# de clase:





As principal for the day, create some new school rules. Display them on a poster and present them to the class.

STEP 1: Prepare

Make a list of six new school rules. Include three things students must do and three which are not allowed. You want to create a very supportive environment where people will learn better. Then make either a poster or a power point to illustrate your rules. Include ONLY pictures, no words on the visual.

STEP 2: Practice

Using the illustrations on your poster or power point, practice your presentation several times. You can use your notes when you practice, but not when you present. Be sure to:

-Include three things that students must do and three things that are not allowed.

-Use complete sentences

-Speak clearly

STEP 3: Present

Tell your classmates your new school rules, using the visuals on your poster or power point. (If you are using a power point, drop the power point in my drop box saved as “Last name_Reglas”.

STEP 4: Evaluation

Turn in your poster/power point and rubric. Your teacher will use the rubric on the following page to assess this presentation. It will count as a quiz grade.

Director(a) Por un Día

  • You may not use a script during your presentation, just your visual.
  • Turn in your poster/ ppt. and rubric.
  • Due: ______

RUBRIC / Score 1 / Score 3 / Score 5
Completeness of your task / You provide some of the information required. / You provide most of the information required. / You provide all of the information required.
How easily you are understood / You are difficult to understand and have many grammatical errors. / You are fairly easy to understand and have occasional grammatical errors. / You are easy to understand and have very few grammatical errors.
How clearly your visuals match your rules / You provide four visuals that clearly match your rules. / You provide five visuals that clearly match your rules. / You provide six visuals that clearly match your rules.
Presentation skills / Poor pronunciation, no eye contact with audience, hard to hear. Presentation does not appear to be rehearsed. / Frequent mispronunciation errors, some eye contact, hard to hear at times. Presentation appears rehearsed, but may have needed more practice. / Few mispronunciation errors, good eye contact with audience, clearly and loudly spoken. Presentation was obviously rehearsed.
18-20 points = A (95) 15-17 points = B (87) 12-14 points = C (80) 8-11 points = D (73) 0-7 points = F (65)