Quarterly Meeting Minutes

January 26, 2012

10:00 – 12:00

Held via BTWAN sites

Meeting was called to order at 10:05 AM and adjourned at 11:50 AM. BTWAN sites: Bismarck, Fargo, Dickinson, Grand Forks and Teleconference Call
Directors in Attendance: Loretta Heuer, Margaret Reed, Connie Kalanek, Billie Madler, Cheryl Rising, Josh Askvig, Larry Anderson, Wanda Rose, Karen Latham, Susan Pederson, Mary Anne Marsh, Julie Hanson, Renee Peterson
Directors and alternates not in attendance:: Char Christianson, Jody Slominski, Tracy Evanson, Becky Graner
Staff present: Dr. Patricia Moulton
Agenda / Action
  1. Approval of meeting minutes from October 28, 2011 board meeting.
/ Discussion: Minor edits were made to names in the minutes.
Discussion regarding whether the ND Leadership Council checking account has been closed by Neal Larson and a check for the remaining balance sent to Connie Kalanek. This has not been done. The Board requested Patricia contact Evelyn Quigley to get her assistance in closing the account.
Motion to approve October Board Meeting Minutes: Karen Latham, 2nd Loretta Heuer
Passed unanimously.
Motion to approve November Executive Committee Meeting minutes: Karen Latham, 2nd Connie Kalanek. Passed unanimously.
Motion to approve November Board Meeting Minutes: Connie Kalanek, Karen Latham. Passed unanimously.
2. Consent Agenda / Discussion: No discussion
3. Brief reports from each represented organization regarding current activities and issues. / Discussion:
NDONE- no report
CUNEA- no report
NDBON- completed renewal cycle for RNs and LPNs. North Dakota has almost 16,000 nurses, the most nurses we have ever licensed. Nurses are applying for endorsement everyday
Workforce Development- no report
AARP- no report
NDADONA- no report
NDAHEC- no report
NDNPA- met with Office of the Insurance Commissioner.
NDNA- we are preparing for our 100 year birthday celebration on Sep 21, 2012.
NSAND- keep on doing the same things, have a consistent and active membership. The annual conference is on Feb 3rd and 4th- the theme is life after nursing school and the students are planning to be involved with the NDNA’s annual celebration.
During, the February meeting we will recognize student leader awardees. Margaret Reed will send a congratulatory note from the ND Center for Nursing.
NDANA- no report
4. New board member welcome
  • Loretta Heuer- NDAHEC
  • Tracy Evanson- NDAHEC alternate
  • Billie Madler- NDNPA alternate
  • Mary Ann Marsh- CUNEA alternate
  • Josh Askvig- AARP
  • Renee Peterson- NDANA alternate
/ Discussion: Margaret Reed welcomed each member.
5. Decision on Final Organizational Chart / Discussion: Group suggested adding an additional square representing ND nurses between the leadership team and citizens.
Motion to add additional square for ND Nurses and to approve final organizational chart: Josh Askvig, 2nd Wanda Rose
Passed unanimously.
6. Decision on Final Compensation Policy / Discussion: Patricia indicated that this policy is a part of our 501c3 package.
Motion to approve: Mary Ann Marsh, 2nd Loretta Heuer
Passed unanimously.
7. Decision on Final Conflict of Interest Policy / Discussion: Patricia indicated that this was also a part of the 501c3 package. Group discussed the meaning of inurement in Article VII part B.
Motion to Approve Conflict of Interest Policy: Larry Anderson, 2nd Renee Peterson
Passed unanimously.
8. Discussion regarding 501c3 Application and approval to submit to accountant, make suggested changes and then submit to IRS. / Discussion: Karen Latham indicated that her name was spelled wrong on the 501c3 application. Patricia indicated that she would edit.
Motion to submit 501c3 package to accountant, make suggested changes and then submit to IRS: Connie Kalanek, 2nd Larry Anderson.
Passed unanimously.
9. Approve accountant for ND Center for Nursing.
will review 501c3 application and complete
Federal tax return.
Lisa Chaffee at EideBailly
Pat Brown at Brady, Martz and Associates / Discussion: Josh Askvig indicated that he has worked with both Audit firms and that they are reasonable priced. Board asked whether we have a cost estimate from either of them. Connie Kalanek indicated that she has worked with Eide Bailey who will give a cost estimate for three or four years out.
Motion for Patricia Moulton to get cost estimates and award to lowest bidder: Josh Askvig, 2nd Connie Kalanek.
Passed unanimously.
10. Approve out-of-state travel plan for 2012
$5,500 budgeted
  • Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers Executive Directors Meeting- Chicago- Feb 8-9- Patricia
  • Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers Annual Meeting- Indianapolis- June 27-29- Patricia and Margaret Reed
/ Discussion: Patricia Moulton indicated that the two planned national conferences are within the $5,500 budget allowance.
Motion to approve out-of-state travel plan for 2012: Wanda Rose, 2nd Mary Anne Marsh
Passed unanimously.
11. Update on Grant submissions
  • BS Novice Faculty Development Practices in Four Midwest Frontier States- RWJ- $300,000
  • Consortium and Faculty Development in a Rural Career Ladder Multi-College Program- RWJ- $100,000- this has moved to phase II- application due February 1st
  • Infrastructure Development for Collection of a National Nurse Demand Dataset- RWJ- $500,000
  • National Study to Identify Barriers and Facilitators of Education Advancement of Associate Degree Registered Nurses to Baccalaureate Nurses- RWJ Application by SUNY Workforce Centers- we are collaborators on this one.
/ Patricia Moulton indicated that four grants have been submitted since the last meeting. The BS Novice Faculty Development practice was not funded.
The Consortium and faculty Development proposal was accepted for the round two full application. Only 20 of the 90 applications submitted to this program were moved to round two. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation intends to fund 9-12 applications.
The Infrastructure Development grant involves working with 13 Centers for Nursing and consultants from the SUNY workforce center and Tim Dall from IHS Global.
The National Study to Identify Barriers study will probably result in no money to our Center- but a privilege to be asked to be at the table.
12. Treasurer’s Report- Current Financial Summary / Discussion: Connie Kalanek indicated that we don’t have a large budget and that we are being careful in terms of spending and following our budget. We are currently at 42.6% of personnel, 45.2% on operating and are 50% through budget period.
Treasurer’s report placed on record.
13. Update on Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Action Coalition Application. / Discussion: Patricia Moulton indicated that the North Dakota application for Wave IV was submitted. It reflects changes made by a meeting of the steering committee in October.
14. Update on Strategic Planning Process / Discussion: Patricia Moulton indicated that all workgroups have met with the exception of the Finance and Sustainability workgroup which will have its first 2 meetings in one session in February.
Reports about each group:
Education workgroup- good meeting, a lot of discussion about issues related to education
Workplace planning- it was well organized.
Practice and Policy- productive first meeting, over 15-20 on the group, good round robin discussion. One of the interesting things was the need to provide education on how to contact legislators.
Research Development- they are looking at different types of research studies to do along with tools for assisting those doing research.
Communications and Marketing- looking at newsletter design and the future nurse section of the website.
15. Nursing Education/ Faculty Resources Update- Nursing Consortium Evaluation Report status / Discussion: Patricia Moulton indicated that the new lead for the Nursing Education Consortium is Denise Korniewicz, College of Nursing at UND. Patricia has a meeting scheduled with the Dean on January 26th to discuss finalizing the consortium evaluation report.
Connie Kalanek reported that the Midwest Educators Academy Meeting was cancelled. The group discussed that there was no funding appropriated for this meeting in the Consortium funding. The group indicated that there has been a hold-up on funding from UND to the nursing programs. The amount that was received was divided by each nursing education program- schools were allocated a portion of it based on enrollment. They have not received any of the funding. There was $200,000 appropriated for a statewide electronic medical record program also and it seems there is no movement on it either.
16. Workforce Planning Update- update on
  • Workforce Development Council
  • Workforce Intelligence Council
/ Discussion: Patricia Moulton reported that Jan Kamphuis has been added to the Workforce Development Council and is the first nurse appointed to the council. Patricia started working on getting this in place in August, 2011.
Patricia Moulton is a member of the Workforce Intelligence Council which recently started meeting again. The Council is looking at restructuring and developing a data inventory. Dr. Moulton was the chair for the Council, until she resigned this month.
17. Practice and Policy Update
  • Lobbyist registration
  • North Dakota Organization of Non Profits- Advocacy Toolkit- send an email to the group, when needed you could point out highlights- if they are really important will send out-
  • Watching: Health Services- Higher Education and Budget Committees
  • Visit with Governor about IOM report, existence of nurses?
/ Discussion: Patricia Moulton has registered as a lobbyist with the state.
The ND Center for Nursing is also a member of the ND Organization of Non-Profits which has an advocacy toolkit that will be very useful. It costs $8 each for members. Patricia will email the link to board members. She will also email the group when there are important postings to the Nonprofit organization listserv/website.
Patricia Moulton is watching the following Legislative Council committees: Health Services, Higher Education and Budget Interim Committees. She indicated that the Health Services Committee is studying health care in the context of the medical school. The Board suggested Dr. Moulton work with Senator Lee to get placed on the agenda. The Board discussed that they have the study resolution detailed out. We can let them know that we exist and be present each time they have a committee meeting. We can comment during the public input section. The North Dakota Legislature needs to them know that there is a need for nurses in rural areas. Need to also discuss the need for APRNs also. Josh Askvig indicated that he is planning to talk to Senator. Lee and can talk to her about inviting the Center for Nursing to present at the next meeting. The presentation can include nursing concerns, possible solutions and how the committee could help us move forward. The CFN needs to emphasize that healthcare is critical for economic development and express concerns about access in the areas of the state with oil development. Once we are invited to speak, Patricia will send an email to the board to find out who wants to meet to discuss a strategy for this presentation.
Josh Askvig also indicated that Rep. Keiser who is on the North Dakota Health Reform Committee, and to let him know that nursing has not been included.
The group discussed the need to let the Governor and the Health Policy Advisor know about the IOM report and about nursing in ND. Patricia Moulton will contact the Health Policy Advisor Tammy Ternes to set up a meeting. When a meeting has been set, Patricia Moulton will send out a meeting invite to the Board to discuss strategy for this meeting- which could possibly be at the same time as the legislative discussion occurs.
18. Research and Development Update
  • Licensed Nurse Report
  • Next study- Health Care facility survey- utilized organizational email contacts to distribute electronic survey?
/ Discussion: Patricia Moulton indicated that the Licensed Nurse Report was completed last week. She indicated that some of the more interesting findings concern the movement of nurses up the career ladder. The state is relatively flat as compared to available national numbers in that few nurses obtain additional education.
Patricia Moulton is also working on the Health Care Facility Survey for the Nursing Needs Study, which should be sent out within the next month. Patricia indicated that the survey would need to be collected electronically due to our finances and staffing. She indicated that other states have moved this survey to online without seeing much impact on response rates. Patricia discussed the need to send it out via email to the hospitals, long term care, home health and public health. The group indicated that Trina Schilling might have an email list of the DONs at hospitals or at the ND Hospital Association. The ND Department of Health in the Health Resources Center has a list of all agencies and perhaps email addresses. The contact is Darleen Bartz. The Workforce Intelligence Network site might also have employer information that might be sortable by group. The group suggested changing the CNA category to unlicensed staff to include CNAs, UAP technicians, medical assistants and medication assistants). Measuring retention percentage such as average tenure would be good addition to the survey. We could also add # of FTEs changed in the last year. Also, a cost estimate of recruitment and retention for nurses would be a good addition.
Patricia Moulton also indicated that supply and demand projections and an overall 10-year look at nursing through the Nursing Needs Study is projected to be completed by June.
19. Communications and Marketing Update
  • Website revision in process- close to final website by March
  • Website analytics
  • Dakota Nurse Connection article
  • Need to add website link to each organizations page and email out to groups.
  • Next step- design newsletter.
/ Discussion:
Patricia Moulton has been working on the website and added functionality to many of the pages. The future nurses page needs work and the Communications and Marketing Committee is helping out with it.
Patricia Moulton has been driving traffic to the website by posting workgroup and board meeting materials on the website and also presented on the website at the Board of Nursing meeting. As of Jan 18th the website had 9,190 hits for the month of January and as of Jan 24 this had increased to 14,798 hits. The hits, visits, files and other measures indicate that visitors to the webpage click and look at several pages and documents during a session.
Patricia Moulton submitted an article to the Dakota Nurse Connection that discusses the benefits of membership in a professional organization and that there is a list of organizations available at the Center for Nursing website. The Dakota Nurse Connection will feature an article each time to Center for Nursing content.
The next step in getting the website pushed out to more users is for each organization to place a link to the page and include the Center for Nursing website in their newsletters. Patricia Moulton will send a memo to the board and to the leadership team. In addition, an electronic newsletter will help to push out content.
Patricia Moulton indicated that in October, the board had discussed the possibility of charging employers to post job opportunities on the website. NDNPA is using Affiniscape which is career center. They have a page that is created to look like the NDNPA website and it links to employers pages. They chose to not share their membership list with them; instead they send out monthly letters to members. NDNPA will get a small percentage of the amount that is collected from employers. NDNPA has not had the employers contacted yet- Affiniscape will do that. We should check if only ND opportunities are listed. NDNPA thought it was enticing because they get emails every week from rural communities that want us to email our members to let them know there are job opportunities. Patricia will contact Affiniscape and bring back the information to the executive committee.
Susan Pederson asked whether the flyer they are using is current. Patricia Moulton indicated that the flyer is current and that she needs to redesign a new one that includes the new organizational chart. Patricia will also add a date to the flyer.
20. Next Meeting- BTWAN on April 26, 2012 from
10:00- 12:00.
How did this work for today’s meeting? / Discussion:
The group felt that the BTWAN worked well, there were some sound issues.