REAP Legislative Committee Meeting Minutes
September 24, 2015 ~ Wichita Workforce Center
Mayor Terry Somers, Chair
- Welcome and Introductions
Commissioner Chip Westfall, Harvey County,Chair called the meeting to order and asked for self-introductions.
- Changing of the Guard
Lawing announced that Commissioner Westfall was resigning from his role as chair and that Mayor Terry Somers, Mount Hope had agreed to chair the committee. Somers thanked Westfall for his service and chaired the remainder of the meeting.
- Approval of Minutes from March 26, 2015
Commissioner Chip Westfall, Harvey County (City Council Member Carl Koster, Cheney) moved to approve the minutes from March 26, 2015. Motion adopted.
- 2015 Regional Policy Summit
Lawing announced that this year’s Regional Policy Summit is scheduled for Thursday, November 12, 2015 at the Rhatigan Student Center at Wichita State University; a draft Agenda was included in the meeting packet. The policy summit is usually held in December; however, fewer legislators have attended over the years and it is hoped that this date will provide for increased attendance.Hosting partners for the event are Wichita State University, Kansas Global Trade Services and the Greater Wichita Partnership.
The focus for the event will be on the Blueprint for Regional Economic Growth (BREG) to increase the understanding of this initiative throughout the region and identify possible policy issues that could enhance economic growth in South Central Kansas.
Agenda Summary:
1)Present research on the South Central Kansas economy with a response panel of community leaders and question and answer from the audience
2)Highlight the role of exports in the regional economy and present grant awards
3)Learn about how Texas uses workforce development resources to support economic development strategies and the partnerships between the Texas Workforce Commission and local workforce boards
Lawing reviewed the list of sponsors for last year’s event and encouraged the committee members to assist in generating attendance and sponsorships. The Committee agreed to remove the Regional Wrap-Up from the agenda and add a forum of healthcare representatives/CEOs or speaker (ie. Kansas Hospital Association) to discuss the state of healthcare in South Central Kansas in light of recent hospital closings. Lawing will do some research and make some calls to healthcare representatives to determine an appropriate speaker.
- 2016 Legislative Agenda Planning
- Lawing reported that as part of the process of developing a budget and work plan for 2016, the REAP Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and the REAP Executive Committee discussed the need for contracted Topeka based representation, the purpose and development of a regional legislative agenda/priorities and what should be the role of REAP when it comes to policy advocacy. REAP Legislative Committee was directed to examine these and other related issues as part of the planning process for a 2016 legislative agenda.
REAP has contracted for legislative consulting services since 2000, and specifically Bruno and Associates since 2006.
2016 will be there first year since 2005 that the region has not requested state support for commercial air service. There is not an obvious and large scale regional legislative priority identified for the 2016 legislative session.
The Committee discussed:
- What are the basic goals for REAP in the area of policy advocacy and influencing state investments to support the regional economy?
- Does REAP need Topeka-based representation?
- What is the best way to develop regional legislative priorities?
- How can REAP best work with other partners and stakeholders on regional legislative priorities?
In lieu of a REAP contracted legislative consultant, suggestions were made to have individual REAP members that work with their own lobbyists to invite their lobbyist to Committee meetings and share information, research available subscriber services for legislative reporting from the Capital and make a provision in future meetings to share information REAP members might obtain through KAC and other leagues.
Kathy Sexton, Derby City Manager(Westfall) moved that the current contract with Tom Bruno not be renewed. Sexton recommended that the committee determine if there is an issue, what the issues and then hire a lobbyist with experience on that issue.
- Joe Pajor, Deputy Director of Public Works and Utilities at the City of Wichita discussed the city’s policy positions in regard to water issues. The policy priorities are: make the Equus Beds Aquifer sustainable, support priority of senior water rights, adjust bottom elevation for recharge credits to make ASR more effective in fighting drought, maximize artificial recharge of aquifers, protect water quality in the Equus Beds Aquifer, support requests for federal funding, and investigate raising conservation pool elevations in federal reservoirs. Handouts were provided and will be made part of the minutes. He reported that the City does not have any specific legislative related actions planned or requested.
- Other Business
No other business was raised by the Committee.
- Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 1:05 p.m.
Members/ Alternates
Mayor Terry Somers, Mount Hope, ChairCity Administrator Mark Detter, Andover
Council Member Carl Koster, Cheney
Deputy Director Joe Pajor, City of Wichita Public Works and Utilities
City Manager Kathy Sexton, Derby
Commissioner David Unruh, Sedgwick County
County Administrator John Waltner, Harvey County
Commissioner Chip Westfall, Harvey County
Keith Lawing, REAPShirley Lindhorst, REAP