AIFBA (Atlanta International Forwarders and Brokers Association)
P.O. Box 45284 Atlanta, GA 30320
Annual Holiday Luncheon 2014
Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 DOOR PRIZES!
Time: 12:00PM – 2:00PM (11:30 am registration)
Location: Atlanta Airport Marriott
4711 Best Road, Atlanta, GA 30337 (404)766-7900
Cost: $50.00 Members
$70.00 Non-Members
It’s that time of year again!
We are pleased to invite you to attend the 2014 AIFBA Holiday Luncheon.
Please come and share the holiday celebration with your colleagues in international transportation.
Those of you who selected an “Angel” at our November luncheon please be sure to send/bring your “Angel” gifts to this meeting or they may be dropped off at CV International. Our elves will collect and distribute to our “Angels” prior to the holidays. This year we are proud to support “The Children’s Village at Christian City” and Operation Homefront, GA.
*** A RESERVATION IS YOUR COMMITMENT TO PAY-please note- The AIFBA is responsible for the number of reservations confirmed for each meeting. If you confirm a reservation and do not cancel two days prior to the meeting you will be billed for the reservation***
Your reply is needed by NOON December 5, 2014 in order to guarantee a seat at the luncheon.
Please send RSVP directly to :
We expect a crowd so get your reservations in early!
Company Name:
Number attending: Signature: