Tuesday, November 27, 2012; 11 am- 12:15 pm, JP II Room

Members Present: Celestine, Lorissa, Jim & Mary Ellen, Jo Ann, and John Berilla (new member!). Cameo appearances by Fr. Henry and El Jefe.

  1. Opening Prayer & Prayer Requests. Jim lead us in an opening prayer. Prayer requests include Jhonnatan Florez, Fr. Henry's nephew who's doing his Pastoral Year at St. Joseph Parish in Sandpoint; the guy outside the Parish Office who was swearing; Pauline and Doug who're sick; Christina, John and Sallie's daughter who lost her son Gabe and is having serious health issues; Jo Ann's grandson Casey, so that he'll understand his problem and get help.
  1. Continuing Business
  2. Parish Vocations Board. This Board will feature St. John's parishioners. Celestine needs photos of Amanda, Alberta, and Daniel Miller. Mary Ellen will find out the name of the religious order that Amanda has joined. Lorissa may have photos.
  3. St. John Vianney Society “Men in Black” Calendars. Since LifeTeen will be selling religious items after all Masses on Sunday, Dec. 9 and Dec. 16, Lorissa offered to sell the “Men in Black” calendars. Vocations Committee is ready to sell the calendars after Masses on Sunday, Dec. 23, if we still have calendars to sell. The calendars are a great idea!
  4. “Vocations Dinner and a Movie at Fr. Henry's” for Hispanic Young Men Interested in the Priesthood. Fr. Henry's offered to prepare pasta and meatballs on Sunday, Dec. 16, for up to 15 young men from El Grupo de Jovenes. Celestine will provide salad and dessert; Mary Ellen will provide garlic bread, paperware, and plasticware (unless Fr. Henry has enough dishes of his own). Fr. Henry wants to show “For Greater Glory,” and Jim & Mary Ellen bought a used DVD from Hastings. We'll need one Safe Environment-trained Vocations Committee member, and Jim's taken the training. Celestine offered to check with Ed & Adam to see if they'd be available. Jim & Mary Ellen will find out if Ruben Navarro plans to attend; he's Safe-Environment trained. Discussion took place regarding the wisdom of having a separate event just for Hispanic youth. This is because Fr. Henry mentioned that he talks with Hispanic young men before/after the 1 pm Mass, but followup is challenging. Lorissa would like to see more combined events; she has several young men in Life Teen who'd enjoy this type of dinner. Mary Ellen suggested that if the December 16 event is a success, we could ask Fr. Henry about the possibility of another dinner that would involve both English-speaking and Spanish-speaking young men.
  5. Visit by Newly Ordained Priest From San Marcos Parish in Cali, Colombia. As an FYI, Jim shared that Fr. Diego Fernando Ospina may be visiting Boise this summer and will be staying with Fr. Henry. Fr. Ospina was a student at San Marcos School in Cali, Colombia, which is the school that Fr. Henry founded. Fr. Ospina was ordained this past summer.
  6. Religious Vocations Trip to Pocatello. The Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist in Pocatello sponsor “Wheat Weekends” for young women interetsed in finding out about religious life. Between 3-5 young women can be accommodated during a Wheat Weekend. Mary Ellen will find out if this includes adult chaperones. Wheat Weekends are free, but donations are gladly accepted. Jo Ann's interested in helping with this. Mary Ellen suggested a day trip over to Pocatello so that we can meet the Sisters and start planning. Mary Ellen will follow up.
  7. Letters to Seminarians Danny and Gustavo. Since Danny and Gustavo are now on break from Christo Sacerdote Seminary, we'd have to send emails. Jim & Mary Ellen have asked Fr. Henry for their email addresses. Lorissa will get us Daniel Miller's address; Daniel would like to receive cards and letters.
  8. Brief Reports: Parish Ministry Fair, Br. Niels' Recital Reception, Clergy Appreciation Potluck, Parish Ministry Leaders Meeting. Fr. Henry has expressed his thanks for the Clergy Appreciation Potluck and all the activities that we do. The big news from the Parish Ministry Leaders Meeting was that the Cathedral's goal for the Diocesan Capital Campaign is $1 million. That's right: $1,000,000.

III. New Business

  1. Vocations Awareness Week. Vocations Awareness Week begins Sunday, January 13. Mary Ellen showed the “What Does Fr. Henry Do All Day” activity that the Vocations Committee does with parish First-Graders. We also do the “Daily Prayers for Seminarians” signup. The “Daily Prayers” take place between Vocations Awareness Sunday and the beginning of Lent. With new members, our Committee could consider expanding our Vocations Awareness Week activities.
  2. World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life. Our Committee presents flowers to Sister Maria Elena at the 1 pm Mass. We're open to new ideas on how to encourage vocations to the religious life.
  3. New Members—Vocations Committee 2012-2013 Calendar, Mission Statement. Mary Ellen passed out copies of our 2012-2013 calendar and our brochures, which feature our Cathedral Vocations Committee mission statement. Mary Ellen also passed out a list of “volunteer opportunities” coming up for our various events. Members can pick and choose activities and tasks that are of interest. Nobody's expected to do everything!
  4. Crabfeed Silent Auction Item. Each year, the Vocations committee & Fr. Henry provide a vocations-related basket for the St. Joseph School Silent Auction. For this year's Silent Auction, Fr. Henry's donated a crucifix icon and a hiking bag from the Tayrones Native Americans of northern Colombia. Jim suggested a basket theme of “Priest Prayers and Past-times.” We could include a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe and a “Men in Black” calendar; the calendar shows several priests of our Diocese enjoying their favorite past-times. Fr. Henry is shown canoeing. Jim & Mary Ellen will put together the basket. If any Vocations Committee members want to donate additional items that fit with the theme, that would be great. The Crabfeed is in early February.
  5. Lenten Stations of the Cross and Good Friday Hike to Table Rock. We can discuss these two items via email and phone. Fr. Henry's offered to lead a Good Friday afternoon Stations of the Cross & Hike to Table Rock again this year.
  6. Parish Staff Vocations Plans. Lorissa could keep us informed of parish staff vocations plans and activities.
  7. Altar Servers Project. Jo Ann is interested in doing something to encourage our parish youth to become altar servers. Serving at the altar can be a good introduction to vocations. We'll brainstorm ideas at our January meeting.
  8. Researching What's Being Done in Dioceses Experiencing a Vocations Boom. John asked if our Diocese is aware of any research that's been done regarding strategies that dioceses that are experiencing a vocations surge are doing. For example: After Fr. Henry's dinner and a movie, what can be done to follow up with the youth who attend? Mary Ellen offered to contact Fr. Caleb to find out if he' knows of any studies on what's being done in other dioceses. John and Fr. Henry will be cc'd on the email to Fr. Caleb.
  1. Closing Prayer. John lead us in a closing prayer at 12:10 pm.