1st October 2013

Dear Member,

Please find attached a Notice of SIPA’s Annual General Meeting and Ordinary General Meeting for 2013 to be held on the 16th October 2013 commencing at 7.30 P.M. As for last year, the venue will be the WesleyRoom at the St Ives Uniting Church situated on the corner of Mona Vale Road and Douglas Street, St Ives.

SIPA has been very active during the past year to achieve positive outcomes for the wider St Ives community. Matters which have been addressed include:

  • Representations have been made, in conjunction with other community groups, relating to the new planning laws proposed for NSW. Some positive outcomes have been achieved, with the Planning Minister, Brad Hazzard, introducing several significant changes to his original proposal. A strong view exists that an entirely new draft should be prepared and the original White Paper rescinded.
  • SIPA has submitted a proposal for a Multi-purpose Community Centre on the Cowan Road Car-park site. The proposal includes a Seniors Centre, an Early Childhood Health Care Centre, a St Ives Neighbourhood Centre, a Pre-school Centre, a Long Day and Occasional Child Care Centre, an Arts Centre and a Library. It is felt that this would be a far more beneficial use of the highly valued site from the community’s perspective, than to allow it to become absorbed within an enlarged shopping centre complex.
  • SIPA’s website is up and running and we encourage you to take advantage of this facility.
  • SIPA has secured funding of $3,600 from the Ku-ring-gai Council towards a monument to celebrate your Association’s 100 years of involvement in the St Ives community. The SIPACentenaryMonument will be dedicated on the 24th November 2013 at 2.00 P.M. on the Village Green, at an approved location in the vicinity of the memorial flag-pole.
  • SIPA is addressing a proposed upgrade of the SkatePark facility on the Village Green. It is believed the funding of $500,000 could be far more beneficially applied to a Multi-purpose Community Centre.
  • The AGM will be followed at around 8.00 P.M. by a public forum featuring Dennis Grosvenor, Director and Producer of the highly acclaimed documentary, “State of Siege,” which exposed the history and influences at work within planning in NSW under the previous Labor Governments. Dennis will speak about what drove him to make the film and the undue influences still at work within NSW Planning and Infrastructure. Don’t miss the opportunity to hear this gifted speaker on a topical and contentious subject.

The meeting will be followed by light refreshments. We look forward to seeing you at the Annual General Meeting and in doing so would invite you to consider completing the enclosed Nomination Form for appointment to the SIPA Committee. As for all such committees, it is essential that some “new blood” be introduced from time to time to ensure a high standard of service is maintained.

Yours sincerely,

Louise Smith.
