French 3 Summer Assignment: DUOLINGO

(Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking)

Please read through the entire description: this assignment is due on the second day of class and will be worth a total of 100 points (the equivalent of a MAJOR exam or project).

1.  Over the summer, you should use Duolingo everyday for about 10 minutes. I know you will miss some days, but the fewer days you miss, the better it is for you, and your French J.

2.  You earn 10-15 XP points with each lesson that you do. You also earn XP points for testing out of skills. Each lesson is about 10 minutes long (that means you should do 1 lesson per day)

3.  Remember! There is an excellent app for your phone that you can use to practice on the go. Download the app or use on the your computer! (Great for when you are stuck in a car, on a train, in lines, etc.)

4.  By the end of the summer, you will need to show me your account with at least 450 XP points more that you will have earn between June 1st and the first day of class. 450 points will earn you a 70%, while every extra 50 points will earn you 5% up to 95%. However, if you want 100%, you will need to get 900 points

5.  Be prepared on the first day of class to show me your account (At the beginning of summer, take a “before” picture of your XP score, and we will see how far you got). Your only chance of making this grade up is to have it by the second day of class, which is when I will post your results in the gradebook.



Ø a news website that also includes lessons and short videos for students. If you log onto this website, scroll down and you’ll see programs such as “7 jours sur la planète” which feature videos for all ages! Fun to just peruse daily and see what’s new!

Ø a news website; a bit more advanced than but a great way to prepare for French III (especially preAP) or AP French.

Ø a great way to practice conjugations and to continue to practice those you have already learned. Quick repetition!

Ø you can either search for already existing sets of flashcards, for instance “colors” or you can create your own! Your flashcards can be used anywhere and can instantly be turned into games. Lots of really great options here and a great way to study vocabulary.

Ø the best language app I have ever used. This is an easy and fun way to keep up with French language learning. From beginners to advanced students, these mini lessons will help you stay in practice. Download the app or use on the your computer! (Great for when you are stuck in a car, on a train, in lines, etc.)

Ø mini lessons from French students can be found on this BBC website. A very credible site with some great little lessons to either review or to learn for the first time. A wide variety of skill levels can learn from this site.

Ø Canadian films that celebrate francophone culture. Some of these are more appropriate for younger audiences and some for older, but a lot are very informational. One entitled <Une goutte dans l’océan> (for advanced students) is a very interesting story about a woman working with Doctors Without Borders.

Ø search for French pronunciation help. This is a gold mine of information waiting at your fingertips! Some of my favorites are by the people I refer to as “The French Wiggles” – they sing songs about basic French concepts such as “La Chanson des Jours de la Semaine.”

Ø an online version of one of the most famous and well-known French newspapers.

Other resources:

Ø  Rent films in French. You can find some on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon…

Ø  Watch films you already own in French (use French or English subtitles)

Ø  Make your own flash cards

Ø  Rosetta Stone (can be expensive)

Ø  Comic books (you can find them on Amazon). Here are some that I recommend:

·  Barbapapa (beginner)
·  Babar (beginner to moderate)
·  Boule et Bill (moderate) / ·  Lucky Luke (moderate to advanced)
·  Tintin (moderate to advanced)
·  Astérix (advanced)