Class syllabus – 2013-2014
Advanced Placement U.S. History, 11th Grade
Purpose (from the CollegeBoard course description):
“The AP U.S. History course is designed to provide students with the analytic skills and factual knowledge necessary to deal critically with the problems and materials in U.S. history. The program prepares students for intermediate and advanced college courses by making demands upon them equivalent to those made by full-year introductory college courses. … An AP U.S. history course should thus develop the skills necessary to arrive at conclusions on the basis of an informed judgment and to present reasons and evidence clearly and persuasively in essay format.”
AP U.S. history is literally a college-level history class. It is not a typical high school “honors” class. It is for students who are willing and capable of thinking, working, behaving, and learning at a level beyond high school expectations, even beyond “honors.” It will be very challenging and intense. However, it is surely not impossible and will be very rewarding for those who are capable and dedicated to the task.
A.P. US History, 11th grade· All of US history (B.C. to the present)
· Shallow coverage of every topic
· Homework every class
· Few projects and group activities
· Focus on advanced skills of college prep, studying, essay writing, passing AP test
· More challenging
· Usu. more mature students; laid-back atmosphere
· Possible college credit (if you pass the AP test)
Rules, policies and consequences
All rules and policies of the Boswell High School Code of Conduct and the Student Handbook will be enforced in class. In addition, these specific classroom rules will be emphasized:
1. Come prepared for class every day.
2. Wait for permission to speak.
3. Respect all persons, ideas and opinions. I will not tolerate inappropriate slurs regarding race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, drugs, alcohol, etc.
4. No eating in class. Water is fine in a bottle with a lid.
5. You are responsible for your own success.
Students who choose not to follow the above rules are subject to the appropriate consequences as outlined in the Code of Conduct and Handbook. Extreme disruptions and emergencies will be immediately referred to the office.
Grading procedures:
Grading will be according to the typical A – F scale, where 90 – 100% is an “A,” 80 – 89% is a “B,” etc. However, each student’s final average in the class is weighted by category. There are two categories: the Tests category is 70% of the student’s final average; the Classwork/Homework (CW/HW) category is the remaining 30%. As required, the final exam for this class will then be included as 20% of the final grade after the first two categories have been averaged. Students will be given grade updates and progress reports periodically AND can view their grades on Skyward for more frequent updates. All tests will be announced in advance.
Because of the intense scope and challenging expectations of this class, students must perform much preparatory work outside of class. Students can expect to spend at least one hour prior to every class on reading homework assignments. Each assignment will be clearly given in advance, including page numbers, topic, and what objectives to read towards. In addition, students must actively read, using active reading strategies to document their work on paper. These will be turned in every class for a grade before being returned to students to aid in their study. A later possibility will be taking a chapter quiz in place of the active reading homework. More information and details will be given in class. Also, expect assignments on weekends and holidays as well. Please see the attached schedule.
Tests will be modeled after the national Advanced Placement Examination from the College Board program. They will generally consist of a multiple-choice section, a matching section and an essay section of near equal weight. Some essays on the tests are Document-Based Questions (DBQ), in which students must interpret given primary source documents as well as previously-learned factual information to draw their conclusions. This format will prepare students for the national exam at the end of the semester.
National Advanced Placement Examination
AP classes afford students the opportunity to receive college credit for their hard work, provided they successfully pass a national exam offered at the end of the semester. The US History exam consists of 80 multiple choice questions, one DBQ essay, and two free-response essay questions. AP students will be prepared for and are strongly encouraged to take this exam. There is a fee, however, that must be paid in advance of the exam. It is usually around $90. More information will be available as the year progresses.
Examples of AP-style test questions:
Multiple choice:
1. Which of the following statements about the “American System” is correct?
a. It was set up by the Treaty of Ghent at the end of the War of 1812
b. It was strongly promoted by Andrew Jackson
c. It permitted immigrants to be naturalized after living in the U.S. for five years
d. It was designed to meet the nation’s need for economic progress and self-sufficiency
e. It called for an end to the European presence in South America
Free-response essay:
1. Analyze the degree to which the Articles of Confederation provided an effective form of government with respect to any TWO of the following:
Foreign relations
Economic conditions
Western lands
Document-Based Question (DBQ):
1. Discuss the changing ideals of American womanhood between the American Revolution and the outbreak of the Civil War. What factors fostered the emergence of “republican motherhood” and the “cult of domesticity”? Assess the extent to which these ideals influenced the lives of women during this period. In your answer be sure to consider issues of race and class. Use the documents below and your knowledge of the time period in constructing your response.
[documents provided after question]
To help students better conceptualize history, however, these topics will also be organized according to themes identified as important by the CollegeBoard. This course will emphasize:
American Diversity – who is an American?
American Identity – what does it mean to be an American?
Culture – how is America expressed?
Politics and Citizenship – how do Americans participate in their government?
Reform – what are American problems and how have they (not) been fixed?
War and Diplomacy – how do wars and foreign countries affect America?
*Wed. May 14, 2013 – National Advanced Placement U.S. History examination*
Semester 1.
I. The Beginnings: 1500-1789,
1. Discovery and Settlement of the New World, 1492-1650
A. Europe in the sixteenth century
B. Spanish, English and French exploration
“Gold, God and Glory”
C. First English settlements: Jamestown and Plymouth
D. Spanish and French settlements and long-term influence
E. American Indians
2. America and the British Empire, 1650-1754
A. Chesapeake society
a. Compare & Contrast New England’s society to Chesapeake society (DBQ)
B. The “Restoration Colonies”
C. Mercantilism: the Dominion of New England
D. Origins of slavery
3. Colonial Society in the Mid-Eighteenth Century
4. Social Structure
1. Family: Role of Women and Children
2. Farm and town life; the economy
B. Culture
1. The Great Awakening
2. The American mind
3. Folkways
C. New Immigrants
4. Road to Revolution, 1754-1775
A. Anglo-French rivalries and The Seven Year’s War
B. Imperial reorganization of 1763.Importance of “Salutary Neglect”
1. Stamp Act
2. Declaratory Act
3. Townshend Acts
4. Boston Tea Party
C. Philosophy of the American Revolution
5. The American Revolution, 1775-1783
A. Continental Congress and Declaration of Independence
B. The War
1. French alliance
2. War and Society; Loyalists
3. War economy
C. Articles of Confederation
D. Peace of Paris
E. Creating State Governments
1. Political organization
2. Social Reform: women, slavery
II. The Young Republic: 1789-1828
6. Federalism: The Constitution and New Republic, 1776-1800
A. Philadelphia Convention: drafting the Constitution
B. Federalists vs. Anti-federalists
C. Bill of Rights
D. Washington’s presidency: Setting precedents.
1. Hamilton’s financial program: The importance of having debt
2. Foreign and domestic difficulties
3. Beginnings of political parties
4. The Republican Family: Roles of Women and Children
E. John Adams’ presidency
1. Alien and Sedition Acts
2. XYZ affair
3. Election of 1800
7. Jefferson, 1800-1816
A. Jefferson’s presidency
1. Louisiana Purchase
2. Burr conspiracy
3. The Supreme Court under John Marshall “Marbury vs. Madison”
4. Neutral Rights, impressments, embargo
B. Madison and his “little war”
C. War of 1812
1. Causes
2. Invasion of Canada
3. Hartford Convention
4. Conduct of the war
5. Treaty of Ghent
6. Battle of New Orleans
8. Nationalism and Economic Expansion
A. James Monroe: “Era of Good Feelings”
B. Panic of 1819
C. Settlement of the West
D. Missouri Compromise (1820)
E. Foreign affairs: Canada, Florida, and the Monroe Doctrine
F. Election of 1824: “Corrupt Bargain” and End of Virginia dynasty
G. Economic Revolution
1. Early railroads and canals
2. Expansion of business
a. Beginnings of factory system
b. Early labor movement; women
c. Social mobility; extremes of wealth
3. The cotton revolution in the South
4. Commercial agriculture
9. Sectionalism
A. The South
1. Cotton Kingdom
2. Southern trade and industry
3. Southern society and culture
a. Gradations of white society
b. Nature of Slavery: „peculiar institution‰
c. The mind of the South
B. The North
1. Northeast industry
a. Labor
b. Immigration
c. Urban Slums
2. Northwest agriculture
C. Westward expansion
1. Advance of agricultural frontier
2. Turner and “Significance of the Frontier”
3. Life on the frontier; squatters
III. Antebellum America, The Civil War and Reconstruction: 1828-1876
10. Age of Jackson, 1828-1848
A. Democracy and the “common man”
1. Expansion of suffrage
2. Rotation in office
B. Second party system
1. Democratic Party
2. Whig Party
C. Internal improvements and states‚ rights: the Maysville Road Veto
D. The Nullification Process
1. Tariff issue
2. The Union: Calhoun and Jackson
E. The Bank War: Jackson and Biddle
F. Martin Van Buren
1. Independent treasury system
2. Panic of 1837
11. Territorial Expansion and Sectional Crisis
A. Manifest Destiny
B. Texas Annexation and the Mexican-American War
C. California and Oregon
D. James K Polk and expansionism
12. Creating an American Culture
A. Crusaders
B. Religion and revivalism
C. Utopias: Mormons, Oneida
D. The Transcendentalists
E. National Literature and Art
F. The Reformers
a. Feminism and the Seneca Falls Conference
b. Abolitionism c. Temperance
d. Criminals and the Insane
13. The 1850s:Decade of Crisis
A. Compromise of 1850 and Fugitive Slave Act
B. Kansas-Nebraska Act
1. Demise of the Whig Party and Rise of Republicans
C. Dred Scott decision
D. Lincoln-Douglas Debates: The extension of slavery
E. John Brown‚s Raid
F. The Secession Crisis: Crittenden and end of compromise
14. Civil War
A. For Sumter and the beginnings of the war
B. Civil liberties and the War
C. The South: CSA and State‚s Rights D. Foreign Affairs
E. Gettysburg and the turning of the war
F. Emancipation Proclamation
G. End of the war and end of slavery: Freedman‚s Bureau and 13th Amendment
H. Effects of the War: Inflation, role of women, and devastation of the South
15.Reconstruction to 1877
A. Presidential plans: Lincoln and Johnson
B. Radical (congressional) plans
1. Civil rights and the Fourteenth Amendment
2. Military reconstruction 3. Impeachment of Johnson
4. African-American suffrage: the Fifteenth Amendment
C. Southern state governments: problems, achievements, and weaknesses
D. Compromise of 1877 and the end of Reconstruction
16.New South and the Last West
A. Politics in the New South
1. The Redeemers
2. White and African Americans in the New South
3. Subordination of freed slaves: Jim Crow
B. Southern economy; colonial status of the South
1. Sharecropping 2. Industrial stirrings
C. Cattle kingdom
1. Open-range ranching
2. Day of the cowboy
D. Building the Western railroad
E. Subordination of American Indians: dispersal of tribes
F. Farming the plains; problems in agriculture
G. Mining bonanza
Semester 2.
IV.Business & Labor, Imperialism, and the Maturing of America: 1877-1919
17.Industrialization and Corporate Consolidation
A. Industrial growth: railroads, iron, coal, electricity, steel, oil, and banks
B. Laissez-faire conservatism
1. Gospel of Wealth
2. Myth of “self-made man”
3. Social Darwinism; survival of the fittest
4. Social critics and disasters
C. Effects of technological development on worker/workplace
D. Union movement
1. Knights of Labor and American Federation of Labor
2. Haymarket, Homestead, and Pullman
18. Urban Society
A. Lure of the city
B. Immigration
C. City problems
1. Slums
2. Machine politics
D. Awakening conscience; reforms
1. Social legislation
2. Settlement houses: Jane Addams and Lillian Wald
3. Structural reforms in government
19. Intellectual and Cultural Movements
A. Education
1. Colleges and universities
2. Scientific advances
B. Professionalism and the social sciences
C. Realism in literature and art
D. Mass culture
1. Use of leisure
2. Publishing and journalism
20. National Politics, 1877-1896: The Gilded Age
A. A conservative presidency
B. Issues
1. Tariff controversy
2. Railroad regulation
3. Trusts
C. Agrarian discontent
D. Crisis of 1890s
1. Populism and the Silver question
3. Election of 1896: McKinley versus Bryan
21. Foreign Policy: The New American Imperialism, 1898-1914
A. Seward and purchase of Alaska
B. The new imperialism
1. Blaine and Latin America
2. International Darwinism: missionaries, politicians, and naval expansionists
3. Spanish-American War
a. Cuban independence
b. Debate on Philippines
C. The Far East: John Hay and the Open Door
D. Theodore Roosevelt