
Minutes of

NSCB Full Board Meeting

Held on

Monday 21 September 2015


Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Board

Children, Families and Cultural Services

County Hall

West Bridgford



Tel No: 0115 97 73935

Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Board
Monday 21 September 2015

Attendance List

Chris Few / Independent NSCB Chair / ü
Julie Gardner
Vice Chair / Associate Director for Safeguarding & Social Care Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust / ü
Derek Higton / Acting Corporate Director, Children Families and Cultural Services, Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) / ü
Steve Edwards / Service Director,
Children’s Social Care, NCC / ü
John Slater / Service Director,
Education Standards and Inclusion , NCC / ü
Laurence Jones / Temporary Service Director, Youth, Families and Culture, NCC / ü
Pam Rosseter / Group Manager,
Safeguarding & Independent Review, NCC / ü
Caroline Baria / Service Director, Personal Care and Support, South Nottinghamshire, NCC / ü
Cathy Burke / Nurse Consultant Safeguarding, NHS
Bassetlaw Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) / ü
Val Simnett / Designated Nurse Safeguarding Children,
NHS (Nottinghamshire) 5 CCGs / ü
Dr Fiona Straw / Designated Doctor for Safeguarding,
NHS (Nottinghamshire) 5 CCGs / ü
Moira Hardy / Deputy Director of Nursing, Midwifery & Quality
Doncaster & Bassetlaw Hospitals (DBH) Foundation Trust / ü
Elaine Moss / Chief Nurse & Director of Quality,
NHS Newark/Sherwood and Mansfield/Ashfield / ü
Nichola Bramhall / Director of Nursing and Quality,
Nottingham South, North, East & Rushcliffe CCGs / ü
Gary Eves / Senior Public Health and Commissioning Manager / ü
Irene Kakoullis / Group Manager, Early Years and Early Intervention, CFCS, NCC / ü
Denise Nightingale / Executive Lead: Quality & Patient Safety; Chief Nurse / ü
Dr Stephen Fowlie / Medical Director,
Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust / ü
Wendy Hazard / Locality Quality Manager,
East Midlands Ambulance Service / ü
Bushra Ismaiel / Designated Doctor for Safeguarding,
DBH Foundation Trust (FT) / ü
Carole Lavelle / Assistant Director of Nursing – NHS England, South Yorkshire & Bassetlaw / ü
Sue Bowler / Director of Nursing for Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Mansfield Road, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire / ü
Ben Wild / Assistant Chief Executive,
Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire & Rutland Community Rehabilitation Company Ltd / ü
Nigel Hill / Head of National Probation Service- Nottinghamshire / ü
Superintendent Helen Chamberlain / Head of Public Protection,
Nottinghamshire Police / ü
Clare Taylor / Service Manager,
Early Intervention Team, Cafcass / ü
Tracey Sipson / Recovery Practice Quality Assurance Lead, Ashfield Recovery Centre, / ü
Leanne Monger / Newark & Sherwood District Council / ü
Sue Fenton
(NAVO Rep) / Manager,
Home Start Nottingham / ü
Participant Observer
Cllr Kate Foale / Lead responsibility for Children’s Social Care / ü
Lay Members
Victoria Morley / ü
Peter Wright / ü
Advisors to the Board
Steve Baumber / NSCB Business Manager / ü
Hilary Turner / NSCB Business Manager / ü
Bob Ross / NSCB Development Manager / ü
Trish Jordan / NSCB Training Coordinator / ü
Michelle Elliott (minutes) / NSCB Administrator / ü
Visitors/Deputies/Participant Observers
Colin Pettigrew / Newly appointed Corporate Director, Children Families and Cultural Services, Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) / ü
Claire Balmer
Area Manager / For Ben Wild.
Assistant Chief Exec. Derbyshire, Leics. Notts. & Rutland CCR Ltd / ü
J. Brady,
Associate Designated Nurse Safeguarding Children, 5 Notts CCGs. / For Val Simnett Designated Nurse Safeguarding Children,
NHS Nottinghamshire County CC
And for Nicola Bramhall
Director of Nursing and Quality,
Nottingham South, North, East & Rushcliffe CCG / ü
Suzie Morris / Service Manager, Independent Chair Service,
Children, Families and Cultural Services / ü

Minutes of NSCB Meeting – Monday 21st September 2015

Agenda Item / Discussion / Action
Welcome & Apologies / The Chair Chris Few (CF) welcomed everyone to the meeting, introductions were made and apologies were noted.
Minutes &
Matters Arising
from 22nd June
2015 / Minutes of the meeting 22 June 2015 were reviewed for accuracy and for matters arising:
Outstanding actions:-
CF commented that majority of the actions against people’s names from the last meeting had been completed and will only refer to the actions that are not completed.
HC mentioned that she had sent apologies and had asked someone to attend in her absence from the police. SB clarified that Mel Bowden was due to attend but unfortunately was unable to attend on the day.
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Action for H Turner (HT) to follow up the lack of a central point of contact regarding ICPC & RCPC invites in Nottinghamshire Police: HT updated – ICPC/RCPC invites are now forward to the Police in the MASH. HT has no assurance as to what is currently happening to them action to remain. Action ongoing. Appendix C on today’s agenda.
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Action Plan from HMIC inspection of Child Protection. SE informed the Board that the action plan is presently still being worked on and once it has been agreed it will be circulated. HC informed the Board that the actual Action Plan is completed but not all the actions within it have been completed – some of the actions relate to how the police and social care work together across the County and City. Derek Higton and Clive Chambers have organised a task and finish group to look at finalising the actions. The task & finish group will also look at domestic abuse reporting arrangements and joint visits with social care. Action ongoing.
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Action 01- BR to provide information to HT for NSCB Annual Report regarding how old the outstanding actions are. HT and TJ to link together with training and audits. Completed.
Action 02 – PM has contacted the manufacturers and will share the information with BR when the information is available. Completed.
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Action 03 – Private fostering task and finish group to be established – Derek Higton. It was clarified that the NSCB office will assist Bev Mundle as the CSC lead for private fostering in drawing together a group of representatives from partner agencies to take this work forward. This will form part of the CSC Ofsted action plan. Hilary Turner will be the NSCB link. This action will be incorporated in the NSCB Business Plan.
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Action 06 – CF confirmed that the Trilogy of Risk Audit Action Plan is in progress and will be reviewed at the next Think Families task and finish group meeting on the 6th October and will report back in due course - on going.
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CF confirmed that a draft neglect strategy is presently being consulted on and will go to the next Executive meeting prior to going to the Board in December for ratification. Completed.
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Action 07 – CF to send out a follow up letter written previously to Norman lamb, MP, to his successor. CF commented any issues around working with CAMHS will go through the Health and Protection Executive and will report back in December with an update.
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CF mentioned that the terms of reference for the historic review have been agreed will be presented to Councillors on Monday 28 September 2015. Any update to be reported back to the Board in December.
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true and accurate copy. / HT
NSCB Annual Report
Appendix B / SB explained that the NSCB Annual Report is drawn from the work of the NSCB and its subgroups, reports presented, minutes, audit and review findings and S.11 self-assessments. SB informed the board that the NSCB Executive had been consulted during the drafting stage and feedback had been incorporated. SB drew attention to the challenges listed on page 73 and asked members firstly if they agreed with the suggested challenges and secondly to consider how they would contribute towards meeting the challenges both as members of the board and representatives for their organisations. Any observations or amendments are to be emailed to Michelle Elliott, NSCB Administrator.
The approved report will be presented to the Children & Young People’s Committee, Police & Crime Commissioner, Health & Wellbeing Board and the Health Safeguarding Board. CF advised that some of the challenges from last year’s report will continue as they are still relevant and applicable i.e. resource constraints for agencies, Think Family Task and Finish Group. Privately Fostered Children has been included in response to the findings from the recent Ofsted inspection.
Members made the following observations:-
·  LJ commented that the list was comprehensive and that the reduction in resources would present difficulties across a range of service delivery areas.
·  CB said that the transition of LAC or disabled children moving from children’s to adult services was an issue and queried whether the Board should seek assurances regarding the effectiveness of these arrangements.
·  DN queried whether a number of the bullet points should use the word assure rather than ensure – in terms of accountability and responsibility – this was agreed.
·  HC raised the challenges around working across the two Local Authorities and the adult safeguarding boards. A number of members added that they worked across multiple local authority areas and this presented challenges to their organisations. HC questioned whether efficiencies could be made by streamlining operations.
·  GE referred to the first bulletin point and noted there was a need for an understanding of the system wide impact one organisation has on another.
·  LM had consulted with safeguarding leads in the District/Borough Councils and they agree with the challenges identified. LM agreed with the need to ensure effective working between strategic groups and was pleased to see the District/ Borough Council safeguarding group was noted as providing an effective link between the safeguarding leads and the NSCB.
CF suggested that it would also be useful to look at roles and responsibilities of Board members, how they contribute to the work of the board and how it can influence their own organisation or other partnerships they are involved in using these challenges.
LJ commented on how we can as Board members represent the Boards agenda in other arenas and therefore contribute by linking work together.
CB commented on modernizing the way we assist GPs and Paediatricians attending Child Protection Conferences. CB confirmed that issues concerning safeguarding from the NSCB are reported back through committees.
EM confirmed that the Nottinghamshire Health Safeguarding Committee would be considering the challenges for this year and next.
NH commented that under the new structure for the National Probation Service he is responsible for a large geographic area which includes around 20 – 25 LSCBs. He will ensure that the key points locally are distributed to relevant staff.
SF affirmed that safeguarding is a standard item on agendas and the challenges will be highlighted and taken to the next Family Children Forum Meeting.
KF commented that elected members do not have enough awareness on how the Board operates or what it does. TJ confirmed that two training sessions had taken place last month around the role of the Board and procedures. After a discussion it was agreed to repeat the training.
PR said that an event for Board members is being planned to allow the Board to look at some of these challenges and how we operate as a Board especially with the impact on agencies and resources constraints. Date to be confirmed around February and March.
PR added that the number of Serious Case Reviews currently underway created resource pressures for all those involved as well as the NSCB office.
CF thanked members for their feedback on the report and for their comments on how they could help meet the challenges outlined. He explained that the NSCB annual report would be amended to take account of the feedback received and that it will be published in due course.
Inquest – Reg. 28 Notices
(verbal) / CF explained that a Regulation 28 Notice is essentially a mechanism that a coroner can use to raise with public bodies any issues which may, if addressed, make it less likely that people will die in similar circumstances in the future.
CF referred to an inquest that had taken place earlier this year which the Board had some involvement with. PR and CF had attended the pre inquest hearing dates. (Redacted) After the inquest the Coroner sent out two letters under Regulation 28 (Redacted). If there is anything of interest once the response is received by the Coroner Board members will be notified.
SB mentioned that the Government departments in receipt of the notices may forward them to other local organisations and it would be helpful to notify CF if a letter is received. JG commented that the Damien Wood at Nottingham City has had involvement and Dr Rebecca Sands. PR suggested contacting Rebecca Sands for any further information.
Action 01 – CF to send a copy of the Regulation 28 Notice to JS - Completed
Action 02 – CF to contact Dr Rebecca Sands. / CF
Electronic Communication re: ICPCs and RCPCs
Appendix C / CF introduced Suzie Morris, Service Manager, Independent Chair Service who presented her report. SM shared this document and outlined the key points.
·  Distribution of minutes – plans and minutes following a conference are being sent out in a variety of ways, secure email, cryptshare and post which is time consuming.
·  Since preparing this report SM has received positive feedback that more agencies are supplying secure email addresses or an email addresses for plans and minutes using cryptshare.
·  One of the risks highlighted with Cryptshare is that the recipient needs to open and save the document within 14 days. Numerous agencies are asking for emails to be re-sent as they have not opened the original email within this time period.
·  Professionals are asked to make a note of the password that is provided at the conference for cryptshare.
Recommendation: Going forward not to send out plans or minutes by post. All agencies to provide secure email accounts or non-secure email accounts where they can receive cryptshare.