Ascii i love u
Ascii i love u
This Pin was discovered byLove ASCIIArt. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest. Onlyyouare in my eyes and in my heart ? and just want to be from ? to ? forever and ever ?. Sparkling Heart- ? ? My heart is beating keeps on repeating ? ? My heart is truly blank just write your name- ?. Do not break my little heart never ever - ?LoveLetter ? or ? to most lovable people in my life. Cute Heartasciifor. 8888888888888888 d88888888888888b 888 88 oo 88 88 88 88 88 88 8'88 8' 88 P' 88,o 88 o9, 888888888888 88 8 88 88P 88,8P 88 88 o8 88 g ,888 888' 88888888b 88 8' 88 `8, d8'88 g88 88 gg ,88' 88 ,P 88 8b 8' 88 oP 88, d8' `g88' 88 8 88 `P 88 `88 g o8' gg88b, 88 f 88 d8' `b' o8 oP' "Y8ao 88 d8' Ilove you. Welcome! Ifyouare looking forASCIIart dealing withlove, romance, and affection,youare in the right place. I put together this collection back in the late 90s for another website I was running. Now, it is time to bring it back into the light of day and give it a site all its own. TheASCIIart on this site was created by a large. Jun 30, 2009.A few days ago, I read an article aboutloveand security market line. It's about how to see alovelife using management method. The writer is a management's student at UI, that's why the article using management method. So, as a computer -control's student at Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology I. Sep 16, 2011.Love You. ≈☆≈ ~*. …. ….~**~. ~*../`*~. ~**~-, .. ..¸,.~*/. ./...... V. ../. (_). ... …. ….. ../. ./.. ….. ./. …¸,.~*. .¸,.~*´¨..`.-.,¸¸,.-`.,¸ ¸,./. ..,¸¸,`.. ..~**./“*/ ~** ~. .~*. ./*~.. …./. /. ../...... |..|. ..|. .. …./. …/. ./. …/. . ./. ../__/. `..,¸¸,. -`*••.•´¯` •. ILove you- Click on the link to continue reading this SMS / text message posted in -ASCIISMS collection by SMS4Smile. ILove You! You ILove YouILove YouILove YouI Y,d88b.d88b,I Love ,d88b. d88b, I Love,d88b.d88b,u I Lov,d88b.d88b,ou I Lo L88888888888 You I 88888888888e You I88888888888ve You 88888888888ove You u`Y8888888Y' Love Yo`Y8888888Y' Love Y`Y8888888Y'I Love `Y8888888Y' I Love e I`Y888Y' You I Love. WW WW. 'WW' WW .WW .WWWWWWWW. WW WWWWWW W W WW hi, my honey. i'm really happy that my mailbox is full of those pretty hearts every day. so, i just thought i would return the favor, just in case you'd not yet realized just how ilove you. you are just so very, very, very extraordinarily special and i adore you.. A large collection ofASCIIart drawings, ranging from hearts to hugs, flowers to weddings, smilies to teddy bears, and things in between. There are lots more hearts on the other pages of this site! For anotherASCIIArt site with hearts, you can check out asciiworld's heart section. Note: You can click on the button above to toggle light and dark. You can also click on the button that floats on the right side of the screen. ---> Christmas - Santa Claus - Cristmas Tree - Stocking - Wreath - Snow Man - The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.ASCIIArtwork. Not content to be limited by the text ofASCII, people since the beginning of computer communication have used the given character set of a system to express themselves artistically. Designed Specifically for Managed Service Providers Take Your IT Services to the Next Level . Welcome! We continue to make theASCIIIT Success Summits dynamic and designed to deliver maximum value to Managed Service Providers. Come on in and browse the largest selection of text emoticons on the whole Internet! We've got loads of Japanese and Asian text smileys. We have a big gallery that you can browse and search for the emoticon that you need. a a aaa aaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaafaaaaaaafaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaa a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaa. Pictures ofAsciiArt : Skulls and so on. Offeringasciicharacter codes chart including html symbols and character codes..
Ascii i love u