Reading Fluency / Comprehension / Math
·  Oral rereading
·  Buddy reading
·  RN computer
·  Use trackers to keep place
·  Choral reading
·  Echo reading
·  Reading phones-listen to self reading
·  Send books home for extra practice
·  Practice at independent reading level
·  Extra direct instruction
·  Sight word drill
·  Read to younger student
·  RAZ kids
Progress Monitoring Options:
·  Weekly 1-minute timed readings
(Read Naturally paper copies, Read Naturally computer program)
·  Brainstorm topic together
·  Start with picture book read aloud
·  Proofreading checklist
·  Provide exemplar
·  Short, daily writing tasks
·  Write notes to student that require a response
·  Visual cues (letter strips, high frequency words, individual dictionary)
·  Reduce assignment size
·  Graphic organizers
·  Enlarge material to be copied
·  Use different mediums to write with and on
Progress Monitoring Options:
·  Choose focus area and monitor through weekly work samples
·  Weekly timed writing for word fluency / ·  Activate/ access prior knowledge
·  Set purpose for reading
·  Provide books at independent reading level
·  Break down readings to smaller sections
·  Coding text
·  Retell story
·  Written predictions, compare with story
·  Write short summaries after sections or passages
·  Brainstorm topic prior to reading
·  Graphic organizers
·  High interest reading materials
·  Simplify written directions
·  Highlight key words
Progress Monitoring Options:
·  Weekly comprehension passages
(Reading A to Z, Read Naturally, Fresh Reads)
·  Weekly work samples / ·  Chunk assignments into parts
·  Rewrite equations with labels
·  Group problem solving
·  Restate problem in own words
·  Highlight “key” /”cue” words
·  Break problem down into steps
·  Use manipulatives/tools
(ie hundreds chart…)
·  Picture cues
·  Check list to follow steps in solving word problems
·  Color code problems for different operations (eventually fade out)
·  Reformat layout for each type of problem
·  Reduce assignment size
·  Less problems on one page
·  Extended time
·  Daily drill for computation
·  Pre-teach concept/skills
·  Small group for ______
______times per week
______minutes per session
·  Provide output expectations (length/# of times/skill level) and/or homework expectation
Progress Monitoring Options:
·  Weekly timed computation (FASTT math, Otter Creek, Mad Minute)
·  Weekly work samples
·  AIMSweb reports for concepts and problem solving


Attention/Focus / Executive Functioning / Behavior
·  shielded work area
·  individual work area
·  preferential seating
·  physical environment/de-clutter
·  small group
·  redirection
·  eye to eye
·  1:1 to initiate and complete work
·  check in after directions given
·  frequent check-ins
·  visual cue to redirect
·  praise
·  reinforcement
·  verbal prompts
·  use specific language (Superflex)
·  use less language
·  break down tasks
·  menus and lists
·  word/ sentence isolation strips
·  technology use
·  timers – audio/visual
·  headphones
·  iPod (indiv. music)
·  different options at rug
·  breathing/relaxation
·  standing vs. sitting
·  active engagement
·  movement breaks
·  yoga
·  Braingym
Under Advisement of OT
·  seating accommodations (camp chair, rocking chair)
·  weighted vests
·  weighted pillow
·  fidget
·  wiggle wedge
·  chair leg restraint bands
·  therapy ball
·  heavy work
·  chewing gum chewy toys
·  hard candy
·  “engine” reminders
·  grip on pencil / ·  preview and review lesson objectives
·  break larger tasks into smaller tasks
·  visuals of steps in task
·  modify tasks
·  individualized tasks/ system
·  shorter assignments
·  modify homework
·  sequencing mapping
·  sub-agendas for items
·  scoring rubric for assignments
·  criteria list
·  require quality work
·  individual work files
·  work breaks
·  check-ins
·  repeat directions back to teacher
·  1 step directions given
·  drop everything and reflect
·  self-check lists
·  extended work time
·  clearly labeled work baskets
·  organize work space
·  organize backpack
·  easily accessed supplies
·  finished work box
·  agenda on board
·  daily schedule
·  pictorials
·  graphic organizers
·  agenda books / calendars
·  visuals
·  stop light
·  visual timers
·  note start and end times
·  best work bulletin board
·  movement breaks
·  music / ·  visual of day (predictable, organized class)
·  teach acceptable behavior
·  model acceptable behavior
·  role play
·  lessons on social skills
·  provide student signal/cue to use when they need help (verbal or nonverbal)
·  teach relaxation techniques
·  quiet work area
·  present lengthy instructions in smaller bits
·  give one assignment at a time
·  reduce assignment amounts
·  extra help before and after school
·  transition warnings
·  classroom management system
·  individual charts
·  visuals (schedule, cards)
·  praise, praise, praise
·  weekly grab
·  tangible rewards
o  complement points
o  warm and fuzzy jar
o  sticker charts
o  paper medals
o  token economy
o  preferred activity
·  mystery behavior of the week
·  star of the day
·  talk it over corner
Progress Monitoring Options:
·  Observation (timed comparison to peers, time on task, work completion: ___ out of ___ tasks, random sampling, self-monitoring checklist)
·  Pre/Post Screenings (district screening tool, district rubric, SSIS tool)

Revised 6/12