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Supply Chain Dept – Shipping Services
PS21.22 Traffic Rules on Wharf Rd & Causeway during Metal Loading
Shipping – Metal Loadout
/ This procedure relates to traffic rules associated with Tiwai Wharf access during metal loading.Aluminium product is loaded onto trailers and transported to the wharf by trucks via Wharf Rd and the Wharf Causeway.
Purpose / The wharf causeway is one lane only and effective traffic management is important to achieving a safe and efficient metal loadout operation.
Resources /
/ · NZAS Operations & Maintenance personnel· NZAS Security
· Transport Contractors
· Ship’s Agents, Ship’s Cargo Superintendents
· General Contractors (e.g. Cleaners, Maintenance)
Safety Equipment / To be worn at all times while on the wharf
- Safety Boots - Safety Helmet
- Hi Visibility Vest - Safety Glasses
Prerequisite Procedures / - NZAS site driving licence
- Appropriate licence for vehicle being driven
Prerequisite Conditions / - All personnel traveling to the wharf during metal loading must be authorized by the Wharf Crew Leader
- Vehicle lights must be on
- Speed limits must not be exceeded
- Security must be notified prior to traveling to the wharf
Frequency / - This procedure applies when vessels load Aluminium product at the NZAS wharf.
General Notes / - General Notes are at the back of this procedure
PS21.22 Traffic Rules on Wharf Rd & Causeway during Metal Loading /
Main Steps
/View attached diagrams of Wharf Rd & Causeway
/ Understand the following:
Wharf Rd Approach to Causeway Diagram (page 6)
– Loaded trucks have right-of-way
– Loaded trucks traveling to the wharf will change lanes just past the Landfill Rd entrance to align with the causeway, allowing on-coming traffic leaving the wharf to see them and to plan to pull into a passing bay, or move to the right lane when exiting the causeway onto Wharf Rd.
Wharf Causeway Diagram & Passing Bays Diagram (pages 7 & 8)
– Loaded trucks have right-of-way
– Empty trucks have right-of-way over “other vehicles”
– Passing Bays on Causeway –
There are two passing bays on the south side of the causeway that are intended for vehicles leaving the wharf to pull into when there is an on-coming loaded truck, or for other vehicles traveling to the wharf to pull into when there is an on-coming empty truck. /
Beware of other drivers that may not be familiar with these procedures.
The area from the Landfill Rd entrance to the causeway entrance is a “Red Zone” area.
When following empty trucks from the wharf be aware that they will turn into passing bays to give loaded trucks right-of-way.
Loaded trucks travelling to wharf / Travel on Wharf Rd towards causeway.
Just past the Landfill Rd entrance change to the right lane. (note merging lane markings on left side of road)
Align with causeway and enter causeway
Proceed along causeway to wharf.
Near entrance to wharf keep left alongside sub-station.
If no congestion on wharf, proceed to unloading area. /
Care must be taken at the “S” bend. Monitor speed and watch for other vehicles.
Prior to changing lanes check for other vehicles unfamiliar with this procedure.
Watch for on-coming vehicles and check that they pull into passing bays
Congestion on wharf / If there are activities on the wharf requiring a loaded truck to wait, there is safe parking for up to two loaded trucks alongside the sub-station. This still allows room for exiting vehicles, loaded trucks for the other gang, emergency vehicle access etc.
“Other Vehicles” travelling to wharf / Seek authorization from the Wharf Crewleader to travel to the wharf – ph 5691 (it can fwd to a cell)
Notify Security of your intentions to travel to the wharf
– Your name and names of passengers and the time will be recorded by Security for Port Security purposes
Proceed to wharf Rd
Look for loaded trucks on route to the wharf.
If practical, wait for a loaded truck to pass then follow it towards the wharf.
If no loaded truck is in view proceed on Wharf Rd to the causeway.
Stay on left side of Wharf Rd road if there is an on-coming empty truck and wait at the gravel turn-around area at the end of Wharf Rd.
At night, turn vehicle lights to “park” position while waiting. This reduces confusion for on-coming empty trucks.
Turn vehicle lights back on before proceeding.
If causeway is clear proceed along causeway
Watch for oncoming empty trucks leaving the wharf travelling on the causeway. Pull into first available passing bay to allow truck to pass.
If you have pulled into a passing bay and an approaching empty truck indicates that it will also pull into the passing bay to give way to an on-coming loaded truck, drive as far forward in the passing bay as possible.
When approaching a passing bay and an on-coming empty truck indicates that it will pull into the passing bay, you may slow to allow the empty truck in, and then proceed on to the wharf. (this would assume that there is a loaded truck on the causeway also travelling to the wharf)
Driving on the wharf:
Do not follow trucks through loading or unloading areas.
Drive on the Tiwai side of the unloading platforms.
Check for people and other vehicles on the wharf.
Look for unloaded trucks turning out of platforms.
Park vehicles as directed by the Shipping Crew Leader. /
Notify Security at the Gate on entry, by phone 5656 or R/T Security channel
Be aware that loaded trucks will change lanes just past the Landfill entrance.
If waiting at end of wharf Rd to access the causeway, check for loaded trucks approaching before moving onto the causeway.
Before exiting a passing bay check for approaching loaded trucks.
Loads may be suspended above unloading areas.
Stop to allow turning trucks to proceed.
Empty trucks and other vehicles leaving the wharf / When turning from the wharf onto the causeway, pause opposite the wharf sub-station and look for on-coming loaded trucks or other vehicles.
Proceed along the causeway if there is time to safely travel to the first passing bay. (….then on to second passing bay, ….then Wharf Rd)
When exiting the causeway onto Wharf Rd, look for on-coming loaded trucks.
– If no on-coming trucks, continue along Wharf Rd in the left lane.
– If there is an on-coming truck, watch for it’s indication to change lanes. On exiting the causeway move into the right lane on Wharf Rd allowing the loaded truck to pass on your left.
– Once past the on-coming truck return to the left lane if safe to do so. /
“Other Vehicles” should where practical, wait for an empty truck then follow it off the wharf. Travel as close as safety allows and watch for the empty truck indicating a turn into a passing bay.
When exiting the causeway onto Wharf Rd watch for other vehicles waiting to access the causeway or vehicles parked in the gravel turn-around area.
NZAS Skip Trucks travelling to/from Landfill / To avoid confusion with metal load-out trucks NZAS skip truck drivers traveling to and from the landfill are requested to:
– Turn on the roof beacon
– Turn off rear floodlights
General Notes
Incidents and Accidents / · Report all incidents and or accidents as soon as possible after making sure the situation is made safe.
All incidents must be reported to the NZAS area Crew Leader
Truck incident/accidents must be reported to the area Crew Leader and the designated FHL person.
Near Hits / A “Near Hit” is an unsafe behaviour or unsafe condition with the potential to cause harm or damage.
· Near Hits should be reported to the Crew Leader
· Near Hit reporting is seen as an opportunity to improve safety
Speed limits / · Obey all site speed restrictions
- 30 kph on all site roads including Wharf Rd
- 50 kph on the wharf causeway
- 15 kph on the wharf
- Slow down for the “S” bend /
Always stop before entering Wharf Road from the Warehouse.
Oil Spills / · If a spill occurs on the road or causeway:
- Identify source of oil and stop leak if possible
- Contain spillage (sand/absorbent material/pads)
- Contact the Shipping Crew Leader via R/T Shipping channel
- Call for support from Shipping Services (5570 or via R/T Shipping channel) if required.
- Arrange clean-up and disposal of oily waste. /
Prevent oil entering storm-water sumps on the road and drain holes in the causeway
Right of way / · Loaded trucks travelling to the wharf have right of way over all other traffic except Emergency Services vehicles.
· Empty trucks leaving the wharf have right of way over ”other vehicles” although common courtesy applies should there be a vehicle between passing bays /
There are two passing bays on the causeway.
Emergency / · Dial 888 for Emergency.
· The Wharf Evacuation Point is at the Sub Station at the wharf end of the causeway.
· Warehouse evacuation point is located at north end of the M/P administration building.
· Lifebuoys are positioned in boxes on the Tiwai (East) side of the wharf and at the South end of the Amenities building. Ensure familiarity with CBP PS22.19 – Procedure for responding to Man Overboard /
The Crew Leader on duty at the wharf will be the Safety Officer in an emergency situation.
AlF3 & other cargo discharge / · During Aluminium Fluoride, containers or other cargo discharging there may be loaded trucks running both ways.
· Truck drivers will communicate with each other via r/t
· Other vehicles give way to all trucks
Revision No: 3
Date Approved: 03/07/12
Authorised By: M Wood
Printed On: 09-07-12
Revision No: 3
Date Approved: 03/07/12
Authorised By: M Wood
Printed On: 09-07-12