February Holiday Programme 2017:
Listed in this pack is a diary of activities and our snack menu for the Febuary holiday club. Additional information regarding your child’s day at the club as well as additional information for trips is also included. The plan was made up through consultation with the children at Simply Play East Calder & Kirknewton after school club. We strive to promote a child centred approach as much as possible. Children attend the club in their free time therefore we try to make their time here as fun and enjoyable as possible. The children will have the opportunity to take part in a wide balance and variety of activities along with those on the plan such as sports, construction play, role play, board games, den building and lots and lots of outdoor play.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff.
Venue held at the Simply Play East Calder8am -6pm
Club Contact Numbers – 01506 880473 / 07753471969
Half Day Session 8am-1pm or 1pm-6pm / £17.10
Full Day Session 8am-6pm / £27.80
Friday 10th Feb / Monday 13th Feb / Tuesday 14th Feb
Library park
/ East Calder Park Tour
/ Valentine crafts
Visit to library
/ Sports in the hall
/ Valentine baking
Lunch / Lunch / Lunch
Face painting & tattoos / Creative Art Poster
/ Almondell
Soup & crusty bread / Snack
Toast with beans / Snack
Fruit Kebabs
- Please ensure you sign your child out at pick up.
- Please ensure the club has up to date contact information and allergy/medical information.
- All activities have been risk assessed
- Children should not have mobile phones or any items with a camera for child protection reason. If these items are brought to the club then they will be stored in the office until pick up.
- Remember a packed lunch if attending all day sessions.
- Remember appropriate clothing for trips, outings and outdoor play & sports activities (wellies and a change of clothing is always handy everyday).
- Please be aware that face paints, make-up, nail varnish & hair products may be used during activities. If you do not want your child to have these products applied then please inform staff.
- As we have easy access to the Local Park and Almondell we may make use of this during the holiday’s dependant on the weather. Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing/footwear for this.
- Please do not give your child any spending money unless advised to do so.