Meeting of the Council held at the Penwortham Community Centre, Kingsfold Drive, Penwortham at 7.00pm on Tuesday 1 November 2016.
Present: The Mayor, Councillor T Young
Councillors D Bennett, A Best, D Bretherton, G Crewe, H Hancock, Mrs M Hancock, D Howarth, K Martin, J Patten, AE Pimblett,
Ms S Prynn, D Shaw, R Taylor and I Watkinson.
Members of
the public: 11
In attendance: Steve Caswell - Town Manager
Marie Dardis - Democratic Services Officer
PC Kris Lowe
70. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Miss A Turner,
Mrs C Wooldridge and D Wooldridge.
71. Minutes of the Last Meeting
RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 4 October 2016 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.
72. Declarations of Interest
Councillor Howarth and Councillor Prynn both declared a non personal and prejudicial interest in matters relating to the asset transfer of County Council buildings as elected members of Lancashire County Council; but were able, under the Members’ Code of Conduct, to remain in the meeting and take part in the discussion and voting.
Councillor Young also declared a personal and prejudicial interest in matters raised in relation to the ‘LCC Property Strategy’ as a member of Kings Church; but was able, under the Members’ Code of Conduct, to remain in the meeting.
73. Communications by the Town Mayor
The Mayor reported on the following recent event:
i) Paint Penwortham Pink - Judging of the best window display. The Mayor paid tribute to the amount of shops and businesses that took part in the fund raising event which had been a huge success.
74. Town Manager’s Report
The Friends of Penwortham War Memorial have recently power-washed the paving at the memorial in preparation for the Remembrance Day Parade and service on Sunday 13th November 2016. The War Memorial is now ready for this years service.
Members wishing to attend the Remembrance Day service and parade are asked to meet at St Leonard’s Church at 9.00am for the service at 9.15am followed by a parade to the War Memorial on Liverpool Road for a service at 10.45am.
Due to the overhanging trees and the shadowing the grass at the War Memorial, although only laid earlier this year is not growing particularly well. The shadowing of the trees stops the grass from drying out and the constant dampness is causing problems. This situation will have to be considered at the next meeting of the Cemetery Committee.
Hill Road Cemetery is still busy with memorial trees still proving very popular.
The Town Council had been approached regarding a Penwortham Town Flag. The Penwortham Girl’s High School were suggesting that they hold a competition to design a flag for the town. Should a flag design be chosen the full permissions would have to be sought to produce and fly that flag. The flag would then be registered as the official Penwortham Town Flag.
Councillor Howarth suggested that the town council already had a coat of arms. Councillor Shaw suggested that the invitation should be opened up to all of the schools in Penwortham. Following a short discussion, it was agreed that further information should be provided and that consideration of the matter be deferred to another meeting of the town council.
Penwortham Community Centre continues to be busy with most days currently booked up. There is capacity in the back hall during Wednesdays. This could be used as a games room etc with snooker/pool, dominoes, cards all available or any suggestions that members of the council or public may have. The main criteria is that there is someone willing to host the group.
Penwortham Town Council employs a Town Lengthsman whose role it is to improve the visual impact of the town. This may be simply by litter picking an area or helping an established group within the town to complete an environmental project.
The Town Lengthsman also carries out works on Public Rights of Way, usually as work ordered through Lancashire County Council but this has now changed slightly as LCC will soon not have a countryside services.
At this moment LCC have paid the initial service grant to Penwortham Town Council for low level maintenance of the footpaths throughout the town.
Any elected members or members of the public should contact Penwortham Town Council officers in the first instance should they feel works needed could be carried out by the town’s Lengthsman. The role of the Lengthsman is to carry out works over and above the statutory obligations of the borough and county councils.
iv) POLICE “In the Know” updates
To register for “in the know” updates to receive regular information via email please go to the address below and complete the on line form.
To help the prevention of bike theft, your local neighbourhood policing team are holding a bike coding event on Wednesday 2nd November at Kingsfold Community Centre. We will be proving a bike coding service which will assist us in locating your bike if it is ever lost or stolen. We will also be providing crime prevention advice and property marking kits. The event is free and open to anyone who wishes to come along.
v) Further Updates;
Penwortham Neighbourhood Development Plan
Mr Nigel McGurk, the Penwortham NDP examiner has now finished his examination. The examiners report suggested a couple of minor changes to the NDP, which have now been made. The Penwortham NDP is now part of the planning documentation at SRBC. The final version of the Penwortham Neighbourhood Development Plan is available on the Town Council’s website.
The next stage of the Penwortham NDP will be a public referendum. Should over 50% of the people that turn out to vote, vote in favour of the plan then plan will then be submit to SRBC for adoption as a Supplementary Planning Document. This inclusion and adoption by SRBC will then increase the amount of Community Infrastructure Levy received by Penwortham Town Council form 15% to 25%.
The proposed date for the referendum is currently 9th February 2017.
Tesco – Government Buildings Cop Lane
The latest information from Tesco is that they have been making amendments to their initial proposal following the consultation event and have been in touch with neighbours and the Penwortham Girls High School to discuss these amendments.
Once these plans have been finalised Tesco will submit a planning application.
LALC AGM – Saturday 19th November.
At the Town Council meeting on Tuesday 6th September 2016 the Town Council appointed councillors Martin, Bennett, Shaw, Crewe and Prynn to attend the AGM and vote on behalf of the Town Council. The LALC AGM is to be held at Penwortham Community Centre. There will be a presentation on Fair Trade at this event.
vi. Upcoming Events;
Regular Penwortham Events for 2016;
· Paint Penwortham Pink – October 2016
Once again this event was very popular with support form over 90% of the businesses of Penwortham. The total monies raised this year is not know yet but will be reported back to the council when the final figure is know.
The winning shop displays for each area were as follows:
Liverpool Road
First: Yorkshire Building Society / MPI Investments
Second: Salvatores
Highly Commended; Penwortham Garage
First: Little Sewing Shop
Second: Two’s Company
Highly Commended: Bronzed
First; Clarke’s Butty Bar
Second; Tracey’s Barbers
Highly commended; Fleur Boutique
· Penwortham Firework Display – Saturday 5th November 2016
The annual town firework display will take place again on Saturday 5th November at Pear Tree Park, Middleforth Green.
Any members that are able are asked to assist on the day.
At 2.00pm the fencing around the safety drop zone will be erected.
At 6.30pm marshals will be asked to meet at the sound tent to manage the drop zone, sturdy shoes and a torch are recommended. Full instructions will be given on attendance
At 8.15pm ( or later if the all clear has not been given) marshals that are able to are asked to assist with the dismantling of the safety barriers.
Anyone wishing to volunteer to carry a collection bucket on the evening is asked to report to the Town Council office prior to the event or the sound tent on the day.
· Penwortham Remembrance Day Parade – Sunday 13th November 2016
All members of the council and members of the public are invited to attend this annual remembrance day service and parade.
· Kingsfold Christmas Market – Monday 5th December 2016
· Liverpool Road Christmas Market – Wednesday 14th December 2016
Following the 2016 North West in Bloom results, the Chair of the Penwortham in Bloom Committee, Mrs Gardner and the Vice-Chair, Councillor Hancock presented the town mayor with their winning trophy for the most improved entry from North West in Bloom. Penwortham in Bloom was also awarded the gold award for the large town category. Mrs Gardner also congratulated Penwortham Priory Academy who had won the environment award for schools.
Mrs Gardner informed the council that the next meeting of the Penwortham in Bloom Committee was due to be held on Wednesday 9 November and invited anyone interested in joining the committee to go along.
75. Bus Services Parliamentary Bill
Councillor Howarth reported on the Bus Services Bill currently passing through parliament that included a Clause to prohibit local authorities from forming a company for the purposes of providing a local bus service. Councillor Howarth suggested that if there was a need and a demand from the public, councils should be able to provide their own bus services and consequently, Clause 21 should not be included within the Bus Services Bill.
Councillor Howarth proposed that the town council write to the local MP, Seema Kennedy, to ask her to oppose Clause 21 in the House of Commons, and to raise concerns with the Minister and Department of Transport.
Councillor Bretherton suggested that he would have preferred notice of the motion prior to the council meeting. In response to a question from Councillor Patten, Councillor Howarth confirmed that the wording in quotations, as detailed in Councillor Howarth’s report was a direct quote from the clause in the Bill.
The proposal was seconded by Councillor Pimblett.
RESOLVED: i) that the town council oppose Clause 21 within the Bus Services Bill going through Parliament; and
ii) that the town council write to Seema Kennedy MP, to ask her to oppose Clause 21 when the public Bill reaches Parliament; and to raise the concerns raised at the meeting, with the Minister and Department of Transport.
76. Questions to the Police
The Council meeting constituted the Police and Communities Together (PACT) meeting.
The following issues were raised and would be dealt with by the police:
i) Issues at Marshway Pond area
Councillor Hancock raised concern regarding small plastic packets found near to the pond area off Millbrook Way along with youths congregating during the day, and asked the police to monitor the area. PC Lowe indicated that the police had received reports in relation to this and were working to tackle the problem.
ii) Hawkesbury Drive
Councillor Patten asked the police for an update following the nuisance behaviour and incident reported on Hawkesbury Drive. PC Lowe confirmed that no further incidents had been reported; however the police had seen an increase in thefts of bikes and shed break-ins in the area.
iii) Vehicles causing an obstruction on Blundell Lane
Councillor Pimblett reported a white vehicle that continued to obstruct the pavement on Blundell Lane opposite Highgate and also a number of vehicles parked on the corner of Priory Lane and Blundell Lane causing a blind spot for other road users. Councillor Pimblett commented on the reduction of highway police patrol vehicles. PC Lowe indicated that the police had experienced a recent 25% cut in police services which would impact on the number of highway patrol vehicles visible on the roads.
iv) Vehicles causing an obstruction on Leyland Road/Penwortham Holme
In response to concerns raised by Councillor Martin in relation to vehicles causing an obstruction on the bend of Leyland Road opposite Penwortham Holme playing fields, PC Lowe encouraged members of the public to ring the non-emergency police number, 101, to report vehicles causing an obstruction.
v) Mobile phone usage whilst driving a vehicle
Councillor Bennett asked if the police had any plans to run a campaign aimed at the dangers of using a mobile phone whilst driving. PC Lowe indicated that a drink driving campaign will commence shortly which would combine the dangers of using a mobile phone device whilst driving.
vi) Reduction in policing
In response to a question from Councillor Prynn regarding a potential reduction in policing, PC Lowe suggested that a new initiative called ‘police based policing’ was due to be implemented in the following year but was unsure at this stage as to how it would impact on the local community.
vii) Road changes on Fishergate