Performing Edge Coaching International Association
Certification Program
Dr. JoAnn Dahlkoetter
Schedule-– Next week – Thurs 10 AM PST, 1 pm EST
Conference dial-in number: (712) 432-0075
Participant access code: 453031
April 14 Thurs 10 AM PST
April 21 Thurs 10 AM PST – you get a BONUS Training Call Free
ONGOING TRAINING and Q and A after every 2 weeks – you are part of PECIA
ANNOUNCEMENTS – Schedule – BONUS 7th and 8thweek, April 14 and 21
CASE STUDY –One of my clients–Just got accepted to STANFORDUNIVERSITY –
Full 4-Year scholarship, was on 2008 Olympic Team, Gymnast, as 1st alternate
VISUALIZATION CRITIQUE – of one PECI student’s work with Practice Client - TJ
FIRST CONVERSATION: How toConvertEmails/Calls into High Paying Clients
- What to say in the first Inquiry Call/Email – Building the relationship quickly
- How to do intensive questioning that compels them to want your coaching
- How I turn a 20 min. conversation into a High paying long-term client
OTHER VISUALIZATION CRITIQUES:Submit your MP3 andI will give you feedback onyour practice visualization MP3
Your MP3 FILE - if you can email me an MP3 file of your visualization with your practice client, I will give you feedback on the next call.
Make your MP3 6MB or less to email, otherwise, if it’s bigger, Use Media Fire File Sharing site
To updload to - click file upload, (It’s free and simple, without an account)
When the file is uploaded, They’ll give you a file sharing link.Email this link to me to download.
FIRST INQUIRY CALL from a Client Prospect:
What Questions to Ask – How to get the First Session
Your ATTITUDE is Key:
Go into your phone conversation with the intention that this person you have on the phone is ready and willing to commit to being part of your coaching program and paying your full fee.
They are calling YOU, asking about your services, so in this case remember, YOU are the one with the power. They need what you have.
Use the same process for yourself as you are asking your clients to use.
Before your speak, breathe deeply, picture yourself as confident, strong, and effective, that you have exactly what they are looking for.
Breathe out any unwanted thoughts (e.g. They probably won’t be interested in what I have, sports psychology is not necessary, there’s too much competition) Let those thoughts go with your exhale.
Breathe in confidence, inner strength, your uniqueness. Say to yourself: I am a confident, well-trained coach with a unique process and special strategies and techniques. Very few people in the world provide what I have to offer.
QUESTIONS to Ask your Client Prospect:
How did you come to call me?
How did you find out about me?
Did someone refer you? I always like to thank my referral sources.
If you found me through the web, what Key words did you use?
What’s leading you to inquire about coaching now?
Let them talk. Take good notes.
Weave in some reasurring affirmations, re-phrasing, connecting with them.
“You sound like you have great potential as a ______“
You can say: “That is my specialty area.”
“That’s an area I’ve worked with for many years, with other clients, I found I can be successful with coaching that type of issue.
You can say: “Here’s an example of the great improvements with one of my clients I worked with.”
(Then give a successful client success story. Choose a similar client situation if possible.)
Coaching is not Counseling
Explain to them that
Coaching is not counseling. The Differences are (rather than working with deep emotional issues), with Performing Edge coaching, we work to:
- Achieve your most important goals
- I act as a confidential thought partner
- We take specific action steps to move you forward toward your goals
Limitations and Referrals
You can tell your prospect:
“If anything came up outside the coaching framework, I would refer you to someone, a counselor or therapist. Would that be OK with you?
Or you could say: “This sounds like it’s a little different than what my focus is. This might not be the type of assistance that I can offer.
If something sounds fishy (e.g. deep depression, on drugs, or they don’t sound fully together),
then stall, arrange to send them information about coaching. Ask your questions on our PECIA coach training calls to get good advice, options, and more referral sources if needed.
Send Assessment Form Called – “Ready for Coaching?”
Find this Form in your PECI Members Area – Module 6
Client Goals
If they’re OK, then go on, get them to talk about their goals. You can say something like:
“I sense there’s something here you really want to create, you have a real direction and passion.
“Now tell me about how you are now, where you are presently with your training, and life goals?”
Listen carefully to the details of their response,
and what their voice intonation is telling you.
You can say: “Ok Good, So, correct me if I’m wrong.
I can tell there’s a gap between where you are now and where you ultimately want to be. Is that true? “ Listen to their response. Then Inquire more and dig deeper into where their pain is, what they are struggling with the most.
Remember, people will PAY even MORE for you to relieve a problem than to work toward something they want. If you can offer solutions to both you are more likely to have them say YES to working with you.
QUESTION SERIES to Uncover Fears, Frustrations and Aspirations
Ask your client prospect:
“What do you struggle with the most?”
“What’s getting in the way of you achieving your goal?”
“What’s your #1 biggest challenge right now that I can help you with?”
“What’s your time frame for getting beyond this to your next goal? “
“And then tell me about your next long-term goal?”
“We need to get you from your present situation to your goal in this ______time frame.”
“That’s exactly how I work with my clients.
I help you to narrow that gap, creating very strategic goals, to move forward.
I provide a very customized approach.”
What do you do? How do you work?
Your client prospect will usually ask you these 2 questions.
How can you best prepare for these questions so you easily attract the people you want and turn inquiries into Paying clients.
Write your Short Script - Describe the BENEFITS to your Prospective Client of what you can offer in your Coaching Practice
What do you do? How do you work?
Each of your client prospects inquiring about you will usually ask you these 2 questions.
Imagine that you have 2-3 minutes to get their attention.
It’s best for you to write out a short SCRIPT (your elevator speech) with a few carefully crafted sentences, where you give an overall description of your coaching services and the BENEFITS you can provide for your client.
Then you can use this for all your phone conversations.
You can also put this on your website, and describe it there in more detail.
Then in the context of each of your phone conversations, you can adjust and tweak your own Script so that you bring in the particular needs/challenges/goals of that client prospect.
To write your Script:
Picture one of your top clients you’ve worked with now or your ideal client for the future
First Ask Yourself these questions:
What do I do? What do I do best?
What my Value? What are the top 5-10 Benefits do I provide with my coaching?
What’s my uniqueness?
How do I differentiate myself from others in my field?
How will my client improve as a result of my coaching?
What will my clients walk away with?
What’s my process or methods I use?
What are the top 3-5 services/products I provide?
What’s the compelling reason - Why should this person want to work with me now?
What’s the best the best possible outcome for my client?
Based on the answers to your questions above -
Write your Script here and Email it to me this week.
It can be just 2-5 short paragraphs, with a few Bullet points
Practice saying your script out loud, to another person, or to your mirror
Then describe how you can make your clients Custom peak performance MP3s audio files during each session to handle a variety of issues, goals and challenges.
Remember to give your prospective client sample tips along the way during your conversation. Give them a few golden nuggets so they can actually experience you training them. It's not all about marketing. It's also about giving them helpful tips from you that they need right now so they experience you helping them right in this moment. When you do this the person will be much more likely to sign up with you as a client.
If you use this formula well and really connect with your client,
Often then will “close themselves”. They will want to sign up even before you ask them.
Then it becomes very easy as you simply talk about the benefits and arrangements for working together, and set up a first session.
You can Say, “Have you found this discussion helpful?”
“Would you like to continue this conversation?”
If your prospect says Yes, or How do we do that? You can say:
I have just a couple openings for new coaching clients (sense of scarcity and urgency to act now)
“If you’d like, we can start with an appointment this week.”
Here are a couple times I have available – we could meet either Tues or Thurs.”
“Here’s what we could do in our first session…” Give them a list of specific BENEFITS
Based on their particular goals they have told you.
“We will work specifically with your goal of ______
We can use these types of strategies and techniques ______
To get you to your first goal in ______time frame.”
How does that sound?
Coaching Agreements
Once you’ve established your value to them, go to the next step.
Talk about fees always in the context of the BENEFITS they’ll be receiving from you.
They’ll ask you, what are your fees?
We’ll discuss this in depth in the next PECI Module.
(e.g. You can say, for instance, 4 sessions pre-paid., it’s a 3 month commitment)
You can say:
I’d like to send you my Coaching Questionnaire and Client Agreement.
We can set up a phone appointment time if you would like. You can start now with a check or credit card. I can just take your information over the phone.
(If, if they say no, I’m not quite ready) …..
You can say:
“I can send you an article, my sheet -how coaching works, my agreement,
You can fill out my client questionnaire, and you can email mail me with your available times, when you would like to get started.
Completing the phone session on a positive note
Regardless of what happens during the phone conversation, you always want to give the clients of positive feedback at the end, remind them of the benefits and value you can offer with your coaching. You can set up a follow-up system with them, including an email with your videos or more information, or a second phone call if you feel a client is almost ready to sign up with your coaching.
ASSIGNMENT #2 - Ideal Client Exercise
This exercise will help you to develop an accurate client picture, using your 5 Senses
Create A Model of your typical client/customer, so you have an
Understanding your clients from the inside out.
Then give your ideal a Name (e.g. Jan)
Then, in the future, when you are developing your marketing strategies,
you can use this ideal client description to ask yourself
What would “Jan think about this?”
First Listen to the Audio Replay for Module 6 and go through the Visualization Exercise - Your Ideal Client Exercise, in the later part of the Audio Replay.
Take a few moments, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and
Imagine the best type of client that you would like to work with.
Bring all five senses into your experience.
See if you can create a picture in your mind of a client that you would absolutely love to work with. Now create a picture of your ideal client – one most likely to bring you long-term income
After you complete your Visualization exercise,
Then write a description of your Ideal Client in a paragraph. Answer these questions:
What is your ideal client look like?
What is their age group?
Is it a male or female?
What sport or activity are they doing?
Is this person just starting out, a lifelong athlete, or an elite athlete competitor?
Or is this person want help with their health, fitness, or business?
What kind of energy do you feel from them in the first session?
What kinds of problems or challenges are they coming to you with?
One other biggest aspirations and goals?
How did they find you?
What techniques do you use to help them?
See if you can hear their voice talking to you, and telling you exactly what they need –
What words are they using to describe what they are looking for from you?
What's the number one thing that they want from you?
What's the level of motivation?
What kind of results do you see happening with them after your coaching work?
What kind of testimonial do you hear them giving you - Write out the exact words you would like them to say to you about your coaching work with them.
When this client refers other people to you what other kinds of clients so you see coming to you?
Now take a deep breath, close your eyes,
and see yourself attracting your ideal client into your coaching business. Now see yourself working well with this client, and having an excellent experience.
Now see this client having a great result with you, and referring many other people to your coaching practice.
What does that look like for you?
Read Chapter 8 – Download and Answer the Questions in Module 6
© 2011 Dr. JoAnn Dahlkoetter, Performing Edge Coaching International Association
All rights reserved