Report to Scrutiny Committee of 30 August 2007
Subject: Resources Dedicated to Substance Abuse
Prepared by: Dave Jones, Chief Executive
1.1. At the Scrutiny Committee of 21 June 2007, it was agreed that a report be prepared under Minute SC(07)09.
1.2. The minute required:
“That the Chief Executive be asked to report back to a future meeting of the Scrutiny Committee on the allocation of resources for people who have drug and alcohol related problems”.
1.3 This report undertakes to satisfy the above requirement.
2.1. Committee is recommended to note the report.
3.1. In terms of personnel, Council employs a Nurse and a Social Work Assistant who are dedicated to drug and alcohol work. Council also employs ILS staff to support parenting of young people with drug and alcohol problems or where this is a component of other poor parenting or young people in difficulties. There is also support for LADA’s Services from both Social Services and the Housing Service.
3.2. There are currently 15 clients under the age of 65 with alcohol problems as the primary care group. There are 12 clients over the age of 65 with alcohol problems as the primary care group. In addition, there are 14 more people with alcohol problems as the secondary care group. In total, we spend £128,705 on services for these clients plus c.£52,000 of staff time.
3.3. Drug abuse is harder to quantify. People are usually involved via the mental health problem route. Drug abuse which triggers psychosis and other on-going problems is most common in under 45 year olds.
3.4. Council spends c.£287,700 (around 30% of the mental health budget) on services for this group with a further c.£45,000 on staffing plus £50,000 to signpost.
3.5. The total spent on substance abuse is, therefore, £563,405.
4.1. Whilst it is hard to be completely clear on how much we spend, it is a significant sum; more than £½m.
5.1. Financial - none
6.0. Declarations
(1) The recommendations contained within this report support or implement Corporate Priorities, Council Policies and/or the Community Plan:
· Corporate Priorities (Key Themes) (Please tick þ)
Achieving Potential ¨
Maximising Quality of Life þ
Securing Prosperity ¨
Enhancing the Environment ¨
Maintaining an Effective Organisation ¨
· Community Plan (Themes) (Please tick þ)
Community Safety þ
Economic Development ¨
Environment and Sustainability ¨
Health Improvement þ
(2) In adopting the recommendations contained in this report, ¨
the Council is acting within its legal powers. (Please tick þ)
(3) The full financial implications of the recommendations contained ¨
in this report are set out in the report. This includes a reference
to full life cycle costs where appropriate. (Please tick þ)
Chief Executive
30-08-07 Resources-Substance Abuse Report Page 1 of 2