Our Mission: To win, build and send Department of Defense leaders to live for Jesus Christ.
23-27 July 2001
James: Christian Life in Action - Listening and Doing
· When are you most likely to lose your temper?
· How does it affect you feel when a person is caught doing what they tell others not to do?
Read James 1:19-27
· What does James say is the relationship between speaking, listening and anger? (19)
· Why is it hard to be a good listener?
· What is the relationship between anger and righteous living? (20)
· How can we process anger in a healthy way?
· What should a Christian clean out of his or her life? (21) What difference does it make?
· What is the relationship between listening to God's word and doing it? (22)
· Why is it so hard to practice what we know to be good?
· What analogy does James use to describe a person that does not do what the Bible says? (23-24)
· What promise is given to a person that studies the Bible and puts it into practice? (25)
· How can the law provide freedom? (25)
· What does the Bible give to people? (25)
· How is a person's speech related to the credibility of his or her faith? (26)
· How does James describe "pure" religion? (27)
· How can we keep from being polluted by the world? (27)
· How can you help widows and orphans in their distress? (27)
· What do you need to change so that your walk matches your talk?
· Whom will you help this week in obedience to God's word?
Two men were talking one day. One of them said, "My wife talks to herself a lot." His friend answered, "Mine does too, but she doesn't know it. She thinks I'm listening." Submitted by Tim Purcell, Strathavon Wesleyan Church, Rapid City, South Dakota.