.
- G&C FY04 awards = $8.7M; G&C FY04 expenditures = $8.9M.
- Emerging research programs: bioenergy and bioproducts, bioremediation, geospatial sciences.
- Participating in proposal development for National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON).
Current Faculty Searches
Search committees are actively engaged in the following searches:
- Center for Sustainable Forestry — Associate or Full Professor (WOT)
- Landscape Plant Science and Sustainable Management — Assistant Professor
- Natural Products Chemistry — Assistant Professor
- Remote Sensing and Biospatial Analysis — Assistant/Associate Profess
An additional four bridge positions are requested.
CFR Centers
- PackForest: establishment of the Center for Sustainable Forestry; planning underway for construction of a new conference lodge; green certification of PackForest operations under SFI Standard.
- ONRC: created partnership between ONRC and DNR for research and management of the OESF lands. Hired research staff member stationed at ONRC on funds shared between CFR and DNR; DNR has agreed to continue funding for another year.
- CUH and WPA: New director David Mabberley appointed.
- CWWS: New director Anne Steinemann appointed by CoE with adjunct appointment in CFR.
- PFC: Director position filled with appointment of CFR faculty David Briggs.
- CINTRAFOR: Director position filled with appointment of CFR faculty Ivan Eastin.
Development Campaign Overview
- Campaign goal$17.7mm
- Progress to goal60.7%
- Campaign Total 3/05$10,739,555
- Total Private Dollars ‘05$1,240,222
- Alumni Participation17.6%
- Total Donors since 20002865
- Total Donors YTD 898
04/05 FY Highlights
- $207k Ridgeway Fund established
- $625k Weyerhaeuser PSE Professorship, including Founder’s & HECB $$
- $157k Scott Professorship; $100k from Weyerhaeuser.
- $200k Weyerhaeuser operating support for CINTRAFOR and WPPF
- $1.7mm Merrill Hall Capital Funding goal exceeded
- $200k Thomas Swen Friberg planned gift in Paper Science and Engineering
- Established endowments secured leadership; Mabberley, Marzluff, Briggs
- Nearly 1 of 4 College undergraduates received private support in 04/05
- Campaign UW: Creating Futures successfully launched at CFR
- WTA on Development signed for Arboretum MIP
Endowment Values:
- December 04 Report: 60 Endowed Funds; $9,459,618 Cost ; $16,540,605 Market Value
- Rural Technology Initiative (RTI): developing streaming video for distance learning; provided video for DNR’s distance learning effort on road construction for small forest landowners; provided training in the Landscape Management System and technology transfer to tribal land managers.
- Northwest Environmental Forum established and first forum, “Washington’s Working Forests” held in 2004.
- Red Alder Symposium sponsored by RTI, SMC, USFS PNW, and WSU Extension.
- Summer programs for teacher education: Olympic Natural Resources Centerand Paper Science and Engineering program.
- CFR winter lecture series and the Denman lecture series, both filmed for UW TV.
- Require upgrades to laboratory space in Winkenwerder and Bloedel Halls, particularly for initiatives in bioremediation and PSE. Require upgrades for classrooms, particularly audiovisual equipment and web access.
- Renovation is underway of former Forest Resources library space in Bloedel Hall as an active learning laboratory.
- Potential USFS interest in federally funded building on UW campus; e.g., NewSustainableResourcesSciencesBuilding.
- Northwest Environmental Forum building.