Objective: Champion, foster and facilitate the achievement of diversity and inclusion among the volunteers and participants in USTA SC and its programs and activities.



  • Coordinate the activities of committee members located throughout South Carolina in the achievement of the objective.
  • Convene committee meetings as required (generally at least four per year) in order to establish plans and assess accomplishments. Meetings may be face-to-face or they may be teleconference meetings. The latter are encouraged when feasible in order to conserve travel resources and to make the best use of the time invested by committee members.
  • Conduct committee meetings in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.
  • Submit minutes to USTA SC following each committee meeting. Minutes will be filed and archived by USTA SC.
  • Submit budget requests to support committee operations, and adhere to approved budgets.
  • Prepare an Action Plan designed to meet the strategic objectives established by the USTA SC Board of Directors, and prepare reports indicating the success or lack thereof in achieving the Action Plan tasks.
  • Coordinate with other USTA SC committees and committee chairs towards helping them achieve their objectives and working with them such that they help your committee achieve its objectives.


  • Be a passionate and outspoken spokesperson for diversity and inclusion in USTA SC.
  • Identify promotional, program, and leadership opportunities that have the potential to substantially increase diversity and inclusion in USTA SC and its programs.
  • Identify barriers which inhibit diversity and inclusion in USTA SC and its programs, and provide recommendations on how the organization and its affiliated organizations might be able to overcome those barriers.
  • Stress the importance of achieving diversity in leadership throughout USTA SC, its programs, and its affiliated organizations.
  • Assist the President and other committee chairs in identify individuals with diverse and multi-cultural backgrounds as potential candidates to serve on USTA SC committees or in other volunteer leadership positions.
  • Identify and promote the building of linkages with other tennis or non-tennis organization that serve diverse and/or multicultural communities to better promote participation in USTA SC and its programs.


  • Passionate conviction in the importance of diversity and inclusion.
  • Leadership skills to organize a group of individuals in achieving a common objective.

Works With:

  • Committee members
  • Other committee chairs
  • President, USTA SC
  • USTA SC Board Liaison
  • Executive Director, USTA SC and the USTA SC staff

Benefits: Satisfaction from seeing USTA SC become a more diverse and inclusive organization and providing non-traditional tennis groups the opportunity to become tennis players.

Time Commitment/Travel Demands

  • Attendance at the USTA SC Annual meeting (typically held during the first half of December)

Other travel and time as necessary in order to meet the objective of championing, fostering and facilitating the achievement of diversity and inclusion among the volunteers and participants in USTA SC and its programs and activities.