Unit Theme: 5 Historical Fiction Using Informational Text4thWeek:

Teacher: Subject: English Grade: _Eleventh_ Date:From _______to______20____

Desired Result
Enduring Understanding
Example: Students will understand that...
-EU1 Voices from the past speak to us of other times and places. Learning about the past illuminates our comprehension of the present, makes for interesting stories and helps us to better understand others and ourselves.
-EU2. Readers and writers use aspects of real events and draw on real world characters to create their events and stories.
-EU3. Readers and writers must analyse documents from a variety of sources to identify truth and separate what did and did not occur. Presenting and debating the information helps us learn and grow as individuals and collectively.
Assessment Evidence
SummativeEvaluation (Performance Task)(unit projects, exams, etc.)
Learning Plan
Suggested Learning Activities:
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Standards / Conceptualization
Writing / Conceptualization
Writing / Conceptualization
Reading Writing Listening / Conceptualization
Reading Writing Listening / Conceptualization
Reading Writing Listening
Expectations / 11.W.4 11.W.7 11.W.5 / 11.W.4 11.W.7 11.W.5 / 11.W.4 11.W.7 11.W.5 11.L.1a / 11.W.4 11.W.7 11.W.5 11.L.1a / 11.W.4 11.W.7 11.W.5 11.L.1a
Academic Strategy
Objective / The Students will be able to….
-develop and strength their research project information based on their non-fictional historical novel VS. Fictional Novel creating a compare and contrast essay.
Begin Performance Task # 2
- use their outlines to observe their research to begin a compare and contrast essay going through the writing process.
- draw evidence of their work by quoting and giving credit to the source where they obtained the information.
-strength their knowledge of citation. / The Students will be able to….
-develop and strength their research project information using technology to enhance and polish their compare and contrast essay.
- draw evidence of their work by quoting and giving credit to the source where they obtained the information.
-strength their knowledge of citation.
/ The students will…..
-Demonstrate and comprehend the instructions and guide given by the teacher or peers.
- develop and strength their information using technology to enhance their information.
- draw evidence of their work by quoting and giving credit to the source where they obtained the information.
* Each student will write their essay on his or her pace using the writing process.
(drafting) / The students will…..
-Demonstrate and comprehend the instructions and guide given by the teacher or peers.
- develop and strength their information using technology to enhance their compare and contrast essay.
- draw evidence of their work by quoting and giving credit to the source where they obtained the information.
* Each student will write their essay on his or her pace using the writing process.
(drafting) / The students will…..
- rewrite their drafts if necessary on his or her pace using the writing process
- develop and strength their information using technology to enhance their compare and contrast essay.
- draw evidence of their work by quoting and giving credit to the source where they obtained the information.
Initial Activities / -Teacher gives examples through a power point or mini-YouTube lesson on citation.
- Teacher hands out a worksheet with examples of citation to serve as guide. / - Teacher hands out their outline compare and contrast sheet, and research papers.
-Students observe notes made by teacher. / -Teacher hands out students documents.
-Teacher can illustrate a mini-lesson from YouTube of examples of research made on historical Non-fictional and fictional novels. / -.Teachers hand out drafts and documents. / -.Teachers hand out drafts and all documents.
Development Activities / -Students practice quoting or citing
-Students observe their previous information. (Venn Diagram & Outline)
-Students work on creating their first draft. / - Students work on their brainstorming and organizing their ideas.
- Students can rearrange their outlines if necessary or add any additional information.
. / - If completed the student can edit on another’s essays / -Students complete their draft and share it with a peer for correction.
- / -Students rewrite making their 2nd draft,
Closing Activities / - go over their work and clarify any doubts on citation.
- Teacher picks up their draft. / -Revise their work.
-Ask and clarify any doubts possible.
-Student makes sure that all their outline topics are covered and cited properly. / - go over their drafts by revising grammar, structure, etc.
- Teacher picks up their draft. / -Students observe errors and edit their drafts. / -Students complete second draft.
Formative Assessment – Other evidence
Differentiated Instruction Strategies
___ Special Education ___ LSP/LEP
___ Section 504 ___ Gifted
Teacher Reflection