School of Computer SciencesWestern Illinois University

IS 340 Amaravadi


Introduction to IS

-Motivation for IS: globalization, transformation of industrial economies, transformation of the enterprise, digital firms [class discussion].

-Information Systems in Organizations: definition of an IS.

-Components of an IS: HW + SW + Networks + business purpose

-Examples of IS (FYI)

-Evolution of IS: Transaction processing, reporting, decision support, office information systems, AI systems, executive information systems, strategic systems ERP/MRP, e-commerce, and knowledge management systems.

-Roles of IS – their purpose in organizations: labor substitution, managerial control, organizational strategy, institutional core activities, organizational re-design and e-commerce.

-IS Development Methods: Conventional, Prototyping (RAD), Object Oriented. [ignore, covered later]

-Current issues: managing global projects, open source software, information privacy, cybercrime/viruses. [ignore]

IS in Organizations – Role I&II

-Definitions of organizations: technical and behavioral

-Types of organizations: hierarchical, flat, bureaucracy, knowledge-based, digital/virtual.

-Defining features of organizations (FYI): structure, strategy, systems, staff, SOPs, politics, environment, management style.

-An overview of the different functional areas: functional information systems.

Marketing activities: market research, estimate demand, develop product specs, segment, pricing

and promotion, distribution and sales.

Production activities: develop production schedule, production planning & control, plan for capacity, order

raw materials, produce product.

Accounting; recording and reporting on financial transactions – uses different type of accounts such as assets, liabilities etc.

Finance: analyzing statements, plan, manage assets, budget, obtain financing, report.

Human resources: evaluate needs, hire personnel, train, maintain records, rewards/benefits.

-Majors types of IS, IS to support operations: TP, ERP/MRP, E-commerce, OIS.

-IS to support decision making: DSS/MSS, ESS/EIS, KM systems.

-Need to be able to know important characteristics of TP, ERP, OIS, MSS and EIS.

- The organization and its environment: reactive/pro-active organizations; adaptation mechanisms

(change strategy, structure, SOPs)

-Strategy – fit with the environment

-The (strategic) role of IS: a) support strategy, b) provide feedback from environment.

-Strategic support can be provided at two levels as given below:

Business level: a) value chain, b) IT products and services, c) Supply chain management

Industry level: a) information partnerships, b) competitive forces (competitors, suppliers, customers substitute products)

-Impact of information systems on the organization: reduction in costs, increase in efficiency etc. [basically strategic impacts ]

-Impact of information systems on IT function: organization of IS, Role of IS

The Internet

-Internet background: research network, public domain, invention of web technology, publicly owned, costs by ISPs, 1.7b users.

-Architecture concepts: packetizing, IP addressing, bridges/routers, root/DNS servers, Hi-speed


-Architecture: hosts, use of TCP/IP, packet data, host addressing, routing of packets.

-Website components: browsers, web servers, server software, web content, firewall.

- ISP architecture: backbone, NAP, internet access, local access, last mile.

-Protocol hierarchy: application (http), host (TCP), gateway (IP), network access (CSMA/CD)

-TCP: protocol for data transfer, collection of protocols, hardware independent, data packetized, rules

-Internet Protocol (IP): addresses assigned by IETF, can be domain names or email addresses, dotted quad.

-HTTP: application level protocol, stateless, rules specify request and response format.

-HTML tags: structuring, formatting, hyperlink and examples of each.

-Browser functions: connection & data transfer, display and create web pages.

-Web technologies: Java, Plug-in, Servlet, JSP.

-Search engines: purpose and organization (keywords, indexing).

- Internet security, firewalls principles: dedicated routers/switches, user monitoring/logging, packet screening, protected host (bastion host).

- Types of ecommerce: Cust to business (B2C, C2B), Business to Business (B2B, B2G) and Intra-organizational.

-ecommerce segments: retail, content, auctions, gateways

- ecommerce model: product search, comparison shopping, order placement, payment information, payment authorization, receipt of merchandise, service & support. [ignore]

-E-commerce architecture: web server layer, middle tier layer (application), backend layer.

-E-commerce issues : advertising, security, volatility of information, legal issues, ethical usage. [ignore]

Introduction to Database Management Systems (I)

-Basic concepts: Entities, Entity Classes, Attributes

-Basic organization concepts: database, DBMS, files/tables, records, attributes/fields, primary key, schema/structure.

-Database approach: find eclasses & relationships, draw data model, design.

-Data models: entity classes, entities, attributes

-Cardinality/types of relationships: 1:1, 1:M, M:N.

-Activities that can be performed with a database (DBMS Activities): Define structure/schema , enter data, modify data, query data using QBE or SQL (SQL format, multi-table), get reports.

-Components of a database management system: Data definition, SQL/query language, programming language interface, data dictionary, screen/report generation, application generation.

-Importance of DBMSs – operational and strategic uses.

Introduction to Database Management Systems (II)

-Evolution of DBMS: file processing, hierarchical and relational systems

-File processing and problems: uncontrolled redundancy, poor data quality (data integrity), lack of data sharing.

-Hierarchical model: hierarchical structure consists of parent – child segments, difficult to write queries but executes fast.

-ER Models: entities, entity classes and attributes (symbols for entity classes and attributes)

-Relational model: data organized into tables, retrieval via SQL

-Centralized vs Distributed databases – disadvantages of centralized databases, distributed databases (replication and partitioning).

-multi-media databases – definition, issues (storage space, retrieval and modification) and applications.

-Data warehouses, data mining and OLAP (ignore data mart).

Artificial Intelligence in Business

-Ignore the history & milestones of AI.

-Early work in AI: Logic, Perceptrons, Chess & Blocks World.

-Search strategies/Generate and Test strategies: breadth-first, depth-first, heuristic, hill-climbing

-The definition of AI

-The different branches of AI

natural language, robotics, machine vision/perceptive systems, expert systems and neural networks.

[Need to know what each branch is]

-Nature of intelligence: knowledge + reasoning power = Intelligence

-Approaches to intelligence: top down vs bottom up.

-The test for intelligence: the Turing test.

-The nature of knowledge: facts, procedures, relationships – declarative and procedural approaches.

-Knowledge representation: semantic nets, rules, logic and frames.

-Neural nets: what is a neural net

-Business and Industrial Applications of AI

IS Development

-System definition,

-System characteristics (open vs closed systems, inputs, processes, outputs, life cycle, boundary and sub systems);

-Characteristics of a good system (viz. longevity, meet needs, functionality and low maintenance).

-Approaches to system development: prototyping and conventional/traditional approaches.

-The system development life cycle: planning, analysis, design, implementation & maintenance

-Analysis techniques: DFDs (process, data store, external entity, information flow), EA(identify functions/processes/activities, identify information classes, draw process vs information class matrices), KPI’s (key resources, goals, processes, profit and loss items) – also called CSFs.

-Design techniques: transform analysis – structure charts,

-Design principles: coupling and cohesion