News Release

November 1, 2011

Availity Launches Professional Development Product

Availity Learning Center to provide industry education to health care business people

JACKSONVILLE, FL – Health information network Availity is launching a new professional development product that will provide continuing education to hospital and medical group practice administrators, managers, office and billing staff. The Health Care Business Expert Series, accessible through the Availity Learning Center, begins Nov. 3.

Upcoming webinar topics include understanding the effect of HIPAA version 5010 transaction standards, applying best practices in revenue cycle management, using technology to manage office workflow and preparing for the industry migration to the ICD-10 code set. These timely and relevant topics will equip health care staff with knowledge needed to broaden their skills, train for expanding job responsibilities, fulfill continuing education requirements, or simply enhance value to their employers.

“As the health care industry applies information technology to reduce costs throughout the system, we’re seeing an increased demand for workplace training on how to navigate this shifting dynamic,” said Kristina Oliver, Director of Learning and Documentation Services at Availity. “We’ve responded by extending Availity’s experience in health care information to deliver useful, timely information that helps people effect change.”

Availity Learning Center webinars will feature recognized experts in the business of health care and information technology, including Robert Tennant, senior policy advisor on federal legislative and regulatory HIT issues; Elizabeth Woodcock, a national trainer and author specializing in physician practice and revenue cycle management; and Rosemarie Nelson, a health care consultant specializing in information technology systems implementation for medical group practices.

Webinars are $129 each and come with a certificate of completion and continuing education units, where applicable. To register for the Availity Learning Center and enroll in a webinar, click here.

About Availity, LLC – Patients. Not Paperwork.®

Availity optimizes information exchange between multiple health care stakeholders through a single, secure network. The Availity® Health Information Network encompasses administrative, financial, and clinical services, supporting both real-time and batch electronic data interchange via the web and through business to business integration. For more information, including an online demonstration, please visit or call 1.800.AVAILITY (282.4548).