Notes from a meeting of the Planning Committee

Meeting with David Walston of Thriplow Farms, to discuss the proposed grain store on Fowlmere Road.

Held on 23rd March 2017 at 7:15pm in the Parish Council Office

Present: Malcolm Bore, Simon Buggey, Liam Elliott

A leaflet had been delivered to Foxton residents about the forthcoming presentation on March 30th. Mr Bore commented on the use of the word “consultation” and asked whether the resident’s views would actually be taken into account. Mr Walston said he was open to constructive comments.

Mr Walston discussed some details of the grain store including its size. He had proposed three sites to SCDC; the possible sites were fairly limited due to the need to be close to an existing road, and to be reasonably central on the North/South axis of the farm. One of the proposed sites (on Brook Road) had been discounted because of the effect on the outlook of Thriplowchurch. His first choice had been a site off Newton Road, but the Fowlmere Road site had been chosen because of the straighter road (giving better views when pulling out onto the road in a tractor), and because it was the one that SCDC said they would support in their pre-application advice. Mr Bore noted that the pre-application advice was incorrect on two counts: firstly, its claim that there were no relevant previous planning applications in the area (an application from Peter Mead for a grain store was refused in 2006), and secondly that the area was already ‘built-up’ with nearby farm buildings (the farm buildings that are already there are either small or do not adversely affect the landscape character).

The increase in traffic was discussed - Mr Walston said there would be around 200 lorries a year, and they wouldn’t be going through any villages that they weren’t already. Mr Bore said that these lorries would intensify the use of the dangerous junction between Fowlmere Road and Newton Road, but Mr Walston noted that Frederic Smart had more lorries than this when they were operating. Mr Walston has commissioned a traffic survey but there are no results of this yet.

Mr Walston is holding another pre-application meeting with SCDC in about a week’s time, as well as holding the consultation meeting on March 30th. Mr Bore indicated that he would be writing to SCDC on behalf of Foxton Parish Council with our views.

The meeting closed at 8pm.

The following was subsequently sent by e-mail to David Thompson at SCDC:

Dear Mr Thompson,

Thank you for providing a copy of the pre application advice given to Thriplow Farms (TF) by your colleague Karen Pell-Coggins which is most helpful.

Following attendance at the public meeting at Thriplow VH (26/01/17) and David Walston’s presentation to Foxton Parish Council (FPC) (06/02/17) FPC’s planning committee had a further meeting with David Walston (23/03/17) to discuss the farming and transport issues relating to the sitingof theproposed grain store.

Regarding the pre application advice dated 11/04/16, we understand the advice regarding the siting of the grain store was based on the three sites suggested by Thriplow Farms rather than considering the whole agricultural holding.

The advice refers to the proposed site as “fairly open” whereas the site isvery openwhich will emphasise the mass of the very large 10,000 tonne grain store and implement store. There is also reference to "a number of existing agricultural buildings that contribute to its character”, but in factthere is only one small brick built, approx 300 tonne, crop store a quarter of a mile to the NW towards Foxton. There are a well screened group of buildings immediately to the SE of the site which are used for exclusive motor car storage. The operators of the car storage business have expressed concern regarding the effect of dust from the grain store on their business.

Under the heading Planning History the advice states “None relevant”;this is incorrect as there was anapplicationrefusedfor a grain storage building, Planning ref S/0374/06/F, sited to the NW of the proposed site adjacent to the brick crop store previously referred to. The reasons for the refusal are as follows.

This application was for a single building approx one tenth of the size of that proposed by Thriplow Farms,and FPC believe the landscape issuesareeven more relevant to this proposal.

FPC, together with many village residents,have serious traffic safety concerns regarding the increase and type of vehicles which will be required to use the junctions with Cambridge Road and Fowlmere Road (to and from Thriplow).DW confirmed that the majority of corn will be transported via these junctions which, once the store is up to capacity(10,000 tonnes), there will be approx 1300 large tractor and trailer movements to and from the store during harvest followed by approx 500 large, 40 tonne bulk grain lorry movements carting the grain away.Note: the number of vehicle movementsare calculated on the basis of to and from the store.

All the grain is to be transported via the A505 or A10 to the M11,all to the east of the holding.FPC would therefore question the logic of siting the store on the western boundary of the farm.There will also be farm vehicle movements at times other than harvest connected with the proposed large 1400 sq m machinery/chemical/sprayer store.

David Walston confirmed that the Newton Road site referred to in the pre application advice was Thriplow Farms preferred site.

This adoption of the Newton Road site would have the following advantages.

  1. The open countryside and long distance views along Fowlmere Road referred to in the planning refusal ref S/0374/06/F would be retained.
  2. The traffic safety issues around the junctions with Fowlmere Road would be alleviated.
  3. There will not be any dust/noise issues with the adjacent car storage business and residence.

We understand from DW that there is to be a further pre-application meeting;we would ask that the matters raised by Foxton Parish Council are given due consideration.

Would you please confirm that this email has been forwarded to the Planning Officer(s) who will be attending the pre-application meeting.

If you require any further information or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.


Malcolm Bore

on behalf of

Foxton Parish Council.