Residential Care Survey Abbeyfield Dene Holm 5th April 2016
The Abbeyfield Kent Society would like to ensure that the people we support, their relatives, friends and authorised representatives feel free to discuss the quality of our service at any time.
We are constantly seeking ways to improve our services to you and to do this we need your views. We therefore ask if you could answer the following questions that best reflect your experience of our service
The survey is anonymous and will remain confidential. The overall results of the surveys will be presented at residents and relatives meetings in the homes and to the board of Trustees.
About You
1. Please could you tick one of the following:I am a resident / I am a relative / I am a friend (not staff)
Care & Support
The Society believes that every resident has the right to freedom and choice over how they wish to live their lives and, furthermore, believes that they should be enabled to live with as much independence as is safely possible.
Please could you rate the following: / Yes / No / Unsure2. Are you encouraged and involved in any agreements for the assessed care and support provided by the home?
3. Are you aware all residents within the Society have a care plan which you are regularly invited to participate a review of during approval discussions?
On a scale of 1= Excellent to 5 = Poor
Please could you rate the following by a tick: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / N/A
4. How well are we meeting your choices and with daily living preferences?
5. How well do staff demonstrate a respect for privacy and dignity?
6. How confident are you that changes in health and wellbeing will be identified and responded to without delay by the Society?
7. How happy are you with the following visiting support services?
a. Hairdressing
b. Chiropody
c. Optician
Comments & Suggestions – How can we improve our Care & Support
Meaningful Activity
The Society recognises that life is not solely about physical care, therefore we aim to offer our residents the opportunity to meet their social, spiritual, intellectual and emotional needs with meaningful activity
Please could you rate the following: / Yes / No / Unsure8. Are there opportunities for meaningful activities made available and are they appropriate to meet personal choices and hobbies?
9. Have you been able to participate and offer suggestions for personal hobbies and events within the home?
10. Do people have the opportunity to undertake activities that stimulate them mentally, intellectually and/or physically as part of their everyday lives?
On a scale of 1= Excellent to 5 = Poor
Please could you rate the following by a tick: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / N/A
11. How well are we meeting your choices with faith and spiritual needs?
12. How well do we arrange, encourage and invite local community involvement and friends & family in events and activities as part of daily life within the home eg birthdays, Christmas?
13. Are there any other activities you would like the opportunity to do / participate / offer skills on whilst in the home:
Comments & Suggestions – How can we improve our meaningful activity provision?
Meals and Dining
The Society supports the provision of a healthy, nutritious and balanced diet for all residents. Our approach to nutrition is based upon choice and quality for residents. Our resident’s mealtime experience is regarded as an enjoyable social occasion for residents
Please could you rate the following: / Yes / No / Unsure14. Have you ever eaten a meal at the Home?
15. Is the amount of food adequate and filling?
On a scale of 1= Excellent to 5 = Poor
Please could you rate the following by a tick: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / N/A
16. The dining areas are a pleasant place to eat?
17. The atmosphere is stimulating without being too noisy?
18. Staff are pleasant, helpful and supportive at mealtimes?
19. The meals offer variety and choice with food and dietary preferences (including religious and cultural needs) met?
20. The food is presented attractively?
21. Enough time is given to finish and enjoy mealtimes?
22. Adequate snacks and drinks are provided and offered by the home throughout the day and night?
Comments & Suggestions – How can we improve our Meals and Dining experience?
It is recognised that the cleanliness of any home environment is important for infection prevention and resident’s wellbeing and that cleaning staff play an important role in maintaining high standards and reducing infections.
Please could you rate the following: / Yes / No / Unsure23. Are you confident that emergency situations will be handled well?
On a scale of 1= Excellent to 5 = Poor
Please could you rate the following by a tick: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / N/A
24. The home has an atmosphere that is cheerful, safe, secure and comfortable?
25. The interior décor and colour schemes are pleasant and warm?
26. The home smells clean and free from unpleasant odours?
27. Repair and general maintenance are carried out to a good standard within agreed discussed timeframes?
28. Helpful equipment e.g transferring wheelchairs and hoists are available when needed?
29. How do you rate our parking facilities and availability?
30. The gardens and grounds are accessible and safe?
31. Personal involvement is encouraged and bedrooms are comfortable and homely?
32. The home has a comfortable daily temperature?
33. Personal items of clothing are looked after and carefully laundered?
34. The noise levels are acceptable and comfortable for daily living?
35. Individual rooms are kept clean and tidy respecting the wishes of people living in them?
Comments & Suggestions – How can we improve our Housekeeping/Environment Services?
The Society ensures that residents, their relatives and friends are able to feel involved and included in our homes culture and will ensure that residents are able to maintain links with their relatives and friends should they wish to do so.
On a scale of 1= Excellent to 5 = PoorPlease could you rate the following by a tick: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / N/A
36. The atmosphere in the home is always welcoming?
37. Phones are always answered promptly and responded to appropriately?
Please could you rate the following: / Yes / No / Unsure
38. Do you feel comfortable bringing concerns to a member of staff?
39. Do you feel the Home Manager is available to discuss any issues of concern?
On a scale of 1= Excellent to 5 = Poor
Please could you rate the following by a tick: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / N/A
40. How well does the Home Manager listen and respond to your concerns?
41. How would you rate the Society’s response to complaints?
42. Finance and administration issues including fees and extra costs are dealt with effectively, clearly and sensitively?
43. How well would you feel we listen and respond to discussions during resident and relative meetings about the running of the home?
Comments & Suggestions – How can we improve our Communication?
Management & Staff
The Society believes that residents, their relatives and friends should feel respected and welcomed when they speak and visit the home, by the staff we employ.
On a scale of 1= Excellent to 5 = Poor / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / N/A44. How do you rate the appearance, friendliness, manners and care given by staff and management?
Comments & Suggestions – Is there anything you can think of regarding the staff and management that would help you when visiting the home or improve our service?
Your Views
On a scale of 1= Excellent to 5 = Poor / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / N/A45. Taking everything into consideration how would you rate your satisfaction with the home?
Please would you answer the following: / Yes / No / Unsure
46. Would you recommend the home to other people?
47. Would you like to receive any further support from the Society such as, information about the Society’s work, services for older people, dementia, benefits etc.
Please add any further comments in this box:
Please could you return this questionnaire by the 30th April 2016
Thank you for completing this questionnaire, we look forward to finding out how we can improve our service.